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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

    You are 100% right. This is why I'm not saying to ban macros, but because macros open the opportunity to inhuman capabilities with your controller such as in this scenario, lightning fast sliding, managing it to be within human capabilities would be more manageable. Slide spamming itself has been a problem with warframe, but that is something for DE to decide if they want to change. I'm just trying to keep the game human.

    I'm aware of your suggestion, I was responding to the person I quoted.


    30 minutes ago, (PS4)iBoiz said:

    You missed my point, macro users would simply tweak their settings to match whatever cooldown De implements. Even if slide attacks were brought to reasonable speed, De would most likely still nerf telos boltace. It had both high range, damage, great stacking capability with relentless combination and maiming strike, and many people complained it was too op. De always nerfs whatever receives that much attention.

    The nerf to Telos Boltace wasn't because of macros. De just thought it was too powerful, just like any other weapon they nerfed.

    I think you've missed the point of the OP, he's aware that people would still use macros, his suggestion is to stop spam (both manual and automatic) of the slide attack, not to stop the macros themselves.


  2. 3 hours ago, SaltyPopsicleZWZ said:

    Just come back after talking a break from this game. Do sorties everyday and there is at least 1 leecher guarantee, and they dont even try to hide it. What is wrong with this game now. I really wish DE can do something. Some of you might not even give a damn, but I am not that nice, I hate it when there is people leeching off other people's effort.

    The only thing you can do is report them, if they get enough reports they might get a warning or something. The times I've reported AFK players with macros, the response I got from DE was:


    Thank you for bringing this player’s conduct to our attention - and for providing a screenshot. We take reports of this nature seriously, and will be following up on the information you have provided to us.

    Other than that playing with clan members is the way to go, I rarely do high end missions with PUGs.

  3. On 19/04/2017 at 3:10 AM, Hemmo67 said:

    wellp from what i know macros run trough a programm right?

    why not just add a "cheat detector" that would detect macros and these people who use em get couple days of ban and if they keep doing it. do a month

    LOL I don't use macros often but when I do it's via the Logitech Gaming Software... the same software that controls my Mouse functions, KB and Headset , any sort of "cheat" detection like this would essentially render my Gaming PC as useless. All my Abilities, sprint, melee etc are directed from my mouse, I only use basic moment on my KB.

    DE allows the use of macros due to disability, some people are not able to endlessly spam stuff manually, there will never be a macro ban.

  4. 5 hours ago, CeePee said:

    Yesterday I had a very toxic host on Sortie 3 when I played Limbo and literally carried the whole mobile defence. Sorties are already boring so for me I find the best and fastest ways to cheese through them, like CC'ing everything around the defence point.

    Well this host, being a nice person, decided to start watching 1080p streams (his words) while being a host because he didn't like me being Limbo. This in turn made everyone else lag like crazy, my ping went up to 1500 ms and this continued until the very end, the other 2 in the party also complained about the lag but there was no host migration.

    And before you go all iffy, no the party had no other frame that could've protected the mobile defence points, they would've most likely failed without me.

    I'm not going to assume to know the squad configuration, but that seems to be a somewhat typical Limbo attitude, "they would've most likely failed without you"... I've had Limbos say they carried us as all they do is endless cataclysm spam with max range... doesn't matter if I went in with my poor efficiently Frost with GF as EV Trin and it would have been a breeze... nope Limbo does all the work while they essentially stop everyone else from playing the game... I actually really hate limbo players these days, always with the arrogance. 

  5. IDK about a kick, personally I think DE while they made Limbo fun to play for the limbo player, also made him more of a troll frame than before for anyone else, so now not only can he put us in the rift and break hacking via cataclysm... He can also stop us using ranged weapons... awesome... no really it's just terrific...


    I just don't bother playing with limbos anymore, if a clan mate goes Limbo, I tell him he's not welcome in the clan squad, If it's a pug with a Limbo, I leave... If this is the kind of interaction DE wanted with limbo... well congrats I guess.

