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About chaotea

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  1. Related, I've progressed this as it counts progress if the Cestra transforms.
  2. Dont think ive ever done a practice run. Used the Latium and a grendal for tankiness i think.
  3. Happens alot. What I want is a camera offset option while aiming. or make player model transparent while aiming.
  4. The idea generally was to keep his abilities functions as close to the current as possible, while making the whole kit easier to manage. With 120% strength, a cast of stasis will slow enemies by 100%. The cataclysm bubble blocking fire helps to make it similar in function to its current version.
  5. Probably not an issue. Just avoid too much associated colours or other imagery that could be suggestive.
  6. Sure, but it also doesnt hurt to keep it in. It doesnt really get updates, so it doesnt cause additional bugs. Same as Lunaro. In fact removing it might actually be more work.
  7. Its because of code bloat. Every time they introduce new content, it can affect old content in strange ways. Its not just warframe. Remember that Destiny 2 cut around 1/3rd of its content from the game because it was too much to keep bug free. Warframe is buggy only because they dont cut content. So dont see bugs as a bad thing, see it as a badge of honour that they arnt going to compromise their content for stability.
  8. All good. English is my first and its not always great :D Sure, i get that. Though they kind of did that with the missions turning into exterminates, and everyone hates that. The kind of do it with ship sabotages, using ice gives you a mini defence, fire is the extra button and time limit to escape. More like that would be good.
  9. What would this significant change look like? How would it play, what existing systems would it interact with and what new ones would need to be made? What Im looking for here is more articulation on your part of the vision you have for these new missions. Paint a picture of it so to speak. Because if you cant envision what this new content would look like, your really not asking for anything new, your just saying you dont like what we currently have. Again, what does this mean to you beyond vague wording? How would you make the missions more narrativity interesting without bogging down the player (like old void vor). Can you give examples of what you want from these encounters? How exactly should the be different. Mirage quest probably took a few months to put together. The new war took years. For a new quest with new mission types and tilesets? 6-10 months most likely. More if its an entirely new mission and not a variant, and even more if the tileset doent use existing templates. Theres a reason we seen new tilesets so infrequently. An exterminate with pistols only and one with melee only are very different experiences. Everything is part of mission design, and missions need to be deigned to accommodate all the variables that can occur. This is a leading reason why so many missions often feel 'generic'. I think doing it like Archon Hunts might be good. Offer particular frames a stat boost for that mission. That way you can still offer the choice and include players who dont have access to particular frames. Nope, different things. Baslically: RNG is used to pad out play time. This means every asset made will have a greater lifetime. Generally rewards are split into 2 sections (there are exceptions, but these generally hold true). First, anything you can buy for plat that is able to be earned can be done so through RNG. This is because time = money. You pay through time, or you pay through money. Second, anything that isnt purchasable is either not worth purchasing (and tends to be used to pad out RNG tables) or is valuable and restricted with time gate mechanics or something similar. Remember, scarcity breeds desirability. That is exactly my interpretation of an 'event'. But you'll notice that everything you listed is timegated. The reason these events seem so special is because they arnt always available. You said you wanted something that felt like an event, but you wanted it as an always present mission. But there is a reason why you didnt list anything like arbitrations. Scarcity breeds desirability. I'll stop you right there, this is the post i was replying to: You brought up Kahl missions. You also bought up conclave and quests first, using them as an example, i just continued the example. That aside, Kahl missions are, in effect, exactly what you are asking for. They are missions that have a much deeper connected narrative, where the objectives arnt copy pasted between missions, brand new tilesets purpose built for the mission and dramatic, out of the box thinking in terms of design. The only thing missing from what you asked for is the mission length. Not sure its that easy. Remember that the majority of the hard work for veilbreaker came about during the New War. Most of the assets, enemies, ect, where build for that. So it was more that they were getting more mileage on the stuff they already made. Also, I dont think it was a waste of time. Sure, i dont play it now, but I also dont really play infested derelict any more. These spaces arnt made to be forever, simply made to spend some time in. And Kahls missions were fun for a time. Thats not what the resources argument is about. They had the resources, and they made kahl stuff. That stuff served a purpose, but it wasnt a huge drain on resources either. 