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Everything posted by Drachnyn

  1. What. If you just shoot your foot with your zarr you also need to stand inside the enemy pack. You cant shoot your foot to hit enemies while not standing around enemies.
  2. Damage attenuation was a terrible idea. The system failing when it comes to multishot helps us one shot insanely boring fights but that's just the system breaking. I would rather DE determine an amount of eHP they want a boss to have and then let the players figure it out themselves. If I dont deal enough damage with a particularly weak setup then I should be the one to fix that.
  3. People who are just firing at their feet would then just use a melee weapon. Not really much difference at that point unless we want to give melee self damage aswell for being AoE.
  4. Lmao imagine believing the riven mafia is a real thing that has real influence. 14 plat on warframe market. Incredible value. This tells me you have no idea how to properly camp and think that any dead end room is equally viable to use for camping. You want to present yourself as a lot more knowledgeable than all those meta sheep but your post proves to opposite.
  5. Does anyone do that outside of lvl 20 defense missions?
  6. This interaction was peak roguelike energy. Was fun while it lasted lol. If you lean into roguelike aspects consider that being able to go infinite is half of what makes roguelike enjoyable. The limiting factor being the game breaking is enough deterrent to misbehavior with infinite stacking.
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