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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. Garuda needs more graceful animations for these abilities. Both of their charge animations make her look like a weird caveman or monkey while walking / sprinting.

    My suggestions ;

    • Dread Heart Charging - Garuda grasps the heart with her right arm talons ( instead of holding it with right hand , below her chest ) and moves with catwalk / strutting animation.
    • Seeking Blades -  Her casting animations stays same but moves with strutting animation. Or she can float while casting.

    Also one more thing , Garuda lost her " rip apart " feature of her 1st ability. She doesn't kill enemies with Talons brutally anymore. Is there any chance for it to be added back into game ?

  2. 8 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

    Still, the blender is miles more satisfying than having Nyx's Psychic bolts + a highly reduced Equinox Maim + the terribly game-flow breaking charge mechanic.

    At least with the blender we got:

    -Spinning blades on all axis that pull enemies in

    -Black shadowy Garuda floating menacingly around like a vengeful spirit

    -Blood, gore, and general viscera covering the screen

    That was way more interesting, and way more friendly with the speedy game flow of this game considering you could jump into a group of enemies and pop it after using any of Garuda's other close-ranged abilities. It had better game flow, better visuals, and rewarded you with an abundance of gore, which after all is the theme she was given.

    Gibs and body parts flailing around the screen is no issue when abilities like Inaros' Sandstorm, Revenant's Dance Macabre, Vauban's Vortex, Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm, and Zephyr's Tornados already fill the screen with ragdolls, VFX, and dead bodies. The difference between them and Garuda is her ability was designed to look and feel amazing, and demonstrate how elegantly viscous she truly is in contrast to similar frames like the wild and feral Valkyr whom has the elegance of a wet angry cat.

    I still urge them to change it back because her ultimate looks like boring garbage right now, and honestly DE should have more pride in the original iteration instead of giving us the current lackluster ability she has now in place of it, that being a garbage tier mash of abilities with literally zero interesting or gory visuals. Plus with the inclusion of an effects slider in the options now there is no reason people couldn't adjust it or turn it off if they had a problem with it instead of marching here on the forums demanding change in droves to something most were already really liking.

    Also, the fact that it is similar to other abilities matters not, as many frames we have currently share abilities that basically do the same thing, with different visuals. Take Hydroid and Ember for example.

    Tentacle Swarm locks enemies in a small radius with a stun, and deals chip damage.

    World On Fire locks enemies in a small radius with a stun, and deals chip damage.

    Their only differences being one is with watery tentacles, and the other is with fire that spawns endlessly across the universe.


    Now that I think about it, Garuda's current "new" 4th ability is a toddler's variant of Ash's old Bladestorm: Bleed damage in a small radius that you cast from afar. Except Garuda's doesn't cheaply and effortlessly kill everything effected like brainless ol'd Ash. It just pokes enemies with a few knives and causes a slash proc.

    Sure sounds both fun, effective, and enjoyable. Oh and gory. did I mention gory? I saw a total hurricane of gore* in the clip they showed demonstrating the ability.


    The asterisk ( * ) notes the sarcasm, for those who don't know.


    Oh, lets not forget that the ability has already been pre-nerfed, requiring the built in mechanic of slowly charging in order to be fully effective. Too bad abilities that require a charge take their sweet time and completely break the speedy flow of Warframe's combat gameplay.

    Not to mention, maybe the short range was to promote close-range gameplay?


    GG Digital Extremes.*

    It depends on perspective , you might find it satisfying or interesting but a big part of community considers channel ults like Garuda's old 4th uninteractive , lazy and boring. Doesn't matter how cool it looks , it locks you into a floating animation and prevents you from using other abilities.

    From Twitch to forums and reddit , people shown they disliked the blender ability and it got changed due backlash. Don't think " most were already liking " true. Well some people did like it , including you but that doesn't change the fact DE listened all the feedback and did what had to be done.

    Charge time might get reduced or removed completely after the release if its irritating enough to break the flow of gameplay. We will give our feedback about it when she is released.

    A short range gameplay would be ideal if the shield wasn't just frontal. She also damages herself to gain energy which puts her in risk with the requirement of her 1st ( getting close to enemies ) to gain shield. On top of these , a short ranged blender to dive into the mobs is like a suicide if you take damage from all directions ( she has no way of blocking all damage taken like Revenant ).