90% of the kahl missions was recycled assets. It was way cheaper than building new content. They didnt make new tilesets, only made a few new tiles for existing tilesets. No new enemies. A few new animations. No new weapons. Yes, just as Kdrives are useless outside open world (and pretty much useless as transport next to skywing). These things arnt designed to be for everything, just to serve the needs of the missions they are created for. And what is it you want? You want new gamemodes that dont do anything new? You want development of the 'base' game, but what that development to be completely different from anything the base game offers, but not be like any of the other completely different gamemodes that are, as you put it 'not warframe'. Just saying that you have been contradicting yourself constantly, its very hard to follow. Thats cool. Understand that from what you typed you gave the impression you didnt. That depends very much on the studios. But even so, they do interact, and rework based on feedback. Defence maps arnt based around large rooms with empty space in the middle out of some lucky coincidence. Earth Grineer arnt in wooded camo due to could fortune. These elements are developed together. These things do overlap. Not sure about DE specifically (Actually i did see a short interview with a level designer at tennocon where they talked about the design process of the murmur areas), but Level Designer is a job title. Level designers generally design white boxes before further interaction with other departments. Level designers tend to be more involved in the layout. I work in a similar field so i have a good guess on resource allocation. Its not total guesswork. Ok, but heres the main point. Everything they've done that deviates from the formula is the stuff you said you dont like as much (duviri, kahl, ect) while the stuff that if more 'standard' you enjoy more. You claim you want new stuff, but you dont look favourably on any of the new and different things you have, because they are too different. This is why I was trying to get you to describe in detail an example of a mission you want. Because either you have an idea, but you're not doing well at articulating it, or you have no idea what you want. Either way, having a good crack at a detailed proposal will help give those thoughts form and solidify what you want form it. That is, after all, what these forums are for. The presentation of idea and refinement through discussion. Ok, so the issue here is that that is the core warframe experience. Like Dynasty warriors. Doing it differently would be making warframe into a different game. But there already are different games. So why not play something different? And play Warframe when you want what warframe has to offer. I say this not as snark, but as someone who does this himself. I recently started playing 'The First Descendant.' It feels alot more like what your asking for, might be worth a go. Warframes no going anywhere. I guess we all want warframe to be the best it can be. We love it. But we just need to be careful that in making it great, we dont try to make it something that is no longer warframe.
  10. I do not mean that at all. Best not to try to interpret a deeper meaning in my words, its leading you astray. What I'm saying is that any long form mission is still going to be built on the back of existing systems. Open world is the same. The only way to change this would be to create gameplay that is unlike anything warframe has done to date, and would be unsustainable for the studio as it would be an experience designed for non-live service games. In other worlds, for clarity, Warframe is built on the back of a modular mission system. By this I mean that tile sets, enemies and difficulties can be swapped quickly and easily to accommodate most game modes. This allows for very efficient upscaling. Make a new game mode and it can be turned into 5-6 missions, each with different factions and environments, very quickly. Creating a unique scenario for each mission would be very demanding for a studio that often creates multi use assets and mechanics.
  11. I will do, by buying more! The restrictions to loadouts is awsome and the tougher challenge provided by Elite Deep Archimedia is invigorating. If you cant use arcane blessing, take that into account and use a different arcane. Thats sort of the point of the mode. Yet they've done this for ages, all the way back to Arbitrations.
