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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Imagine your Tenno as a genderless being of pure energy and warframes as empty biomechanical shell. If you want even more depth imagine that Tenno not only takes control over warframe but also serves as it's primary power source. There - problem solved.

  2. Created a concept of sun/light warframe myself long time ago, only mine was named Photon and served as support (can give you further details if you are interested).

    Overall quite solid concept. Although 3rd ability should bounce only to unaffected enemies to balance it a bit (otherwise it would last quite indefinitely among large group of foes). Also 4th ability is not channelled - it's toggled - drains resources constantly as long as it's active and it's deactivated at will or upon resources depletion while channelled abilities have one-time cost upon activation but last for a fixed amount of time, usually rendering user unable to perform other actions. I know it's only semantics but if you want channelled ability you should build upon this.

    As a side note - couldn't agree more that Warframe need more diversity when it comes to ability mechanics.

  3. Bosses that actually bring a real challenge and are not:

    Bullet Sponges

    Weaklings that die in one clip/mag

    Weaklings that rely on infinitely spawning enemies

    Weaklings that can be stun/CC locked and rendered helpless until death

    That are so slow and have such telegraphed attacks that they will never hit you (Lech Kril.)

    Agree with that. I've been always finding bosses that requires some timing and particular tactic most challenging. Especially if even minor mistake can cost you life (let Lechh Kril swing his hammer but if he hit's - you're dead or at least near dead). WoW raid bosses and Monster Hunter bosses are quite a good example IMHO.

  4. Just like the Penta, there is a maximum deployable amount. Meaning we can only deploy 5 for thee Penta and 6 for the Castanas. Wouldn't that mean multi-shot mods are useless. You're just increasing how many you put out in a shot unless that's what you were going for. 

    That's exactly my point - with multishot you can deploy all charges with one clip - no time wasted on reloading. Additionally if you are using Magnum Force (duh...) accuracy penalty proves to be quite helpful since you can cover bigger area with one trigger pull thanks to projectile spread.


    Well if you get up to 180% multishot, most of the time you are putting 6 out with the 2 in the clip (2x3).

    I think multishot is worth it...


    Or you could go 100% and Ice Storm for 3x2.


    The reload is fast enough that you can throw a clip, detonate, and throw another clip almost immediately.

    Especially since you can detonate while reloading.

  5. A. Do you seriously take me serious?

    B. Do you seriously not get the reference?

    Don't quite know why I quoted you... Yeah, I get the reference and, truth to be told, it isn't funny and violates law of Godwin.

  6. Actually all Tenno are of Orokin origin, only twisted by energies of The Void (according to Excalibur's codex entry).
    "Pure" Orokin had been, pretty much, wiped out by nobody else but Tenno (according to Stalker's codex entry).

  7. The Castanas have a very limited clip size and a slow fire rate. They may be used for stealth gameplay but who really does stealth missions these days eh? Most of us just pick up the weapon with the craziest damage and shoot the first thing we see.

    Truth to be told Castanas don't need big clip size nor fast fire rate - they make up for it with AoE and high base damage. In addition you are limited to 6 charges anyway so just slap some multishot (up to 100%) and possibly maxed Ice Storm and you'll be able to deploy all charges in one clip. If you have access to Cicero and Thetra mods Castanas can deliver devastating amounts of corrosive damage (more then enough to kill yourself).

    Personally I love Castanas.

  8. Artifact Defense Event: Corrosive Projection, Shield Disruption, Infested Impedance > Alerts

    Sling-Stone: Ammo Mutation mods > Survival reward

    Arid Fear: Shred, Vigor, Lethal Torrent > Nightmare Mode reward
    Considering above it won't be long until Cicero and Tethra mods will make it to the drop table as well.

    Primed Chamber is a separate issue.

  9. Additionally, the skill can be modified for the AMDrop's sphere to become stationary upon release, so the lag one may encounter while playing (as it was observed AMDrops become totally useless no matter if you're host or not because of lag - Credits go to Darthmufin for pointing it out) doesn't affect the skill anymore. Now you're surely going like "c'mon, now it's so easy to shoot at it you'll do ridiculously huge amounts of damage with a very energy efficient skill, that's OP at it's fullest". Well, that's when a duration limit comes into play. Once you release an AMDrop you have a total of about 5 seconds to shoot at it and launch it, or else it will explode at place. This vanishes lag as an issue without making AMDrops insanely powerful, plus, we've acquired another way to use AMDrop (as an antimatter mine of sorts).

    Actually I quite like this idea - being able to set up AMD, take cover, pack it with bullets and then launch it from a safe angle would surely have some kind of tactical aspect.

    Also I would consider AMD an only way to detonate MP while leaving slow and damage bonus intact. This would turn MP into more of a cc skill while adding some synergy with AMD.

  10. It's all about personal preferences - I don't see anything wrong with Nova but maybe I'm not spoiled with overflowing sexuality shipped by most games as much.


    If you need more sexy warframe use Ember - best &#! in game.
    If you need to retrieve your masculinity punch a wall few times and grow a beard (a longer one if you already have).

  11. Personally I find Castanas quite fun to use - it provides kind of a tactical feel. Plus you can pull quite impressive dmg out of it if you have Cicero and Thetra mods at your disposal.

    EDIT: And of course Synapse, pointed above. Can't say no to 100% crit.

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