    Also ;

    8 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

    Do you people even use your brains or does everything have to kill something hundreds of yards away for you to be happy with it?

    Insulting other people for showing their expression and opinions ? Such a good way to discuss things.

  3. 1 hour ago, Xylyssa said:

    @[DE]Grineeer @[DE]Steve

    So now that Garuda has a built in Exalted style weapon utilizing her claws, can you change her current ultimate back into the awesome vortex blender with all the spinning blades and shadowy spirit look? Since you changed her ult to this new one because people whining about her claws not being used, so I've heard.

    You heard it wrong ( well kinda ) , people got disappointed of her first ult because its was short range Revenant's Dance Macabre + Nyx's Absorb + Vauban's Vortex in one ability in a most boring way ( locking frames in channeling animation is a bad idea ). They wanted it to be changed into either Exalted Claws ( which steps into the Valkyr's territory ) or an ability that will let us throw talons / spears / bones.

    Also Blender Mode was awful as hell. Imagine yourself pulling bunch of enemies with it and they non-stop ragdolling at your face.

    Not sure if you noticed in the stream where Blender was shown , there was an Arctic Eximus ragdolled around Garuda and it was literally causing nausea , can't even imagine with more enemies pulled into it.

  4. It must be either a sentinel with Shield Charger mod or Augur Set effect ( 40 - 240% energy spent on abilities converted to Shields ). But not sure about that " shield decay per sec " , are you sure you didn't take damage while you had shields ?


  5. 15 minutes ago, VPrime96 said:

    It would be a nice Passive but not sure if Pablo is going to copy Nidus Passive for Garuda.

    Well Nidus gains stacks from enemies hit by Virulence ( doesn't matter if it kills ) and loses some of them on fatal hit and 3&4 ability casts.

    However Garuda gains them from killing enemies and loses them overtime if she stops killing.

    Like Nova & Revenant passive similarity , one emits a shockwave when knocked down and other emits shockwave when shields depleted.

    I think it shouldn't be a problem :)

  6. I think her passive should work similar to Faust Hat from DMC5 ( getting stacks from enemies and preparing for special attack ).

    Whenever Garuda kills an enemy with her 1st ability,  she gains a blood stack which grants more damage to her or can be used as a resource for her 4th ( a blood rain ability would be neat ) .She loses stacks if she stops tearing enemies apart.

  7. Yeah , lighting changes affected ability visuals. Some tilesets ( Plains for example ) makes them close to invisible. Ability visuals shouldn't get affected by tileset lighting.

    Just for comparison ( using same energy color on Revenant ) , Its how energy should look ;



    In Lua , it looks a bit transperent.


    Almost invisible on plains ;


    Danse Macabre looks less vibrant and more transperent in Kuva tileset.


    Well its not ability visual but Revenant's wisps are tied to energy color ( looks bright pink and transperent ). Wanted to share this too because Orbiter lighting one of worst offenders ;


  8. Can you change Reave visuals to similar to Vomvalyst Dash ( while they are preparing themselves to dash, pics below ) and give Mesmer Skin more Eidolon tendrils ?

    @[DE]Rebecca Please , I know you can convince the team :D




    Also is it possible to give Revenant old wisp visuals ? He looked much better.


  9. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)awsomegamerLA1 said:

    why compare 1 healing pulse with tons of orbs? why not compare tons of orbs to tons of pulses? yeah the new synergy that the chakram has with divine spears is nice, imagine u could make a whole croup of enemies each spawn an healing pulse! that would be a much greater support... 

    Tons of pulses ? That's wasted healing. Most of the time your allies won't get the healing due being far from marked enemies. Health Orbs are more reliable healing than wasted pulses.

    13 minutes ago, (PS4)awsomegamerLA1 said:

    i don't think u understood my point. sure there were problems with the old pulse but what DE needed to do was fix it not remove it! increasing the pulse's range would resolve this and what i suggested is to add to the pulse energy restore as well. that would ultimately be much more powerful than any of those "synergies" and the player wouldn't need to waste mod and arcane slots.  

    You want more power than he currently has by giving him a high range healing and energy with many pulses ? Are you trying to step into Trinity's territory ?

    Also those " synergies " are bonus and not mandatory on Nezha.

