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Everything posted by Yrkul

  1. Don't bother. The bot is only trying to post related material.
  2. Oh, and... Extra huggable!
  3. Three weeks into the new year, and the dumpster fire already has a hearty blaze going. More wars are brewing, US politics are going full muppet Show, "someone" didn't learn their lesson and made a new virus much more deadly than their last one... Ah, yes. And China is shipping fertilizer to Ukraine. You humans are goofy!
  4. I need these on my hobby table.
  5. I remember you. We were in the same trench on Zavastor IV, firing into the xenos hordes until our lasguns warped from the heat. When they reached our position, we filled the trench with their corpses. At one point my bayonet snapped, and I was reduced to hewing away with my trenching tool, climbing over corpses, ours and theirs, to fell any I could reach. It would have been a glorious death, to fall that day. But by the Emperor's will, we both survived, it seems.
  6. Btw... It's bunday! And cats are sort of almost kind of like bun-buns, so... Still fluffy. Win!
  7. Happy new year, humans. Shall we see if we can make 2024 even more of a dumpster fire on all levels?
  8. They're a bit tied up by Spyre Hunters at the moment.
  9. There's a lot of self-insertion and attempts to seem profound in the writing, and some dialogue seem to be written by someone not entirely understanding human behaviour. Plots are tied together haphazardly or left unfinished. Cosmology is all over the place. Characters' potentials are wasted (Parvos went from an enigmatic figure hard to classify, to just another two-dimentional villain in SoP). Over all, I stopped expecting anything more from the team storywise after The New War.
  10. Welcome to the "TNW is garbage" party. You're late. And yes. This and a lot of later content sucks krogan balls. Deal with it, and read some Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
  11. Apparently, Tencent just had a boo-boo. I wonder if we'll feel it here, somehow.
  12. Some really nice pointers here. Looks like I'm going to add onto my own routine...
  13. Yeah. That does seem to be a frequent point of concern...
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