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  1. Yareli's new Kompressa skin Nidoblast when applied gives the weapon no reload sound
  2. Clan Name: Fallen Legion GC Clan Tier: Storm Clan Platform: PC Clan Role: Founding Warlord Submission: All Star Video submission That's under 3 minutes: 10 Images: 1.Sentient Overlord 2. A recreation of the image used in the story about albrecht entrati. Vome.Order. 3. The Collector 4. The great deku tree - if you go into its mouth you'll enter the deku tree dungeon! you can go all the way to the boss. 5. Oceans nightmare 6. Shin godzilla firing its atomic breath laser 7. Pale scarlet oculus - railjack docking guidance system 8. Beholder 9. Corrupted aqua cyborg 10. Deadspace - a necromorph from my dead space room,one of many different necromorphs i've recreated in warframe within my dead space room. It starts with entering the USG ishimura recreated in the dojo.
  3. Hall of mirrors; reflections of mirage. When I blinked at them they did not blink back. Unedited. Fire is from ogris shot. Harrow captura scene.
  4. Clan name: Fallen Legion GC Clan tier: Storm Clan platform: PC Clan role: Founding Warlord Video submission That's under 3 minutes: 10 Images: 1.Sentient Overlord 2. A recreation of the image used in the story about albrecht entrati. Vome.Order. 3. The Collector 4. The great deku tree - if you go into its mouth you'll enter the deku tree dungeon! you can go all the way to the boss. 5. Oceans nightmare 6. Shin godzilla firing its atomic breath laser 7. Pale scarlet oculus - railjack docking guidance system 8. Beholder 9. Corrupted aqua cyborg 10. Deadspace - a necromorph from my dead space room,one of many different necromorphs i've recreated in warframe within my dead space room. It starts with entering the USG ishimura recreated in the dojo.
  5. Clan name: Fallen Legion GC Clan tier: Storm Clan platform: PC Clan role: Founding Warlord Video submission That's under 3 minutes: 10 Images: 1.Sentient Overlord 2. A recreation of the image used in the story about albrecht entrati. Vome.Order. 3. The Collector 4. The great deku tree - if you go into its mouth you'll enter the deku tree dungeon! you can go all the way to the boss. 5. Oceans nightmare 6. Shin godzilla firing its atomic breath laser 7. Pale scarlet oculus - railjack docking guidance system 8. Beholder 9. Corrupted aqua cyborg 10. Deadspace - a necromorph from my dead space room,one of many different necromorphs i've recreated in warframe within my dead space room. It starts with entering the USG ishimura recreated in my dojo.
  6. Ah, another forced change with no option to opt out just to please the approaching phone users. Expecting a reduction in mob size at some point. At least highlighting enemies you can opt out of, obviously made for phone users with tiny screen also released together. Void dash and the backlash they received for it and still receive for it is a great example of another thing changed in the game to cater to phone users while giving everyone else no choice but to accept the oversimplified downgrade. Frustrating.
  7. I'll see you in 3 years when masseter prime is more usable over masseter that came out in 2019. Blows my mind they ruin primes out of the gate when they used to be exciting to get because they were a slightly buffed version of something you already used for years or at the very least made you relook at a weapon you didn't care for before since it got a new variant. "but you don't need a riven!" i've heard some people argue with for years, well technically you don't need a single mod to kill a grineer. Or maybe I want to mod my weapons in a looter shooter that constantly gear checks the player and constantly throws out new mods so you can become stronger or change how you play. What a silly argument that is. Funny enough they've nerfed acceltra so hard into the ground that it'll be the only weapon in years that gets a prime that'll probably be better than its multi year old variant because acceltra has been stuck at a 0.6 and the prime will be at 0.5. Hopefully, fingers crossed, that the acceltra prime might actually be better than normal acceltra with a riven. I want to use my favorite weapons upgrades when they come out, not in several years when DE decides it's okay to replace my 3 year old+ weapons with.
  8. Probably people trying to sabotage the game or people that just hate that others have fun.
  9. Larkspur Prime: 0.6->0.65 lmao still not even close to any reason to use this weapon over regular larkspur and even then it's such a crap archgun compared to almost every other one it's laughable. Doesn't help that the alt fire puts you in a stun lock everytime you fire it AND you get a hard landing if you fire it in the air like it's so super strong to the point it needs to stun lock the player when fired. What a joke. I dream of the day you stop ruining prime access by nerfing all dispositions of old weapons given prime variants out of the gate. Takes half a year if not YEARS for these weapons to be usable over their several year old variant that has significantly higher stats with the same riven because you refuse to let upgraded weapon variants be better than the 5+ year old weapon it's a variant of. I get it, you don't like it when people try to use primed masseter, a weapon that people spent real money on and waited years for, over the normal masseter that came out in 2019. If I like a weapon then it has a riven to make it better, only natural to upgrade your gear in a loot shooter built around gear checking constantly. It blows my mind how terrible you treat new variants of old weapons as if we aren't supposed to use new variant gear until YEARS after they've released to make them viable over what we already have in the same weapon set. Maybe you hate the idea that weapons should have a upgrade path? mk1 to non to prism to prime etc. Where mk1 can still be better than some regal ancient prime weapon of war made by the war smiths themselves, the orokin. No wonder they lost the war, their gear sucked compared to mass produced weapons everyone was making in their shed. Before anyone loses it, my post is about prime weapons that are variants of old weapons, not brand new weapons.
  10. To be complete. I grew up playing games like super metroid and donkey kong country that left me wanting to complete everything I play in terms of obtaining content in games. I feel a need to have everything and when I finally scratch that itch it feels nice. Having everything lets me experiment more and enjoy the game more as well because of it. I keep my mod codex complete as well, new mods give me something new to chase in the game which keeps me coming back. Oh and MR 30 comes with a increase in riven capacity which was important to me since I like meme builds only rivens can help with like negative projectile speed ontop of extra reload speed and fire rate lol. Fingers crossed for more riven capacity soon tm.
  11. 1. Portal 2. Fangs 3. Decade 4. Crystal 5. Beetle (Nidus primes bug that looks like a horned beetle)
  12. 1. Portal (nova jumping through a portal) 2. Fangs 3. Decade 4. Crystal 5. Beetle (Rhino's beetle deluxe skin)
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