    Limbo is Cancer and I will not be in a squad with one.

  6. 4 hours ago, Niliam said:

    They can charge, 200, or 2000, even 20,000. But when the service is not provided, they can not charge any, even 1. That is the Law, no forum rule, or company rule can over ride it.

    I have to agree with some of the others here, you're just creating scenarios that favour your point of view and acting like they mean something, but this is not a shopping market, it's not a school... 

  7. 51 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    Seeing as how something as simple as sarcasm is lost on you, I suppose it would be too much to expect you understand the subtle nuances of rhetoric. 

    So much salt, so many ad hominems, informal logical fallacies are the true mark of a valid argument.

  8. On 13/04/2017 at 11:35 PM, Niliam said:

    They can charge, 200, or 2000, even 20,000. But when the service is not provided, they can not charge any, even 1. That is the Law, no forum rule, or company rule can over ride it.

    Part of the service is the fact someone who is being paid has to sit there and evaluate the image... a service is being done even if it's being rejected.

  9. Just now, (PS4)abbacephas said:


    Firstly, technically speaking Umbra is a new frame, not just a reskin. Just because it carries the monikor "Excalibur" means nothing. 

    Secondly, you clearly lack the capacity to understand sarcasm.

    Right... just like how primes are also "new frames" that count towards the 32...

  10. 15 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:


    Oh yeah seem totally reasonable... I mean other than the fact that the 1st umbra is not a new frame but one of the 32 that already exist... and that they already said umbra would be part of a TWW type quest sometimes in the future... it's not umbra... ppl need to reduce their raging semi for just another Excalibur, it's seriously reducing ppls capacity to think correctly... 

  11. Question:

    Originally Fissure Missions were that you had to find and close the fissure via the reactant and mass enemies that spawned out of it, will we ever see this type of objective come back to fissures? as well as maybe some other types of fissure objective just to mix it up a little? It would be nice to see that original version pop up now and again when doing fissures.

  12. 5 minutes ago, DrakeMarzonist said:

    If you take damage it drains energy but whatever scrap that idea how about and easier way to mark the enemies with a bigger open crosshair like mesas 4th abilty ive already aknowledge that its ridiculously overpowered idea and its not gonna happen i understand lets just ignore the fact that there are other warframes that a literally overpowered and can clear a map in just a press of a button 

    I don't know what ash you're playing, but mine is still OP... it's fine as it is TBH.

  13. I would really like to see the current trading system augmented to be less of a hassle.

    Ultimately I'd love to see the 'set up shop' function become a bit more simple to use, my idea for it would be that you can list 5 items (as you do now) but also put their plat/item price along with them, then if someone interacts with you they only get the option to do 1 (or more) of the 5 deals you have up, no haggling for those items, it's a direct sale as listed and the seller has to do nothing after the set up, but if ppl do want to haggle for price that can all be done via PM and mutual enter trade mode.

    I know the devs have expressed they want ppl interacting with the game, but frankly it's a ridiculous need in this situation, watching your screen with your characters hand in the air waiting for someone to try and palm off his crap while you get annoyed with the system is no more interactive than just letting it be automatic while you go read a book/watch a show/do some homework, then come back to see if you've sold anything.

    I don't even bother with the Bazaar because it's just simpler to have warframe market running in the background and there is no bull**** for the transaction. PM go to Dojo, get price listed Done! simple and no crap to deal with. The current system is no more interactive, it's just a more irritating part of the game most people cannot be stuffed dealing with, we want fun in the game right? The in-game trading system is the opposite to that, if anything at least make it a simple thing we can do in our non-gaming time, they would rather us use our gaming time static in the bazaar instead of us being static in the bazaar in our non-play time? makes little sense overall because the AFK method would have ppl in the game for a longer period, even if they are alt-tabbed for some of it.

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