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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 9 minutes ago, SumBoady said:

    It's actually not the platinum that takes time, that's relatively instant, it's the OCR API. Since that's a main part of the application there's nothing I can do besides coding and training my own OCR, and that's an undertaking I don't feel like taking on in the least.

    Fair enough then, if there is nothing you can do, I guess there is nothing else you can do.

    The app works well none the less, does what is intended, so nice work in general.

  2. 5 hours ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    RNGesus stuff

    It's kinda funny, but in another game we calculated the odds of a particular event happening in a dungeon to something like 1 in 5 billion odds, and yet it would happen almost every game. But the devs were adamant it was pure RNG, to the point where it's almost insulting them saying it, where we posted them maths and they just would not budge on their position, thankfully that game died a horrible death.

    The point being that often even though you may be right and the RNG might be screwed (I know when 4 ppl all use radiant of the same relic and all get the same bronze drop 2 or 3 times in a row, it seems pretty broken) often Devs will assume it's you and not the code that is busted... PPL don't accept fault too often, particularly something like this.

    PS. the game was Firefall and I think it was that in a 20 man raid, 3 epic weapons would drop, and almost every game the same person would get 2 or 3 or the weapons, it was more frequent that 1 person would get all 3 than it was that they would be each spread to 3 individuals (the way to was said to work)... The odds of it happening sequentially became astronomical after 4-5 games, but it still happened, and the Devs still dented anything was wrong. Stubbornness to the point of delusion in this case because we had quite a lot of evidence that the RNG was not working as they said it was.

  3. Well I've used this in a few missions now, it seems good, but it's a little slow, I know for plat price you need to pull info from Warframe.market, so I think you should have either an option to not bother showing plat (so only the Ducats price is pulled from the WFInfo.exe.config file, and it should display faster) OR display the ducats price and leave the plat as '...' until the value is acquired then refresh the window to show both prices, basically that ducat price needs to be as fast as possible, 5-6 seconds before the window displays does not leave much time left for working out what to choose. I took me a few times to know what to identify (ducat price for me) and mentally block out all other text, which leads me to another suggestion:

    I would also suggest some colour coding, make the ducat value gold and the plat value silver or something, it's an instantaneous thought to view only 1 colour see the higher value and read the nearest item name.

    You could even use the MMO colours on the entire item for ducat or plat price (as another option) 100D, 75D, 50D, 25D, 15D etc. I guess plat price is harder to do for this.

  4. 11 hours ago, SumBoady said:

    WFInfo provides you with quick access both ducat and platinum prices for fissure rewards.


    interesting... Clan was just talking about something like this, I'll give it a go.

    Also (I don't know why this is not a given) add installation instructions to your readme...

    Where are these files in the .rar going?

    Do I just make a special folder for them?

    Do I run the WFinfo.exe before the game splash etc etc...

    This stuff is not obvious to most ppl... make it step by step, try to answer all possible questions someone might have... currently you start with:

    "Press the Activation Key on your keyboard while on the fissure reward selection screen.
    A small black box will pop up in the bottom right of your screen."

    That's not very helpful if you're in the .rar wondering what you do with these files and if they need to be with the warframe files or not, some apps need to hook into the game files others do not.

  5. On 2017-4-29 at 5:47 PM, TesseractNZ said:

    Have done around 20 - 25 sorties and have yet to get a riven mod have a couple of lenses 5 endo rewards and the rest have been bloody

    ayatan sculptures. Is it just rng?




    I've had 3 rivens this week... maybe sacrifice a virgin to RNGesus

  6. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Phrygian Chaos said:

    But no one is talking about Xbox one content to PC. Apologies if the discussion is out there and I haven't seen it, as I am very new to this forum and I'm having problems navigating around.

    Just so you're aware, there is actually a thread in the General forum (where this thread exists)...


  7. On 2017-5-1 at 11:43 AM, Arniox said:

    almost impossible. The two builds are out of sync and will always be out of sync. There might be an account migration sometime in the future, but never an account link. One side would always be behind the other.

    it's entirely possible, it's been done PC to PS4 in the past, the issue stopping it is Sony/MS and their need to keep players on their consoles over anything else, I think DE would allow if it's contracts with Sony/MS permitted.

  8. 4 hours ago, Zherot said:

    Just wondering... seems like the people doing the most damage are the ones that mongo melee everything rather than using abilities or gunfire.

    Take a good Mesa player in with you... see how those stats add up. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)Jaztok said:

    I would be happy if they did allow it, so I can finally play on PC with all the items I have on my PS4 account. I doubt it will though. The only way I see it is if the console after the PS4 won't have Warframe.

    Actually that's a problem I didn't think of, what if a sony/MS console in the future does not have warframe... and your PS4/XB died (as they all do eventually) no more WF... PC master race...

  10. 1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

    Well first the little dot vanishes if you mouse over a mod, so that screenshot is useless to test that theory.  Secondly I have to say no, simply because I just checked and despite knowing what is in my sentinel weapons none of my mods show said dot outside of actually being installed.

    Personally I think it is a graphics glitch that leaves the dot after its been uninstalled or perhaps forcibly uninstalled?  There is no way to know for sure.  Whether it indicates it being already equipped on a sentinel weapon is mostly hearsay that has been circulating for quite a while.  It has never been proven.


    Well he said (the guy in the Vauban P.) that he's always thought that's just how you tell... He was supersized we didn't know about it... that's when the questioning and request for images started..

    And there is another screenshot I didn't include with him mousing over the mod and it still showing the hexagon.