  12. The only thing I'd ask here is more description on what you want that isn't repeated content. What exactly would this longer mission consist of? What game mechanics would be part of it? Because as hard as I try, i cant think how to package any of that into a longer mission. Funny, because I would do that. Or at least I would hold up conclave and say: "This shows that the standard warframe gameplay isnt suited to PvP, and in order to make PvP more enjoyable, it would need us to do something less like warframe gameplay. I have said to others that i'd be interested in a khal based PvP mode. Grineer vs grineer. I have an issue with this, only in that this is what your asking for. It might not be what you mean to ask for, it might be an articulation issue, and I say this not to insult or anything, im genually interested in the discussion, but the way you have described you desired concept is that you want a quest type mission that can be played multiple times with evergreen rewards. To get what you want from this, it has to be fun, and bring people back no matter what the reward is. Otherwise it will only draw attention while the reward is present. Its also not going to be able to be 100% hand crafted, due to cost / benifit. So where do you see compromises happening? I'd say first of all that what I said is exactly right. It relies on new modular content which meshes with old modular content because that's the beauty of modular content. And you may be right on new content being old concepts with a twist, Ive concepted some different missions myself. So I'd ask you, what would a fresh mission look like to you. What objective do you have to propose that not like anything that is currently in the game, but doesnt remove from the core warframe experience? Because part of the reason most of the missions are so similar is that the Devs covered the core bases in their first set of missions. Also, the gamemodes I play now are drastically different that the gamemodes I played 10 years ago. Sure, the core of it is the same, on paper. But every time I do an exterminate, and I use a different gun, or warframe, or on a different tileset, im playing a different version of the gamemode. That is the true nature of the modular nature of the game. Its not about new players. I know some MRL2s that dont have certain warframes because they dont like them or dont want to buy slots. While potentially true, I would point out your own words on Duviri and people quitting because of RNG. While Ive often experienced the same thing, often with primes, where I'll revisit an old WF and enjoy it more (limbo and saryn), ive also found several I still didnt like (banshee and garuda). All im saying is it would be best not to bloat a mode we want people to play for longer timescales with elements that may detract from the experience. I get that, but for example, personally Im a caster. I like caster frames. I dont really like tank frames. Just not my thing. If you had a long mission and one was tank only, I'd feel like i was playing it to get the reward, not because I found it fun. Especially if the reward was unique or rare in some way. Yes, but you also said everything would have unique rewards, like an orange shard that no other long mission would give. Well if I really need that shard, im going to have to play that one mode. It also doesnt seem great that the entire team would be running the same frame type without synergy. What event do you do every day? Thats fine, but a repayable quest will have mundane rewards. That or be super grindy. I dont feel the same as you on this, as I generally play WF and do my weeklys, then I play other stuff for the week. I like that I dont have to grind away at warframe all week. Though its fine if you do, im not judging that. I will say however that without time gating and the better rewards that come from that, these missions will quickly become the very thing you want them not to be. Different use of the word. Not actual caches ingame but a bundle of rewards given at mission completion. Part of why they are valuable is because of their scarcity. I remember when forma used to be treated with the same reverence. You cannot have such an item available as an evergreen reward in a replayable gamemode, as people will burn themselves out grinding them, and they will in turn become pointless. God I would play a 60min mission if it game me a health amount of bile resources for sure. You dont need to. A non cinematic quest can take about 2-3 months work. A cinematic quest like second dream or The Sacrifice took 2-3 years. It was. You can still replay kahl quests now. You may choose not to, but people may choose not to play these longer quests. Atomicycles probably will, but to say that they design shortsightedly shows a clear lack of knowledge on the very processes and fundamentals of product design. Kaithes arnt just kaithes. Kaithes are part of Duviri. Kaithes arnt designed to be kaithes. Kaithes are designed to be part of the duviri package. Duviri wouldnt be as good without kaithes, and kaithes launched with dlc cosmetics, and its likely that the revenue from kaithe skins more than made up for their production costs, as im sure the atomicycle skins will. Not how design works. Does the level design team no how to rig animations? Do the write characters, record VO? do sound design? And can content islands be made without level design? Again, very little idea how games are designed. I advise watching the double fine documenteries on the development of psyconauts. Very interesting look into a games development cycle, or their 'Amnesia fortnight' collections. But simply put, every department touches almost every aspect of the game. Many of the people who would be key for developing levels also work on developing weapons or warframes. But even if not, this wouldnt get you what you want. This would get you the same tilesets, with the same missions, with no story. Because the level designers wouldnt be making new assets.