  10. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)awsomegamerLA1 said:

    i know that but not the point... health orbs gives 25 health, the old healing pulse could give 250 health which was affected by power strength, my old nezha's healing pulse could heal over 500 health! orb doesn't even compare to that.
    also arcane pulse has 20% to give and extra 100 health even it gets triggered it's sill not as good not to mention u r wasting an arcane slot...

    Why do you compare 1 health orb to the old heal ?

    You can spawn TONS of healing orbs. 500 heal is nothing , compared to healing and armor buff you get from new chakram and Health Conversion. Also it can synergize well with other people's Health Conversions.

  11. AFK from my PC atm , I just can give you the list of items. Might upload pics when I return to home.

    They are all new stuff with exception of new sigil being too similar to Rift Sigil and having less cooler visuals.

    Vitus Emblem - Animated shoulder emblem with cool particle effects. Effects only show up when you are standing still.

    Vitus Illumina - Orbiter decoration ( Arbitration Symbol ) with particle effects.

    Scars of Arbitration - A sigil that is knock off version of Rift Sigil.

    Judicial Coils - Arbiters of Hexis themed ears cosmetic for operator.

    Arbitration Statue -  Orbiter decoration , its a meditating Arbiter leader on pedestal with Arbiter flag behind him.

  12. 14 hours ago, trst said:

    The purpose of Revenant's Thralls is for them to die for you not fight for you. Revenant is not Nyx.

    If someone can make an argument for Revenant needing further changes without acting like Thralls are intended to work otherwise I'd love to hear it.

    My proposed changes and reasons ;

    Passive changed to " Revenant can act like an Eidolon Lure and link to 2 of destroyed synovias. "

    • Reason - Passive was useless with existence of Mesmer Skin , its better to give him more thematic passive that would help him to fight Eidolons. He was meant to stop Eidolon threat and keep them coming back as the Warden of Plains after all.

    Enthrall : Thralls have 2-3 sec invulnerability period.

    • Reason - Enemies can be killed DURING thralling process and no pillars are created when that happens , so cast is wasted. Also Thralls die before spreading enthrall to others. 

    Mesmer Skin :

    Absorbs the last status proc dealt on itself and applies procs to enemies Reave hits.

    • Reason - Revenant is immune to status while this ability is active and Reave's new perk ( below ) has almost no use. Would be useful with this change.
    On 2018-10-12 at 4:56 PM, [DE]Megan said:

    Revenant’s Reave now also sheds Status Effects on cast and applies them to targets it hits

    After losing a mesmer charge, Revenant releases a radial energy wave that staggers all enemies in 10 meters radius. ( still stuns the attacker )

    • Reason - We try to keep Mesmer Skin active all the time and shields do not take hit. Passive contradicts with his "block-all-attacks" playstyle and it would be nice to keep it a part of Mesmer Skin with some changes.

    Reave : Casting speed is faster.

    • Reason - Cast animation is slow even with Natural Talent.

    Dance Macabre : Doesn't destroy energy pillars.

    • Reason - Pillars are good for zoning and shouldn't be destroyed. They can help Revenant by damaging / destroying enemies above him while Danse Macabre is active.


  13. 3 hours ago, (PS4)EmberMoonChild said:
    1. Make infested kavats a thing
    2. Make it so that we need kavat eggs not genetic code scans
    3. Make more different breeds of kavats and more fur patterns 
    4. Shorten the incubation time to at least 3hrs
    5. Make more fur patterns you get from random breeding purchasable for kubros and more color options
    6. Make it so we can get different sized kavats like with the kubros
    7. Make prime kubros and prime kavats a thing 
    8. Make it so that you can tell by looking at the puppy or kitten what size or pattern it will have
    9. Bring back the kubros that are taller than the warframe and Make a kavat version 
    10. Make special skins for kubros and kavats like with the warframes

    All of these things i would love to see. 

    1. It can't happen , due kavats being invulnerable ( or just highly resistant ) to infestation.
    2. I wouldn't mind kavat eggs.
    3. More kavat types ? Count me in.
    4. Can't say no to a nice QoL change.
    5. More pet customizations ! I'd love that.
    6. I'd rather a size slider for my pets.
    7. Pets themselves can't be primed , that is why we have prime pet armors and collar.
    8. Nice idea.
    9. Kubrows that taller than WFs look like mutated horses ( which is weird ) , I am totally against Kavat version. Being graceful and agile are kavats' thing , a horse-sized kavat would be awful.
    10. - See 5 -
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