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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 2 hours ago, LoneWolf12 said:

    Does anyone know if we will be able to merge any time soon?

    I play on xbox but want to play on pc but I don't want to have to start the whole grind again HELP

    There will never be console to PC account migrations.

  2. 5 hours ago, (Xbox One)BubbyTekk said:

    No not yet, I only have rhino, don't have the other 2.

    Loki makes this a push over, most riven are easy as long as you use the right frame, if you use a frame with abilities that do not suit the riven challenge it will be difficult, with simple planning they are no harder than anything else in the game.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Dawn11715 said:

    Hi, ive looked up my clans progress in the statistics tab and found a score of around 1900.

    The wierd thing is: I myself have a score of 2500.

    Does anyone know how this is calculated?

    Only your 3rd mission score counts, and that the single TOP score, not the total, if you had personal score of 2500 you would be on the individual player list, you are not.

  4. I've said it before; there needs to be a area around the recital that works like Mirages doppelgangers, they go clear if entering the area, particularly with the more elaborate models they are making, and doubly so on wall latching, I think it's silly that we 'as the warframe' have an obstructed view from our own body... 

  5. 2 hours ago, shadrad said:

    The visual theme of the Asuri skin is quite clearly based on Tibetan and Nepalese Buddhist design motifs. Specifically, she bears visual similarity to Tibetan/Nepalese Buddhist prayer wheels, temple architecture, and decorative beads. Multiple arms are a symbolic representation of divinity and aspects of holy power. This idea carried over from the culture that existed in these regions previous to the arrival of Buddhism, and was adapted into its religious canon accordingly.

    Huh, fair enough, those images look a lot more like the Nova skin.

  6. 1 minute ago, Raun said:

    @Carnage2K4 Sometimes people miss the info and come in guns blazing you know.
    The reason why I said "Stop saying it's an old topic" because I already knew from the first person who said it and saying it again goes nowhere.

    the main issue I have is, why is it people always have to try and make you look stupid? There's a difference between stupidity and being misinformed. in this case I was Misinformed (Until NovusNova had shown me my oops lol Thanks Novus for that. honestly).
    I noticed it happens a lot when someone has an issue and they want to voice the problem (no matter when it is or what it's about) replyers just sit there being like "That's how the cookie crumbles" when if YOU also think it's bull hockey then don't be afraid to speak up and don't let others push you down for trying.

    Yeah, but you're in a general forum, you'll never stop ppl saying the same thing even if it's the 85th time, there is no point fighting it, you just have to ignore it.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Raun said:

    My issue on the helmets is due to the fact that I had to make the same Frames (I didn't have room for them when i had them before and I also figured that like weapons, they can be built and maxed for MR rank) but because of that, I have multiple duplicates of the frames Original helmet and even if you have those spare, you can't sell them for Credit or something.

    Shall I go report that?

    Oh and stop saying that this is an old topic. Sometimes people come in late. hence why LOTS of PC fans and ALL Console fans will never get Excalibur Prime.

    Yes, go report that, make a new topic in the bug report or feedback section for UI.

    it's just a red herring here.

    And it simply is an old topic, that's just a fact, and you can't stop ppl stating facts, a quick search could have avoided a new thread on it.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Raun said:

    Well then wouldn't it have been easier to make it so Other frames can't wear the Syandana? Like you equip Inaros for example and when searching in Attachments, you DON'T see the Dinavi Syandana....it's that simple then. You get Unique attachments to other frames and THOSE can't go onto any other frame too (unless you have both normal and Prime of that frame), At least with those, you don't see them in the attachments list on the other frames. Just do THAT for Nova at least.
    The fact other frames can wear that Syandana makes it misleading.

    There IS a seemingly rare case I have when it comes to the Helmet inventory too. Maybe I should address that instead.

    I presume you're replying to my statement, and while you're right that the Syandana goes with the skin, it's not really symbolic of the mythos, I can't actually see anything that would lead one to associate it with Hinduism, the arms on the other hand(s) are very symbolic of Hinduism.


    Get a refund if it's such an issue, but I don't want to see it on other frames, others also don't, and there are very valid reasons why it should not be on other frames.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Raun said:

    Sometimes people DO come in late. Your point?
    I was only able to purchase the collection Today Only to find there's some fine print.

