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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 4 hours ago, Sohki said:

    Does anyone else notice his mouth on mutated form look like this?

    Can someone help me replace the mental image I have of his helm to something else? I really want to like his alt helm but man it's just so weird for me.


  2. 3 hours ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

    Not sure if I read this correctly, because Ash, if using bladestorm, is basically a one key frame, with no interactivity after the abilities activated. I think his other abilities are fine though, could use a few buffs, but fine overall.

    He was 1 key before the rework, he's not now... frankly if you're not using 2 and 3 as well as 4 when playing him now, you're not playing ash well.

  3. I seems that options like colour correction also turn off the various Cam types (contrast, blood etc.) available in Captura, Shouldn't Captura settings be separate to your actual game settings?

    Really need some separate menu items to turn off/on things like colour correction, motion blur and weapon effects.




  4. 5 hours ago, RetiredEdgeLord said:

    You don't need an air compressor to make the mouse shoot the akkad 20 times per sec. But it's certainly easier to use a mouse wheel than clicking. Also, your straw man fallacies, they're tarded [you really thought videos were a retort? top kek lel]

    It was retort... nothing straw man about it, I questioned your apparent reasoning asking if that was correct, I also didn't bother to 'knock down' said reasoning given how ridiculous it was so my comment is missing the main parts of a straw man.

    And it still stands anyway, why would some bother to just spin their mouse wheel when there is an easier manner given the ease to which Logitech macros can be applied... Frankly the assumption someone would go to such lengths just to attack a defenceless wall for 20 waves is more ridiculous than them just using a macro that is not against any rules... Again... Refer to the law of parsimony sweetheart, but nice try.

  5. 22 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

    It's infinite because you can be hit for 99999999999999999+ damage, and so long as you have 15 stacks you will live.

    You know what the difference between being able to scale infinitely defensively and being invincible is right? One is capable of being invincible, the other is invincible 100% of the time.

    You seem to not be contemplating what happens when you get hit that second time when you just used your last 15 stacks...


    I'm sure if you're right you'll be happy to prove it by going to say... enemy level 1000 with Nidus in Mot of something.

  6. 1 hour ago, RetiredEdgeLord said:

    You can't tell if it's player-skill, hardware, or software.

    So your retort to my statement is to make some sort of tarded proposition that spammers will set up elaborate air compressor systems to blow their Logitech mouse wheels that are bound to melee?

    ... wait, wait.. in order to get around using basically untraceable macros (because they are using Logitech software) that no one is searching for and that they can't be banned for?...

    That's what you're going with?


    I'll let friar William know whats up when I head back to the 13th century...


    I'll let the "player-skill" part go...

  7. On 24/04/2017 at 3:26 AM, Noble_One said:

    ok question... how do people know people are using macros?

    Well, when a guy is non-stop spamming 1 melee attack into a wall in Akkad for 20 rounds you kind of just... get this feeling...

  8. My main issue with forma is building... 24H is still fine, I don't even mind how long it takes, but I want it to be stacked... I prolly only make 5 forma a week because I'll forget to collect 1 until I'm right about to log off, then if I'm not playing late the next day I'll collect/make the next one in the morning of the next day after it was finished... I just want to see the ability to load up 10 stacks of forma to be build and you can just let it go and collect them either as they come out in 1-10 amounts, or they just go into your inventory automatically as they finish...

  9. On 24/12/2016 at 0:03 PM, JawnHenry said:

    I would to put in a request to have Master Rank 17 nerfed and timer extended a bit.  I tried the practice round with Ember, sprint speed at 1.43 and World on Fire active and was unable to complete after 9 attempts.  I just don't see how it is possible to sprint fast enough to get to the orbs and extend the timer.  This is especially true with the orb spawns on another level which btw is also had to tell even from the map.



    Oh... you're only 2 levels away from the real pain... MR 17 test is simple TBH I did it with Rhino and Gal P.

  10. Well his 2nd will be larger...

    And his 3rd is a radial blast emanating from the frame...

    They are not changing his stats as far as we know.


    On 21/04/2017 at 0:23 PM, (PS4)lilkevin107 said:

    Smite: now scales with enemy level :) that's pretty much it, it also received a minor visual change. 

    Hallowed Ground: now radiates each enemy that steps on it, it still clears status effects, and its finally not rectangular shaped, its now a wide circular area, also received a major visual change

    Renewal: it now works like Molecular Prime and Polarize. This synergizes with Hallowed Ground, when you cast Hallowed Ground, allies get a flat armor bonus for the duration of the heal. But the sad thing about is that energy still stops when allies reach full health.

    Reckoning: Enemies that are radiated, receive more damage from this ability,  synergizes with Hallowed Ground. The enemies that are standing on Hallowed Ground during Reckoning receive armor debuffs that scale with levels and strength. 

    Proposed Passive: Allied pets get cooldown reductions on their abilities and attacks. You also get a free revive for them. This passive is meh, It's better than the one we have now. 

  11. From what I understand, the Evolution engine is built off one of the unreal engines, and they have all had a 3rd party plugin called 'RypelCam', basically you can record games and replay them in engine then take images and videos by setting up the cam to move at time intervals, I can't see it being too difficult to make something similar for WF integrating it captura, I think it would produce some sweet images mid-action. Normally the recording is a specific area around your character position.

    One of the things I don't like about captura is the lack of enemies and areas that are difficult to replicate, being able to record an entire mission as a .demo file just like you can in the Unreal games then replay it in a type of offline mode and be able to move the cam around like in captura to get all the giblets as you slash open 20 Grineer in half a second... drool... :satisfied:

    below is a tutorial on using RypelCam in UT3 and what it's like.



  12. 1 hour ago, dodorichard said:

    Many of my fav YouTube content creators have been giving out glyphs recently, but many times I will miss them because I am at work,whatever. 

    So I was wondering if we can make our own? I am a designer so drawing it is no big deal, how do I make into something my frames can wear and I can use as icons?


    The only way you'll be able to get your own is to buy a legendary ticket to tennocon next year...

    and because of the fact it's there as a tennocon item means you'll only ever get your own via a competition or something.


  13. 21 minutes ago, Kierlak said:

    Smite was one of the better first abilities before, it's still ok with this change.

    Hallowed Ground still locks you to an area without anything like enough defensive value to make actually staying in it worthwhile, unless that armor buff is in the thousands now.

    Renewal is still total, absolute garbage. It's mechanics are just the worst. Tying it to HG is not going to help.

    Reckoning needs to not be tied to HG to have it try and be as good as Avalanche baseline.

    The passive is...well it's garbage too. It may be better than the current one, but jesus, NOT having a passive is better than the current one.

    No pleasing some ppl...

    I'd down vote you if I could, and I don't even like Oberon in general...

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