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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 4 hours ago, Terezmo said:

    From the workshop last Friday, they showcase a demo showing a new rendering of the plains (which looks great) that can also be seen on Steve Sinclair's twitter. I wonder if the developers plan to make the plains of eidolon feel more wildlife like with more animal types roaming throughout the plains and maybe a more colorful landscape. This would also be a good idea to add a resident from Cetus to be placed out in the plains to accept missions, instead of returning to the hub like Fortuna.

    That is their goal. They are facelifting PoE to be more " alive " and colorful.

    They also mentioned in one of devstreams that they will add hunting and bounty-giver / field agent to Plains.

  2. 3 hours ago, Sitchrea said:

    Umbra is special in that he is more than just a shell. What happened during the Second Dream was such an incredible anomaly that it made Hunhow himself say, "What is this?" 

    It was either ;

    Operator's first step to use transference without throne or touching the frame


    Frame's survival instinct / defense protocol to protect operator , no matter the cost.

  3. Well giving operators +1 additional magus arcane slot per maxed focus school would be a nice start :D

    Ofcourse you can't stack arcanes anymore to balance it..

    Also make them a bit faster and less clunky to move around.


  4. No updates this week clearly , DE will post Melee 2.9 Workshop thread friday. Expect big update in next week or the week after that. 

    They also said no small updates till big update too , just hotfixes if necessary.

    39 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    It’s starting to get boring not having anything to talk about tbh.

    I feel you :(

    At least a deluxe or something to keep us occupied and distracted would be nice :(

  5. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)pieisgood795 said:

    its bad to hunt them in bounties with a full lobby

    ^This. People are there to do their bounties.

    Doing side activities and not helping others for bounty count as leeching and not welcomed by community.

    I recommend hunting , fishing and mining while in solo or pre-made squad to avoid hatred.

    • Like 10
  6. Angst is currently unknown and you can hunt her when she is found again.

    From Wikia ;



    An Acolyte can randomly appear on the Star Chart, indicated in the World State Window, where players must then hunt down the Acolyte by finding which node on which planet it appears. Once the Acolyte has been found, its location is displayed in the World State Window for all players to see. Unlike other enemies, Acolytes cannot be killed in a single mission. Instead, players must engage the Acolyte in a mission and deal as much damage to it as they can. The damage received by the Acolyte accumulates as more players encounter and deal damage to it over several missions, with its total remaining health displayed on the World State Window. Only when its total health has been depleted will the Acolyte be eliminated. The Acolyte will stay in the node where it is found until it receives a certain amount of damage to its total health, after which it will disappear from the node to relocate to another node, thus requiring players to search for the Acolyte's location again. If the Acolyte switches to a different Node while the players are on a mission to kill it, it will stay in the mission until the mission ends.

    The Acolyte will only spawn in the mission if one player enters a room of the map randomly chosen at the start of the mission where the Acolyte is supposedly hidden. When a player enters this room, the screen will flicker with a violet hue similar to the warning signs for the Stalker, and the Acolyte will send messages to the player before spawning a few seconds later and engaging in battle. During such an encounter, the Acolyte will disappear after receiving enough damage, if the players go down, or a certain amount of time after the start of the encounter has passed. The Acolyte will only drop a mod from their drop table if they left from receiving enough damage. However, if they leave because too much time has passed or the player(s) are killed, there is no dropped reward.



  7. 2 minutes ago, Starfreak911 said:

    It's not exclusive to the bundle.  When console gets Fortuna pt 2 you'll be able to farm for it off of the Profit Taker orb fight.  DE also stated a day or two after the Fortuna pt 1 release that the sigil would not be exclusive so we've known for a long time.

    ^Best answer.

  8. My UI got most useful bug in game and I was able to see booster durations / discount icon on top right corner of screen WHILE on Orb Vallis.

    Can this be a feature , DE ? Its good to be able to see such informations like these.

  9. 33 minutes ago, koryfunny said:

    you can change the color of the blood sigil, maybe equipping that sigil will override her normal blood splatters - it need to be tested.
    but you can only get that sigil by buying Garuda pack right now, it'll be aviable to everyone in future event

    Nope , changing sigil colors do not override her blood color.

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