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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 9 hours ago, (PS4)GrandisSupernus said:

    To be fair, it's a bit strange that a Sentient Eidolon can summon (and bleed) acid rain in the first place. Were I to compile a list of abilities that I think sum up a Sentient, that wouldn't even end up in the top 50...

    I know its not the coolest Eidolon ability but at least its better ( and more fitting ) than blind.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Walkampf said:

    Because it's called Blinding Reave, not Acidrain Reave

    " BeCAuSe IT's cAlLed BLinNdInG REavE " 

    I know how its called , just wanted to make a thematic approach to augment and use an eidolon ability idea for it. Name can change , its not like we are forced to use same name on reworked augment.

    • Like 2
  3. Why not make this augment reflect his Eidolon side ( which kit lacks ) and leave a trail of toxic damage like Hydrolyst's Acid Rain ability ?

  4. 1 minute ago, KnossosTNC said:

    Didn't DE say they ran a script along with the PoE remaster update to convert all Arcane BPs that were already purchased into built Arcanes? Didn't the script work?

    I wouldn't know, since I didn't have any BPs on hand at the time of the update.

    DE did change arcane blueprints in our inventories to built ones with PoE Remastered.

    8 minutes ago, (PS4)Gangalito said:

    Recently the arcanes that can be purchased from vendors were all changed from blueprints to fully built arcanes. 

    I've already spent 100k rep on a set of arcanes.  Now to acquire built arcanes I have to either spend an additional 100k rep or use up very rare resources such as Nyth.  Totaling 200k rep or 100k rep+ rare resources.  When people can now just spend 100k, literally half the cost I'll have to pay just because I bought them earlier than others.

    Can all arcane blueprints be changed in to built arcanes please?  It seems incredibly unfair to make people pay twice the cost of others just because they got to the PoE earlier.

    Excuse me but consoles didn't even get that PoE ecomony update yet ( already in certification process ).


  5. This is why you have to take ;

    • Primary / Secondary weapon with crit + radiation.
    • Kavat with Sharpened Claws mod.
    • High impact melee with Shattering Impact mod. 

    with you to beat him when he spawns. Fugitives are affected by any form of CC , shouldn't be hard to lock them down. All frames have many forms of CC abilities with few exceptions.

  6. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)Lollybomb said:

    Same as others.  Killing him is a non-issue.  I just brute force the matter with my sword built for crit+combo multiplier.  The longer the fight goes, the more damage I deal, and every hit heals me, so have at it.

    Getting him to spawn?  That is the problem.

    Yeah , the biggest problem atm. There are people who had never seen him even once in 7 weeks.

    I think I should count myself lucky because I got him 2 times.

  7. It's in latest devstream ( in first quarter of video I guess ) , Scott says Vauban is getting rework to kit because game is fast paced more than ever now and his static gameplay doesn't keep up with current flow.

    Ofcourse you can give suggestions. I wasn't trying to stop you , just wanted to say all abilities you mentioned might not be in his new kit. I should have been more clear , sorry for that.

    As for feedback to your ideas , I like them. Its cool to combine Trip Lasers and other grenades to build traps. More CC and utility tied together. :D

  8. 23 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

    Yeah i think my main issue with the shadow travel thing being her main invisibility other than her mid air passive is that while you're casting her 1, 3 or 4 you're a sitting duck with no protection and from the looks of 4 im not sure you'd be able to jump or cast 2 during it's animation which would negate any defenses you have at the time. Will probably have to play her to test it but it'd feel a little like baruch to me when you try to attack and his 1 instantly disables 

    Best thing DE can do is let Wisp keep altitude and momentum in air while casting Sol ( 4# ). So she can obliterate enemies with invis sun beam :d

  9. 1 hour ago, LuckyCharm said:

    I'm okay with deployables, I really dont like the switchable skills though like wisps 1, vaubans mines, and ivaras quiver. They're clunky and slow when you're trying to do multiple in any reasonable amount of time. I'd much rather remove or combine a couple of wisps buffs and simply make make it a single cast. Then you can have the Hold as her 3 instead which would free up an entire new ability. 

    I can see the 1+3 combo being strong defensively in interceptions etc where you have points to defend, but she's really lacking meaningful survivability besides the passive for invis when in the air. Taunts in this game are really rather pointless currently since they barely work if the enemy can still see you (see loki and saryn decoy/molt)  and the electic proc from the buff is worse than simply shooting enemies with your guns. 

    I'm not that excited for her 2, it seems to be pretty much a nezha 2 which isn't really something I find ever useful when it's usually just as fast to run to the place. 



    Wisp is looking to be just another damage focused frame without any real meaningful way to stay alive if you're locked into animations like 4. 1+3 can be merged to leave a spare ability slot for something defensive

    Well technically using 2nd ability instantly makes you invisible while shadow travels. So enemies don't see you. But agree she could use survivability options like evasion.

  10. 3 minutes ago, S.Dust said:

    People could just as easily argue you're blindly supporting DE you don't know that the system isnt messed up. The lack of transparency as to what exactly is going on doesn't look good on their side.

    Blindly supporting DE ? Nope , I am not defending them and other posters shouldn't defend the random person on internet with no real proof. Trying to be objective , both OP and Support can be right or wrong. 

    If system is so messed up , there would be an outcry for unreasonable trade bans. Just a person with this problem is not enough imo.

    Also I edited my post to say this issue can be carried to Community Box , since noone here can help him.

  11. To people who blindly defends OP , we really don't know the REAL story behind it. Maybe OP scammed someone or exploited something and got reported for that , who knows. Because people don't get trade bans ( especially that long ) for no reason. If its really an issue on DE's part ( abnormal results with no real explanation ) and no scam / exploit / hack , it can be fixed but this is not the correct place to solve it.

    OP can carry this issue to community box to see if he gets help from DE themselves.

  12. We have done all ( or most of ) challenges so far to reach to this point , wouldn't it be unfair to us who completed these tasks for past 6 weeks ?

    Platinum is easily acquired as it can't be comparable to time spent with challenges. Putting them to market will just make our efforts worthless.

    I understand you are missing rewards and I'm sure Steve said these seasons will rotate so you will have another opportunity to get them eventually.


    • Like 4
  13. Agreed OP , she must be based on Desert / Djinn themed more than anything. Forget the " Wisp " name , to me its just a left over from early devbuild. Hope she gets a better name on release.

    Lets see what she has ;

    • Nomad-like appearance ( even has oriental look ).
    • Ghostly passive.
    • Summoning Djinn-like spiritual benevolent ( buff ) and malevolent ( CC , damage ) creatures.
    • Visually sand-like wraith teleport.
    • Sun / Light / Fire themed abilities like any other desert themed characters in video games.

    Not to mention Djinns are creatures made of fire in Arabic mythology.

    It's easier to explain her this way rather than justifying her kit as " portal mage ".

    • Like 1
  14. Passive is amazing.

    1# Reservoir buffs have to be picked up from distance , without require us to touch them.

    2# Decoy-Teleport is a nice ability imo , could use a speed buff. It also activates passive so she can be invis during dash period and can blind enemies on reactivation. Nothing to complain here.

    3# This is least interesting part of her kit. Instead of 1 instance of damage , it could release continous damaging AoE effect around deployables and slow enemies.

    4# I find her 4th quite interesting , as it feels like Solar version of Destiny 2's Chaos Reach and feels so good to watch it.

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