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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Something can be evocative of an idea without being identical or otherwise rigidly faithful to the original concept. Tenno are not ninja; they're Tenno. They share some characteristics (and, for that matter, share some--arguably more--with samurai as well), but trying to match them to a checklist is an exercise that's doomed from the start.

    Also, a lot of the problems you're listing have to do with players, not the setting itself.

  2. 28 minutes ago, CY13ERPUNK said:

    im just kind of like ... why are there no sentients on the new 18.5 moon missions? =/

    so currently the sentients ONLY show up in the 2-3 u18 missions =/

    its like DE forgot to add them or something =/ and/or they forgot to spread them out to the other tilesets, since the drones are clearly on uranus, but the others never show up there =/

    I don't know about you, but I really don't want Sentients dropping in on spy, rescue, or defense missions.

  3. 1 minute ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    It's less of a grind than draco because more things can go wrong if you don't pay attention, and there are minor variations in the routes you choose to patrol the room. It's not prefect by any means, but it's definitely less grindy feeling than Draco. Unless you're AFKing and do something else, but at that point you're not playing the game anymore.

    I didn't mean compared to Draco, I meant compared to just stealth-running your mission type of choice (spies for instance) to completion. Compared to Draco pretty much everything looks fun and engaging.

  4. 14 minutes ago, pumaferd said:

    For me, that isn't the point -- the point is enjoyability solo stealth killing for long streaks and finishing a weapon in a mission -- again not the fastest, but far more preferable than Draco.  The option you suggested was available before and is boring and a grind.  You have to do quite a lot of spy missions to max things, and it is the definition of tedium to me.  That may be different for you, but the whole point here is that they've nerfed stealth killing as a method to both enjoy the game and level stuff.

    So doing the same mission over and over is a grind, but staying in the same room for an extended period of time murdering respawns ad infinitum is...not a grind?

    Don't get me wrong, I can completely understand that it might not feel like a grind, but...really, the only thing that's changed here is that at some point you have to actually progress the mission now.

  5. With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old paid mechanics like inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an existing restriction. Things like inventory slots (and, once you get to endgame, catalysts/reactors) feel more like upkeep than anything fun or exciting.

    Any plans to add more combos to stances/weapons that currently have very few? In specific I'm thinking of both polearm stances, Pointed Wind, Iron Phoenix, Sinking Talon, and Coiling Viper, all of which only have one non-basic combo.

    Any ideas for new katanas besides the Nikana line? I'd love to see a Corpus-themed katana myself. Also wouldn't mind seeing a few more options for other weapon categories that currently have very few--sparring and whip weapons are what I'm thinking of in particular, as they only have 2-3 each.

  6. With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old paid mechanics like inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an existing restriction.


    Are there any plans to expand syndicates? New weapon mods, melee weapons, cosmetics (syndicate armor?), maybe even some quests or Clem-style weekly missions? They have the potential to be a really interesting facet of the Warframe universe, and I'd love to see it realized.


    Ditto all that for Archwings. I'd love to see Archwing missions in the Void.


    Any plans for more Corpus weapons in categories where they don't have a lot? In particular we have no real Corpus shotguns (sorry Convectrix) and, while I'm being selfish, I'd love to see a Corpus katana--maybe a plasma/laser blade, or something in the vein of Metal Gear Rising's high-frequency blades. A sword-and-board combo to match the Dendra armor set could also be a cool idea.


    Also, can Chroma get a third augment mod? He's kind of the odd man out right now.

  7. I don't really see much support for her being in a relationship with Ballas, but hey - it's your headcanon.


    It's pretty much spelled out in some of the Second Dream dialogue that Margulis and Ballas were in some kind of relationship.


    Also, I'm guessing he's using "ashes" metaphorically, since Margulis's work continued (and eventually yielded results) despite her execution.

  8. As an Unairu man, I have to say I've been waiting for this thread with great anticipation ever since reading the Zenurik one a while back. A lot of good stuff here, the only thing I really have to add is I'm a little surprised by the lack of powers that interact with melee blocking. I like the base stats (health/shields/armor) angle, don't get me wrong, but adding a block-related power seems like it'd be a perfect fit for Unairu.


    Definitely looking forward the the next one.

  9. Not constructive feedback. Being pigeonholed into avoiding characters or even certain playstyles is ridiculous, especially after the Devs have stated that they want melee-only to be a valid choice.


    At the same time though, sorties are built to make you use a large variety of weapons and frames, and to push your arsenal to its limits. Some degree of restriction is unavoidable at that level, if only by extension from something else (e.g. optimizing for a given mission).


    Not that I entirely disagree, mind you. I've never liked that little bit of animation lock that comes at the end of (non-ground) melee finishers. But on the other hand, as somebody pointed out above, non-ground melee finishers also make you invulnerable for the duration, and in my experience at least, the aforementioned animation lock is usually not long enough to be the difference between life and death.

  10. Magazine is your weapon's clip size--how many shots it can fire before you have to reload. Impact, Puncture, and Slash are all types of physical damage. Conclave is a general power rating for the weapon; at the moment it serves no practical purpose short of a restriction for things like tactical alerts. Critical multiplier is the number your weapon damage is multiplier by on a crit.


    Hope that helped.

  11. With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old paid mechanics like inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an existing restriction.


    Are there any plans to expand syndicates? New weapon mods, melee weapons, cosmetics (syndicate armor?), maybe even some quests or Clem-style weekly missions? They have the potential to be a really interesting facet of the Warframe universe, and I'd love to see it realized.


    Ditto all that for Archwings. I'd love to see Archwing missions in the Void.


    Any plans for more Corpus weapons in categories where they don't have a lot? In particular we have no real Corpus shotguns (sorry Convectrix) and, while I'm being selfish, I'd love to see a Corpus katana--maybe a plasma/laser blade, or something in the vein of Metal Gear Rising's high-frequency blades. A sword-and-board combo to match the Dendra armor set could also be a cool idea.


    Also, can Chroma get a third augment mod? He's kind of the odd man out right now.

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