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  1. I had it always happen if my warframe is getting the buff. I also had it happen with other frames, not as visually bad though.
  2. When 10 reactants collected, and the warframe is buffed, there is a nasty visual bug with Caliban:
  3. When using her fourth ability, and it is getting nullified during cast, I am without weapons until I use the ability again.
  4. Rolling for reload buff doesn't work either https://streamable.com/yke650
  5. Automatic claim after slot purchase: When trying to claim a secondary weapon but lacking slots, after buying, additional slots, via the popup, the item should automatically be claimed without needing manual re-initiation. No confirmation for empty config override: When applying a Look/Mod Config to an empty slot, the game shouldn’t require typing “override” to confirm. It should automatically proceed without confirmation, since there’s nothing to override. Direct item equip in EDA mission: In the EDA selection/information screen, where there's a bonus for using specific Warframes and weapons, players should be able to directly click and equip the required items instead of having to remember which ones they require. Magnus Prime infinite ammo buff icon: A buff icon in the crosshair would be helpful to show when Magnus Prime’s infinite ammo buff is active. Additional rewards for freeing Solaris: Freeing Solaris in Corpus tilesets with a coin should reward resources (e.g., via inbox) in addition to the 300 standing points to make it more worthwhile. Batch relic refinement: Add an option to refine multiple relics at once, such as spending 1000 Void Traces to refine 10 relics to Radiant status in one action. Avoid unarmed switch with no secondary: When ammo is depleted and there is no secondary weapon available, the game should not automatically switch to unarmed. Lavos element infusion persistence: Lavos’ gameplay would improve if, after infusing elements (e.g., Toxin and Cold) to an ability once, the infusion is automatically saved for future uses. For example, if I infuse Toxin and Cold into the second ability, the next time I use that ability, it should automatically apply those elements without requiring me to hit multiple buttons for the same effect every time. Shared reactant pickups across squad: Reactants should be shared among the squad so that when one player picks up a reactant, it counts as being collected for the entire squad. This is especially crucial in fast-paced missions like Void Cascade.
  6. I have been playing Grendel a bit, after ignoring him for the past 3 years or so and I found a few things, well one thing mainly. Whenever I use my first ability to swallow something, sometimes it wouldn't work, sometimes the enemies are dead in my belly within 2 seconds or something. I need to constantly eat because it gives me armour right, so I keep hitting 1 all the time trying to keep the enemies in my belly. Now I need enemies in my belly to use second ability and fourth ability. All this leads to half the gameplay being me trying to find enemies and using my first ability, while I would much rather use my first ability from time to time and and actually use my second and fourth ability and my weapons. I think this would be solved by introducing some kind of resource that gets generated whenever an enemy is being 'processed' in the belly and slowly degenerate. Second and Fourth ability would require this new resource + energy.
  7. As a Trinity enjoyer, I'm passionate about her. However, there are areas where I believe adjustments could elevate her effectiveness, particularly in 'challenging' content like Steel Path. Ability Duration: Trinity's abilities often feel like they wear off too quickly, especially in prolonged fights. A moderate increase of 50% or even a doubling of duration would significantly improve the uptime of her vital buffs and heals, allowing for a more consistent support experience. Link Target Capacity: This is a major sticking point for me. In Steel Path, where you're frequently swarmed by dozens of enemies, capping Link at 3 targets feels incredibly restrictive. Scaling Link's capacity based on the number of nearby enemies or simply increasing the maximum number of linked targets would be a welcome change. Abating Link Augment Focus: The Abating Link augment offers valuable armour stripping potential, but its current functionality can be wasteful. Right now, it affects all linked enemies regardless of their armour value. The ability to prioritise armoured targets with Abating Link would significantly improve its efficiency and strategic application. One of the biggest challenges I face playing Trinity is the disconnect between visual health and Link targeting. Currently, I can identify enemies with armour removed (red health bars) and prioritise them for damage. However, Link often connects to random enemies, sometimes not even those with any armour. This creates confusion, as I'm unsure who to focus on after damaging the initial target. Expanding Link's capacity to 7-10 enemies would be a significant improvement. With a larger pool of linked targets, I could visually identify enemies with armour removed and confidently prioritise them for damage, instead of shooting enemies that are not linked, and have armour.
  8. Weird, when you put the link (https://www.warframe.com/updates/pc/35-6-1?gameplat=1&utm—source=in-game&utm—medium=game&utm—campaign=game—2024&steam=1) manually in the browser afterwards it works fine. Just initially, it redirects to 35.0.0 for some reason.
  9. 5 hours is the time to acquire the weapon I want 5 times, which is probably needed if I were to max out the bonus damage. You only have to use a different weapon than your favourite weapon for the mission where the Sister spawns, for the other missions that lead to the killing of the Sister, you can keep using your favourite weapon.
  10. I disagree, it's great fun, and incentives team play much more than Kuva Flood does, where playing alone drastically increases the completion speed.
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