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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 10 minutes ago, CephalonStalker said:

    Hi Tenno :)

    I'm just curious how long nightwave is said to last? cuz i need to calculate how many weeks i need to do this.

    Also sidequestion? how do i do the "catchup" system if i miss some week challenges before? cuz i heard that is a thing now

    You have to complete at least 1-2 of that week's normal / elite weeklies , I guess. So you will be able to finish rest of challenges in next weeks.

    From Nightwave Workshop post ;

    On 2019-05-10 at 5:54 PM, [DE]Bear said:

    1) Playing Catch-Up: Stored, Missed Acts!

    The biggest change we wanted to announce was the addition of a system which allows you to play missed Acts after you have completed the current Acts for your given week. This will only apply to Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts. 

    When both Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts are completed for a week, a ‘missed’ Act from a previous week will be available to play and complete. Once you have completed all ‘missed’ Acts, they will no longer appear, only to be refreshed in the next week’s rotation.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Fallen77 said:

    What ? But you can charge his balls for 100 more damage now !

    That is just so strong, spending as much time and energy on a single ball as for a double cast, for the same damage... Strongest mechanic in the game.

    Why'd you want to charge an ability for double damage while it can 1-shot any enemy ?!

  3. On 2019-07-06 at 8:25 PM, InsomniaTheMistress said:

    So, after three years of waiting we finaly got this - Ivara Deluxe Skin.


    And it's horrible! How it's fit Ivara -  huntress with bow, tree warrior whose visual design was influenced by tree frogs? Right, in no way.
    Looks like alpha version of Khora. Oh wait, Mike here, hello!

    I hope DE never add it to the game.


    I like the deluxe, gives me warrior-huntress vibe and helmet is based on deers which is symbol of Artemis ( Goddess of Hunt ). There are also some quite nice features like hip-quiver, arbalet and dagger on lower right leg ( you can see it when you look closely ).

    She became a medium to heavy armored battlefield archer instead of forest prowler and it caught my interest.


    Calling it horrible and telling that to never add it into game is just disrespectful. 

    Artist who designed this deluxe also designed Ivara herself too, he knows his creation better than you and this is the direction he wanted his baby to take. He can make some alterations with feedback but don't expect it to be scrapped.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

    I'm shocked how this is a surprise considering how powerful the regular Ninkondi is. It makes me think people don't try weapons unless it says "Prime"

    Well I sold regular Ninkondi ages ago and didn't bother rebuilding after Melee 2.99. So no idea about how regular one is but prime felt really strong and it can be my fav melee now :)

  5. 10 minutes ago, 40PE said:


    Thx for info/correction.

    Still it does looks like Eidolon to me, with some changes. It must be part of Earth, would be surprised if another planet in the same system. Or completely different solar system/galaxy.

    So Dax soldiers are like Quill TESHIN just from Conclave? Don't see any reference on wiki for them specifically yet.

    FTFY :d

  6. 16 hours ago, Xavori said:

    I know what y'all are thinking.  You're thinking, "Xav, Wisp is already pretty darn sexy.  She's right up there with Nezha, Mesa Prime, and Nidus for sexiest frames in the game."

    And that's true.  But, I got to thinking, after the dozenth time or so I caught one of my clanmates trying to sneak around behind me to sneak a peak, that there could be more to her sexiness than her obvious assets.  But how to bring those out?  

    So after much trial and error, pain, struggle, and yes, even tears, I figured it out.  And the way her face lit up when she saw her new look, well, I'm not too proud to admit that that joy turned me into a blubbering little girl...with a beard...that I dual braid...like a viking...but still for that moment a little girl.

    So without further ado, here she is, the sexiest Wisp in Warframe!

      Reveal hidden contents



    She looks like she had a terrible period :X

  7. 14 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Yes it does contradict with the idea of being gifted because there is a whole armada with Ropalolyst sized Ropalolyst sentients already on the march with Natah. If it was an eidolon from PoE it wouldnt look the way it does, it would instead look like the one in fragment #2, with the Eidolon stuff hanging from it and the big block head feature.

