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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. He has lots of issues currently ;

    Enthrall - Thralls created by Pillars do not leave Pillars on death. These Pillars also create invincible allies ( can only be killed after casting Enthrall on them ). Pillars get destroyed with weapons / melee attacks.

    Mesmer Skin -  Enemies under Arbitration Drone protection / link sometimes kill Revenant while he has Mesmer Skin charges.

    Reave - Dashing thru allies do not grant them Mesmer Charges ( can be successful after many attempts ). 'Blinding Reave' :  Only frontal finishers count towards riven challenges. It also blinds thralls.

    Danse Macabre - Rev gets stuck in ult while moving thru ledges until he runs out of energy. ( and he teleports back to said ledge at end of ult and climbs on it ). Also DM can be manually rotated with WASD keys after dashing with Reave ( this one is kinda fun but its a bug anyways ).

  2. 1 hour ago, Ikyr0 said:

    Sol is great for clearing trash. It spans the entire room, so at lower levels it's actually more efficient than the Amprex (again, due to range). While Sol's rad/heat isnt amazing against Grineer, it absolutely fukin shreds Corpus and Infested.

    Otherwise, I think Wisp is best played as a melee frame. I built mine with a fair bit of power str, duration and efficiency.

    Green Mote adds Corrosive pros to Sol's Beam. :3

    It makes Sol Beam good against armor too.

  3. Wisp has this weird neck and shoulder clipping problem when she turns her head to left and right ( while hipfiring ).



    Could you please fix it ? It's distracting and awful to look at. :(

  4. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)CodyXSavageX said:

    The main issue I have with it is the no block button it ruins valkyr's block combo in her claws and is just a waste we should just be able to block with our melee out and switch weapons instantly using the switch button instead of overriding gun aiming with blocking I find this decision quite foolish actually

    Actually there is a workaround. You can use block combo , just keep mashing your melee button then hold aim / block. As long as you keep meleeing with block held , you will be fine.

  5. 29 minutes ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

    How is me commenting on how much I have spent immature? I am trying to point out that I have been a big fan of the game and have supported it as much as I could since I started playing it. Yeah I have had some problems and complaints here and there before, but for the most part I have loved this game. 

    Never said you acted immature.

    Ofcourse you can point out that your are a fan and love the game but money you spent has nothing to do with subject. I have seen players demanding things in forums many times just because they spent money in game. I can't say you did same but its better to not bring out how much you have spent as it causes unnecessary quarrel and makes you seem like those entitled people.

    • Like 3
  6. Here are my thoughts on your ideas and her current kit.

    1. Agreed on casting self status immunty on herself without hugging to walls or ground.
    2. Razorflies passive sounds really nice. Trampoline passive is so useless.
    3. I disagree with Lantern being slight CC , its a nice CC that makes enemies completely ignore you and your allies. Not to mention its effectiveness combined with Spellbind. But it could use base range increase ( same applies to Spelbind as well ) , thats it.
    4. Most of augments suck or outright should be integrated into abilities , Lantern one is no different.
    5. I don't think Tribute wheel will be that useful. It needs more useful buffs. My suggestion ;  Razorflies passive stays but also picking up a Tribute buff instantly spawns a Razorfly on Titania's side up to 6. You can either wait for them to spawn overtime or on demand with Tribute ( also 10 sec wait time is so long , it better be 5 sec ).
    6. Diwata could use lots of buffs.
  7. 48 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    The sun thing follows her portal/wisp theme.

    Both her 3 and 4 are now "portal" skills, her 4 opens a portal to the sun and her 3 opens a dimensional breach. Her 2 also follows the portal theme cos she can teleport by using her mirror image as a portal. And the way she uses the Sol Gate you can draw connections to lanterns, items used by wisps in northern european folklore. No their lanterns did not harness the power of the sun, but it did lead others to their death if the wisp so wanted. Wisp itself also means torch.

    1 also counts as portal skill as she opens up portal on top of herself in air and summons reservoirs from her pocket dimension.

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