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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 14 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    They should reimburse Catalysts as well. There are atleast 2 Catalysts I'm sure I won't ever benefit again from this change (Tonkor and Boltace).

    Max'd Simulor and Tonkors are usually using 5 or 6 Formas, TBoltace I don't know, maybe 2 or 3. 1 per weapon is way too low.

    God the crying...

    You have no idea what they will be like or if they are worth using again after the change, the hate based on pure ignorance and assumption is ridiculous, you need full reimbursement for the easy ride these weaps have provided in the past? I doubt they will be crushed with these changes, they just won't be the zombie weapons they are now, and it's your own fault for not assuming an OP weapons were not on the list for a nerf... This stuff happens in games all the time, learn to deal with it, you're lucky to get anything at all.

  2. 3 hours ago, (PS4)sammyp03 said:

    Maybe not to you. I think self damge is silly and makes no sense.

    You just lost all credibility with this single line... Since when do explosions make no sense doing damage? This is the more ridiculous statement I've seen all day... And there were art students protesting at my Uni today... The bar was high...

    3 hours ago, ---AweSomeXaV--- said:

    Don't mind me, collecting salts and tears from OP.


  3. 5 hours ago, OmniLight said:

    Basically, they are changing it so that instead of being just spam it and have the combing damage do most of the work, you now have to use the detonation mechanic. It is kind of like they want you to use it they way they probably original intended it to work but turned into the detonation just didn't do enough damage or have a good range when you compared it to just combine the orbs as much as possible.

    Okay, I guess that sounds more reasonable, Guess we'll see how it goes.

  4. I'm a little confused on the Synoid Simulor...

    So it's already crazy (on a particular frame) but it's not powerful enough? Because that looks like a buff, more controlled, but still a buff...

    Other than that the changes are cool, Looking forward to the Panthera, I've been holding onto it for almost a year for just such a buff.

  5. 20 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Marauder Dragon said:


    yes you can distille an arcane but  that does not mean that u can use it on different syandanas at the same time, you get it know ?? 

    I think that's asking a bit too much, I feel like arcanes are the type of items you use for top tier builds, what you're asking for is basically just another mod slot and I think that's a bit meh.

    I like them as they are now, semi-set in stone.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    The intent of the names meaning is obvious. A female name version of the music related word octave. So it is a made up word for the context it is being used for... so? Warframe is all made up fantasy. That's why I really don't see a big deal here. 

    I was making a big deal out of it... Obviously.

  7. 10 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    I don't see the big deal about the name. Octavia = female version of Octave (which has to do with music and it sounds cool). Name is fine. I've already accepted it and moved on. 

    Actually the name Octave (for people) has to do with being the 8th child, as is Octavia, the Octave relating to music notes does not have a female version...

    But whatever I guess...


    2 hours ago, RoboticApplesWithLasers said:

    yeah but those aren't actual human names, you wouldn't name your daughter "frost." Frames shouldn't have human names and to be honest they  could have named it after some old composer if they wanted  it to be a real name (Like with Vauban)  But they took a common first name and used it for a warframe, this iis why Design council shouldn't be allowed to touch anything.

    Tell that to the Phoneix family, and their kids: Rain, Summer, Liberty and River.

  8. Loved it still, even though it's well past its time, I hope in future these cinematics are the 1st thing we ever see of a new prime, a month before release, before they are even hidden in patches or able to be data mined, because they can really make hype and excitement for a new prime something tangible for that month leading up.

    Corpus getting some new tech?

  9. So the best ship item we've gotten so far, that made the crappy method to get it worth doing, has had it's cool lightning effects removed..

    WTF... it almost hurts...

    I'm talking about the Oro ornament...


  10. I've been playing for... almost a year... actually I think I get 350 days tomorrow...

    And while only MR18 I find the "end game" to be my interest in refining my (mostly Prime) frames into very specific builds, take my Saryn, I never played her, got her to 30 didn't touch the frame for 6 months, until I got the Zenistar... 10 forma later and she's busting @ss with a Riven Zarr, Riven Twin Rigga, a status Zenistar and busting through sortie in a Graxx Skin, she's now one of my favourite frames.

  11. 2 hours ago, VentiGlondi said:

    I might be the only person who uses focus for more than just Energy Overflow, but I think it would be neat if my focus school changed automatically when I swap loadouts.

    I like to use Unairu when playing Inaros and I find myself constantly forgetting to switch back to other schools.

    Just make focus a part of loadouts.

    No you're not, I made a thread about this like 2 weeks ago:


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