    I'd say the point is that you can already find many dead topics on this.. "issue".

    You'll notice that most of the deluxe skins are based on some sort of mythos, in novas case it's the Hindu god Kali, the arms are representative of that mythos as is the rest of the skin, just like Oberon and Feyarch or Frost and Harka, and they should not be intermixed else the deluxe skin looses some of the unique mythos that is suppose to only be part of that frames deluxe.

  10. 17 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

    So, I've played Warframe since last October, I've mained Oberon since July.

    ... If you've only played the game since last October... How were you playing in July? Does time work in reverse in your universe?

  11. 6 minutes ago, DarkNinjaLucian said:

    Why is he always spamming chat with sighs >:(

    They do it if you (or anyone) ask the same question (or trigger the same response) in the space of about a minute, go ask "where is baro" 2 times in the region chat, 1st will be a detailed to the second countdown to Baro's arrival, the second time it will be a *sigh*... it's kinda funny.

  12. On 22/02/2017 at 10:08 AM, (PS4)jFresh215 said:

    with the upgrade it is relatively painless now. 

    It's still painful...

    Open incubator...

    Put pet in status..


    Open incubator...

    select pet in status..


    Open incubator...

    speed up recovery...

    go to arsenal...

    select pet...


    They should all just be in the Arsenal and if you select a pet in status you get a warning saying it will cost 10K and your other pet will go into status... confirm... simplicity...

  13. So, Focus abilities, making specialised frame loadouts turn focus into an absolute pain in the *posterior* sometimes...

    On my Nekros A loadout I use Madurai, on my Loadout B I use Naramon, on my Frost I use Zenuric unless there is a trinity in the squad, which I have a special build for, and then I use a Naramon, Saryn: Zenuric etc etc... I don't remember to change much the time, and when I don't, the Focus ability ends up being somewhat useless as I mostly build for the passive and switch off the other stuff, I don't need Zenuric on a Nekros, but I do need it for some Frost loadouts...

    I would love to see you be able to set up a Focus loadout attached to your frame loadout, so if you're just switching frames for the next mission you don't need to head to the back of your ship to also change all the focus stuff, "quick" switching so you can get back into the game is eye-rolling as it stands now with focus, I know it's a small thing but I swear 75% of the time If I've switched off of Zenuric I'll forget to put it back on again when I change frames, at lower levels it's not an issue, but if you're planning on doing Inf Axi or a sortie mission and you set yourself up in the arsenal then forget to head over and also sort out your focus, you can then mutter "FFS" then waste a crap tonne of energy pizzas for the next 40 minutes or leave and restart... but is that what we really want to do?

    Why can't it be linked? Like everything else on your frame... If it's made to be able to be customised to a loadout, just let it be set to a loadout.

    Even if it's just a cut down version of the main Focus Screen where you can select your school for that load out and the abilities you want off and on, all the upgrading and explanations can still be a part of your operator section.

  14. On 21/02/2017 at 2:38 PM, JSharpie said:

    So, all AVs are kind of trash (Kaspersky is definitely the best, but still) I've never used Kaspersky personally, so I can't really tell you how exactly to prevent it from happening, but I would look through some settings and whitelist all of steam if you haven't, if not I would contact Kaspersky support.


    I use Kaspersky, never had an issue.

  15. I bought a Rogga Riven for 100, and an akbonco riven for 35, tried to sell my Rubicon riven for 20... no takes so it made it to the endo bin.

    PPL trying to sell rivens for 1000s of plat is more hilarious than anything, and hay if ppl with 20000p want to waste it on that $#!+ they are more than welcome to.

  16. I want to see them get to the point where the 1st thing we know about the next Prime Frame is the awesome 1.5-2 minute long video introducing it like a month before it's release... the last 2 were leaked, Valkyrs "intro" video is 3 months late, Nekros was reviled a long time before it even got a video which was cool and all, but in 3 months time if an Oberon P. video just appeared on playwarframe without prior knowledge, that is a pool of excitement that has not been tapped into for a very long time.

  17. Almost anything can be called an RPG, it merely needs satisfy the acronym...

    Ask yourself:

    Do you play a "role"?

    Is it in a game?

    If you answered yes to both these questions then technically you're playing an RPG.

    In warframe you can easily take on a role within the squad, CC, DPS, Buffs etc...


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