    Frankly if this is a glitch, it should be a standard feature as it fixes the issue.

  11. So we were having a discussion on TS about mods being installed on sent weaps being annoying as you can never tell what is installed and what is not... and it came up that one of our clan members can see what Mods he has installed on another weapon...

    In the image below you can see the top Speed Trigger has a little hexagon above the mods level dots, he's saying this indicates to him that that mod is installed on the sentinel weapon in his current loadout.



    Now this is my UI, The Split Chamber is installed on the sentinel weapon in my current loadout... The only time I ever get the little hexagon is when looking at the actual configuration slots as with Sinister Reach, serration etc. but never in the mod list.



    Does anyone know about this as an option? I cannot find it noted anywhere as a feature of the game...

    I've tried leaving the arsenal etc to see if it pops up, but it never happens, does anyone else get this little UI indicator?

  12. In my notification settings I have everything off except for:

    • Orokin Catalyst
    • Orokin Reactor
    • Forma
    • Foundry

    But I still receive notifications from alerts for resources, helmet blueprints and a bunch of other stuff I don't care for.

    I'm on a Sony Xperia Z2, latest Android patch.


  13. 8 hours ago, Neo_182 said:

    Feels like your only incentive to make a trip to the convention is only for the syandana.

    Please correct me if i am wrong...

    When i took the trip last year it cost quite a bit.

    But i got meet the people behind the frames hang out with friends and make new ones too. 

    Not to mention touring the studio that makes my favorite game.


    ...I did not spend over a grand just for a cosmetic item.

    It's a souvenir and symbolic of their first in-house con.

    And i am very happy i could be part of it.


    I'd love to go to tennocon, but as a student the cost of a one way flight is more than I possess in my bank atm (not even thinking about a hotel or how to get home, or how I'd pay my rent). So you are wrong, it's not about my reasons for wanting or not wanting to go, or not spending the money to go it is literally about the fact the money for me does not exist to be used for that adventure, not even close.

    Maybe if you'd read my post 2 below the one you quoted you'd see me replying to someone who DID suggest the Syandana was the only reason to go and not have come to your conclusion in the first line there.


  14. 1 minute ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    I'm not saying it's not random, I'm saying RNG has a personal agenda to make you play the game for as long as possible by denying the drops players want and need, or by spawning 5 Napalms in the same room to make sure you run out of revives

    this is ridiculous...

  15. 32 minutes ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    It's got a neutral disposition. What other rivens do you have multiples of?


    It's random, there is no underlying usage mechanic defining the proliferation of rivens.

    Disposition is related to the stats of the riven due to the power of the weapon as decided by DE, not abundence of the rivens, I don't know where you got that idea from, but as other have said, you're just plain incorrect.

  16. 1 hour ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    I'm guessing you don't know about weapons riven dispositions? The weapons the community uses more, i.e the meta cannons, have a lower disposition so you're less likely to get a riven mod for them than some of the more forgotten things or those weapons that sit in the middle. If it were up to me, meta weapons wouldn't get any riven mods or they would be so extremely rare there is no point. Riven mods do exactly the opposite of their purpose as of right now. Instead of re-vitalizing more forgotten weapons people just grind out good ones to make meta weapons even stronger

    Oh, okay, so the Rubico (which I've never seen anyone use) must be super popular, because 3 out of my 15-16 rivens have been for that gun...

  17. 23 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Then why should they even bother with TennoCon? They only are doing this because it is what we asked for last year, a way to participate in a way as well.

    This is like ALL conventions, you get a special something for spending money and time to join them in person.

    Are you actually suggesting that a synadana is the only reason to bother going to tennocon?

    T-shirts, panels, the event itself  meet the devs etc etc... all that stuff we around the world cannot get, all that stuff is exclusive to attendance because it has to be, the digital items are global, they can be given to anyone instantaneously there is no specific reason they need to be attendance only , anyone attending the event or not can acquire them if allowed. Localised digital items are always BS because there is no reason they need to be, frankly if you're attending the entire event for the syandana you have some really odd priorities.


    We're not asking for a freebee, just an opportunity to get the same digital items others can get because they are the only items that do not need thousands of dollars to acquire for the rest of the world.

  18. 2 hours ago, Neo_182 said:

    Or you know, an exclusive item to thank the players that made the trip.

    I know of a few players coming in from the UK.

    We can't have everything that's just how life is.

    That's all very well when you're talking about school, wealth or whatever, but these are digital items that can with ease and no cost to DE be distributed whether you can pay $2K to get to Canada or you live around the corner from the theatre. a $50 collectors digital ticket would be easy to provide...

  19. 3 hours ago, KinjiKing said:

    Is there going to be any other way to get the new Syandana that was shown off during Devstream #91? I know that you get it with the $75 ticket to Tennocon. i live in Texas and cant go to the event and get it. T_T

    Yep... and I live in Australia... If I wanted that Syandana I would have to arrange a trip half way around the planet for a week, or few days... 

  20. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Gray Silhouette said:

    Tbh i'm just salty that it doesn't include the syandana. I would've bought it right after todays stream when they said what baro was bringing.

    Yeah, the non-syandana @(*()$ sucks, I don't have $2000 to go for a trip to Canada for tenno-con, that syandana is basically Canada/US exclusive, for a global game it's really disappointing. it could at least be a Baro option, even if it's like 5K Ducats and some plat.

  21. 8 hours ago, Cazzer13 said:


    Yawn... so you get one non-button mash level and you feel you need to rage out on the forums... 






    As with any other game on the face of the planet, just learn how to do the puzzles, they are some the best missions in this entire game...  

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