    Or have you just read about the fragments and not actually looked at them? I mean there is a huge difference between the actual Ropalolyst and what would be an eidolon one. That is why it is very likely that one of the fragments shows the massive sentient (looking like Rop) and the other shows the remnant of it i.e the eidolon looking one. Plus there is the whole night/day thing with eidolons aswell in addition to their softspot for water.

    I have read about fragments and " New Threat Looms " fragment literally shows the Ropalolyst ( as the memory in quest ). Blocky head is not the one that emerged in memories. It's probably another Eidolon that will take its place on plains.

    6 minutes ago, Knowmad762 said:

    An Eidolon is: a reanimated piece of the original huge Sentient that was on the surface of the Earth and was destroyed in combat by Gara. If the Ropa is indeed a reanimated piece of that same Sentient on Earth, as all Eidolons are, how do other Ropas also exist in Tau at the same time? How did the pieces of that original Sentient on Earth travel to Tau, to then be reanimated as Ropa Eidolons there?

    Also, Eidolons only exist at night. One could reason that they cannot manifest themselves in the presence of direct solar radiation. True Sentients do not have this weakness. If the Ropa is an Eidolon, how did it: a)travel from Earth to Jupiter without exposure to sunlight, and b)how does it exist in full sunlight when we encounter it on Jupiter?

    We can't say that there weren't any sentient corpses on Tau which those Ropalos created from. You know they don't have to be exclusive to Earth / Plains.

    If ( boss ) Ropalo is from Tau , there should be a rogue and mindless Ropalo around for us to hunt. So its not a far fetched idea to guess ( boss ) Ropalo is from plains as its the only Flyodolon in Solar System currently.

    3 minutes ago, Urlan said:

    1 - In the battle with the Ropalolyst, Natah calls it of her flesh; which would seem to imply its not an Eidolon at all -

    2 - Unless she was the Giant Plains of Eidolon Sentient that got killed - but rather a fragment of Natah's original body. Perhaps Similar to Hunhow's shards (like Natah's mimics) but on a bigger scale.

    1 - Ropalo has Eidolon features. Shields that can be destroyed by void damage , having synovias , grotesque and organic appearance ( unlike sentients like Battalyst / Conculyst ) etc. 

    Only thing that is missing is spectral / nocturnal side of Eidolons but I have a theory on that ;

    • Ropalo can move under daylight and just dies ( like seen in cutscene after battle ) instead of submerging / teleporting into abyss. What if it had something to do with creature dragging Revenant into abyss and leaving its eldritch essence / spectral powers with him ? Maybe it became daywalker but in return lost its resurrection ability ?

    It also doesn't drop shards but don't know if it has anything to do with his lore ( maybe just preventing easy shard farm ? ).

    2 - This is what I thought ( Ropalo being connected to Natah ). It also strengthens my theory ;

    48 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

    Ropalolyst ( from Mask of Revenant ) has left plains after emerging ( for an unknown reason , perhaps Natah's call ? ) and got tasked to watch over Alad V during his Amalgam Project by Natah.


  8. 2 minutes ago, Knowmad762 said:

    Can you prove this?

    In the New War trailer, multiple Ropalolysts can be seen simultaneously. This is evidence that they are a fairly ordinary Sentient creature, not unlike a Ballalyst.

    The Ropalolyst is kind of a lore mess, but it is currently not an Eidolon in any way. The code named Flydolon was originally going to be a fourth Eidolon on Earth, and was that is referenced in Nakak line. This Flydolon never happened, and the Ropalolyst was instead changed to a standalone Sentient creature on Jupiter. Admittedly, they should not have used the amp only shield and synovia mechanics previously only seen on Eidolons. This creates much confusion, and more Sentient like mechanics would have been better, but meh.