  13. True, but thats all we could really expect without warframe being a totally different game. And its true for any other game of a similar genre. TBH, I concepted some longer gamemodes myself a while back, but my approach was different. (took a sec to find the link, check under the 'acquisition' subheading if interested) So basically the idea for the hoard survival and bank heist were that you would have multi stage missions where you performance in earlier stages affects the ease and setting of later stages. So something like that might be interesting for longer missions. They dont even need to be different game modes. Think 'Armageddon' game mode, but where turrets were permanent, but argazine was awarded in lower numbers based on performance so while enemy level goes up over time, you slowly build up defences. Want Im interested isnt necessarily longer missions, or more unique missions, but missions that reward investment and make you feel more invested or give a sense of ownership. Thinking of something like Gears of Wars' survival mode. You put your def item in a spot of choice, the every round all players can spend credits creating def that inhibit or slow enemies. That was fun. I dont need hand crafted 30-60 min mission experiences, because once ive dont it once, i just will try to get it done as soon a possible. What I want is for Warframe to play to its strengths, but have its gamemodes provide me with more sense of ownership and agency.
  14. It takes about a week or two for support to action emails. They tend to be busy.
  15. Not sure i agree with this. Steel path is harder than regular missions, but unless its event specific or an alert, Steel path nodes are dead quite for matchmaking, but their regular counterparts generally are well populated. Those harder missions that are well populated arnt so because they are harder, but because the reward is more beneficial. In general, most players prefer shorter missions. Very few people in a random matchmaking party stay for Rotation C for example. While I dont disagree about having some longer missions, I think Deep Archimedia is one such implementation, that covers harder content too. I also think that Duviri covers this. However these arnt majorly popular modes compared to shorter versions on offer. Very few people play Deep Archimedia more that once a week, or again after getting all the rewards for example. Another thing you didnt list is 'open world bounty chains'. This is a longer mission, made up of small objectives tied together. There are alot of longer missions available, they just get overlooked by shorter missions. Novel Idea, and it is done with open world bounties and Demos' nechramech vaults. I dont however see it as a good use of resources to produce such a thing as you end up with very static maps that dont take advantage of the tile builder warframe has for its levels. The trade-off for loading is your randomised and often sprawling layouts. Player data would suggest the opposite is true, as quests dont tend to get replayed as much as regular missions. Now rewards are no doubt a part of this, but its important to remember what Warframe is as a game. The missions your asking for are very much like what is provided by Destiny. But its important to look at development cycles along side this. Everything has a cause and effect. Warframe thrives on modular content with a regular update cycle, possible mainly because of the modular nature of the game engine. Destiny provided alot of hand crafted, linked and storied missions, however these were updated once ever year or two, and had no modularity to them so you always played the same mission over and over. Quality comes at the expense of quantity. or frames they might not even own, alienating them from playing the mode at all. Part of what makes warframe great is the freedom of choice. you would have to do a Duviri here and give people access to frames they dont have somehow. While im onboard for a few choice longer experiences, im actively against this idea. Maybe not a bad idea for a short mission type, but lets not force players to use a warframe they may not love for an extended period of time. So with this I 100% agree with everything you said, but I would still say that the weekly content restriction is a good thing, especially for longer form content. I do the Elite Dark Archimedia every week, I do Netracells 50% of the time, and Archon Hunts 20%. I used to do the more, but I got burned out from archons eventually. Ascension came out very recently. It wasnt time gated, it was part of an event. I played it so much during the event that unless it comes up as an alert, I will probably never play the mode again. I think any longer form, higher quality mission should be time gated. I think it should be made more special, more of an event. Something you sit down to play and prepare for a longer run. The time gate would help to make the mission more enjoyable. While I agree, you then went on to suggest several very general rewards. I think any longer missions should offer something like a cache of rewards, but not Tau shards or rivens. It would be better to offer a larger cache of rare materials. The kind of stuff that you dont need but that players of all levels would find useful. Pssibly something like Duviri, where you can select which rewards you would like to work towards. And similar to how Destinys raids have hidden bonus chests, the missions could have collectables off the main path that could offer small but stacking multipliers to these reward caches. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So in brief, I feel like the desire for longer form content is interesting, its being approached without consideration for all the longer form content we do already have. And while I do understand the form that you are imagining for this content, I dont think that form is very warframe. Its a suggestion that doesnt want to build something new into warframe, but wants to make warframe be something it isnt.
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