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Everything posted by Rian17

  1. @Blac_Rokgaruda has this issue as well, her claws block the majority of the crosshair, made me loose any interest in unlocking the evolutions
  2. Nearly every single enemy I'd want to test damage against, general bosses/archons/acolytes/nechamechs/ect for some reason are not spawnable and I don't see a reason why, I finally settled in the dual toxocyst for demolisher mechs and when I was testing builds the only thing that seemed a proper enough substitute was the deimos jugulus purely because it would last long enough to see a difference in dps but having the actual mech instead of a cheap substitute doesn't seem like a tall ask
  3. They have a bad trend of putting large degrees of screen shake on certain weapons, the vermisplicer primary (at least on release, they might have turned it down idk) had so much shake it genuinely gave me a headache, some weapons I know that have this are, angstrum incarnon (its good but not worth my physical health), aforementioned vermisplicers, phantasma, possibly the glaxion but idk, and undoubtably more, I understand the shake is there to give a sense of feedback to an otherwise recoiless weapon but this just ain't it
  4. I've lost count of how many times I've manged to break ability/melee functionality from switching back and forth from operator (granted it's gotten vastly more stable over the years) and needed to get downed and possibly respawn or jump into an out of bounds pit to attempt a fix, Just today I was farming the new disruption on SP and when an acolyte spawned guess I went a little fast with my inputs and both broke firearm and melee function while also being immortal, Some command to hard reset is needed by this point
  5. Every time without fail when I decide to change my melee and go with a 2H nikana I'm immediately reminded why I don't use them regularly because of how ass the wise razor stance is
  6. Even just a simple toggle in the settings would be fine, Allow us to choose between the new crap layout or the fully functional classic layout
  7. @JargenBakt I have noticed it seems like if using something that vomits out rounds at ludicrous speeds the ticks sometimes seem fewer than when used on things that don't have attenuation, Appreciate the info 👍
  8. What's the story here? I didn't really browse the forums during Gargoyles cry so this is the first I'm hearing of this
  9. I generally feel the same about the stances/movement, it's been so many years by now that I can't hardly remember how most worked but I do remember it feeling much more fluid with minimal forced movement, One weapon type I'd really like to use the two handed nikana but the one and only stance it has is so immensely clunky, sometimes when I wanna try something different I'll dust of the tatsu prime only to soon remember that the stance makes it feel like ass to use
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