    It is attacking the Gas City to keep rather violent pressure on Alad to do his job, as he has a long history of betrayal. The Sentients want to destroy the entire human presence in the Galaxy, why would they care about not destroying one single gas plant? In pretty sure the plant works fine without a few walkways, and there is really no reason that Alad can't set up Amalgam labs on other planets as well.

    Well we have seen a memory of a Ropalolyst emerging in Mask of Revenant quest. Revenant was tasked to prevent it from return to surface. It dragged Revenant into abyss to emerge itself and corrupted him with sentient essence in process.

    Until proven otherwise by DE , there is nothing to deny that Ropalolyst ( from Mask of Revenant ) has left plains after emerging ( for an unknown reason , perhaps Natah's call ? ) and got tasked to watch over Alad V during his Amalgam Project by Natah.

    True, there are Ropalolysts in trailer but they are in Tau System alongside with Mother's army. Its easier to guess ( boss ) Ropalo is from plains than Tau. You know space travel is not easy for them.

    2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    It has no connection to the Ropalolyst at all. Nakak's story seems to be centered soley on earth i.e the Grineer controlled planet. You've likely also missed the origin of the Ropalolyst and why it does what it does. It is a "gift" from Natah to Alad V in order to keep him in check during his experiments with his so called amalgams. Alad V has reached the point that Natah intended for him and now she wants to screw up his base of operations by letting the Rop do what it wants. This is why Alad wont get in our way either and gives us tips on how to kill it. He speaks of it eating up resources/power, well obviously Natah has planned that so he cant work on other projects in the meantime, like coming up with a way of killing his "allies".

    It is just a new Lyst created from Natah and not a mindless zombie like Terry, Gary and Harry. That however doesnt exclude there ever being a Flydolon on Earth because the fragments shows something looking like the Ropalolyst (possibly an ancient sentient far bigger than the Ropalolyst) aswell a an Eidolon looking similar but covered with your regular Eidolon stuff and massive "block" "head".

    The reason why the Ropalolyst looks simiar is probably because that is the way the airborne sentients look, no matter their size, or that the new armada is created based on an ancient sentient type but made smaller. It has zero to do with PoE, it isnt from there. 

    It still doesn't contradict with the idea of " gifted " Ropalolyst is the one from plains. Its easier to use the one currently resides on Solar System then bringing one from Tau.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Knowmad762 said:

    That's a real big stretch. Nakak's line is incredibly vague, and in no way references the Ropalolyst.

    " A Warframe, infused with the powers of an Eidolon! That's a scary thought, isn't it? But I worry, it's a power we'll soon need. I had a dream. Something new, stirring within the ground. Seeking a body to call its own, longing to strike those who sent it to the grave... "

    And it would make absolutely no sense lore wise: Revenant is based on Eidolons, and the Ropalolyst is not an Eidolon at all. An Eidolon is a weaker, mindless reanimated piece of a much larger Sentient; basically a zombie version of a Sentient. The Ropalolyst is a brand new, fully Sentient creature all on it's own.

    " The spectral silhouette of an Eidolon and the Fragments acquired in the mission depict the Ropalolyst. Despite Nakak claiming RevenantIcon272 Revenant's power would be needed to combat the Sentient Eidolon, the Warframe has no bearing on the Ropalolyst fight. " -Wikia

    We can call Ropalolyst mindless aswell. I'm sure you noticed that Alad was working on Amalgams to serve sentient forces under Natah's control. Why would Ropalolyst attack to Alad's Gas City if it was fully sentient ? Why would it try to ruin Sentient Queen's plans ? Because it's as instinct driven and mindless as Eidolons are. Also its resurrected on plains like other Eidolons , meaning its a zombie too.

  10. Despite Nakak saying (in Mask of Revenant quest ) Revenant will be required to defeat new threat ( Flyodolon ) , Revenant doesn't have a single interaction with Ropalolyst. Wish DE didn't just leave him in his buggy state and ignore this " lore " interaction :(

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