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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. Lega = flamethrower 

    Cantic = Burston

    Rahn = Braton

    All those pretty much suck versus eidolon.   I just rebuilt all my amps using the fortuna Certus brace that has best crit chance.  I have like 3 fun amps and 1 amp using the x27.  

    I settled on...

    Lega+bounce blade.  Bounce blade is an awesome killing machine and even does ok at vorma if you aim close enough.  Lega is just like ignis wraith.  It has great range and just awesome at melting face.   Not so good vs vorma.   I even use Lega to fight terralyst because this is the amp I always have on lol.   bounce blade doesnt do good at eidolons.  

    Rahn+Pencha.  Machine gun + charge beam.  This is kinda fun but Rahn sucks up to much energy or doesnt have enough damage.  I'd rather it be more effecient so you can fire more.  I basicly use the pench beam to do most of the killing with this amp lol.   

    Shwakk+Klebrik.  Arca Plasmor+homing laser.   Love this combo.  Shwaak is probably best shield breaker after the t2 scaffold...  I wish the homing laser wouldnt lock onto the stupid eidolon otherwise it would be prety damn sweet for crushing the hell out of vorma.   

    T7+T2. T7 prism is a super short range "beam".  It looks like a energy ball in front of you.  It does super low damage and super high energy consumption but has high crit chance... This thing could be pretty awesome for everything if they tweaked it.   A little more damage,  but alot nicer energy consumption would make it insanely op lol?   As is its like Shwaak and a kinda nice substitute for taking out shields(well this would absolutely suck for like void strike because it does a ton of tiny hits).  The T2 scaffolf everyone says to use on eido's was kinda of lackluster...it is awesome at normal enemies.  But it definately has a range limit.  I dont kow I havent used it a ton..   Pencha should be alot more awesome but despite its stats it just doesnt hit as hard.  Or Shrak is only good cuz of the splash.    But I kinda screwed up this amp lol.  The T7 prism isnt a nice general use amp part.  


  2. I had the coolest mission the other day.  I dont really remember the details.   I was helping someone do something...  But the mission we were on went hella sideways.   First we got hit with Arlo lackies.  As soon as we wiped them out then Stalker showed up.   And then after we kicked his butt the mission we were on mutated and Lotus changed it from one mission type to another (like capture to exterminate or something).   And then we still had to do the normal mission lol.   

    But i've never been in one that crazy where 3-4 different things happens in one run lol.  It was AWESOME!!  

  3. Some dude wanted to show off he learned some so I did some that way lol.   I have done a few myself.   But I havent gone after those captura scenes very hard...  I dont even know my count.   

    Captura on ps4 is just not that rewarding....   

    No Mans Sky is a game that makes me want to snap pics like every other second and post it and share it and stuff.   In Warframe you have to go to a completely seperate mode,  mess with cameras and lighting and all this other crap if you wanna make something cool.   

    We cant even make our own custom artwork for the displays on our ship.   We have to use the crap thats available to choose from.   wtf..    Sure most of my pics will be porn but 1-2 will be captura scenes =P.  

  4. Thanx for the awesome description of what that challenge is lol...  


    Yeah that one you need to master your jumping/gliding controls.   Jumping to the dif platforms is the hard part...   Zephyr has the passive that lets he fall more slowly than others but that can seriously screw up your timing lol.   

    Titania can cheeze it if you like take no mods so she starts with the energy required or something??  

    But your normal everyday warframe can handle it just fine...  You just need to master your single jumps, double jumps,  bullet jumps, aim glides.   Now that we have awesome ground slam mechanics it might even be a hell of a lot more easy.... especially with zephyr + ground slams..  

    But yeah that one definately makes you sweat for it!

  5. When you dont know the value of stuff you can do your own price checks with the chat filters...

    Filter out everything except  " wts "  thats for like a very broud sense of all items... 

    But you can also tell it to filter out everything except specific items.

    Like Saryn prime for example.  You got some saryn prime parts from popping relics but you dont know how much they are worth.  

    So just set up a filter for " saryn " and you will see everyone selling saryn loot.  You can go by those numbers or raise or lower it... 

    The true value of items is UNKNOWN.  Crap is only worth what one person is willing to offer and another person is willing to accept.  


    But for my last piece of advice I would just say full sets can be sold for more than individual pieces.  But if your desperate, whatever..

    Also be aware of morons who offer to buy prime junk and offer you stupid low plat amounts for ducat items worth 45-100.  Those are the uncommon/rare parts of a prime set and are worth a hell of a lot more than single digit plat amounts.  


    But yeah.  Chat filters = awesome!!   But YOU determine what you are wiling to accept.

  6. I can do a pretty good job of staying alive with wukong.  I just dont have any weapons set up to strip the shields effeciently/quickly.   I have a buttload of weapons to pick from.   If I had some good weapons(set up correctly) I could probably solo the thing.   

    I ust forced myself to do PT fight a few times the other day to get to Rank 5 in vox solaris..  now I dont really have a reason to fight profit taker except for fun/help others.   

    I havent tried exploiter yet.   I really wanna learn that one because I would love to be able to farm the Lazi toroids.  

  7. I use an oberon to fight terry's,  I have fun with that,  I usually carry a whole team of newbs.   

    I have harrow,  read about wanting just less than 100% duration and enough str to max crit chance.  I went out and tried to use him but it was just insta fail.   With oberon his grass makes you immune to energy drain.   I do not know how to avoid energy drain on other frames.  I dont want to use pizza's.  I dont have Arcane energize/gaurdian,  not sure how they even help unless your picking up orbs....  

    I also have trinity,  havent done any research into how to use her for eido fights,  but its the same deal... how the heck do u avoid the drain.   


    I dont have much else to learn or do in the game.  Just gotta learn to play with eido's and exploiter orb,  get more effecient at Profit Taker.

  8. There are two kinds of interceptions...

    Fissure interception demand that you run around and gather Reactant (where it is a GOOD thing to lose bases/time so you can get enough reactant).  

    All other interception spots people should post up and gaurd there CP and make the mission go as fast as possible.....  Sometimes you have low level peeps with you who cant hold their spot and thats fight to go help them,  but to leave your spot to go where all the enemies are spawning is just dumb.

    It only takes a few seconds to gain back a control point though so I dont really care about interceptions.  The majority of them I do are usually shorthanded anyways.   

    I love the mission type though.  Would be awesome to farm FOR relics there.   I also would love it to pop relics if you didnt run into stupid people who hold down all 4 spots even though you dont have reactant.   It also brings out the even more annoying try hards who bring embers or banshees or saryns or volts etc to wipe the map without waiting for the enemies to turn.


    What annoys the hell out of me are people in survival.   Nobody sticks together,  nobody lets the enemy come to them.   So it basicly ruins every benefit of being there when people run around.   People need to post up in the center of an intersection and let the enemies come to them and everyone would get masive loot, massive xp, and a constant flow of enemies.  But people push for the doors... then past the doors...then clear across the damn map...   sigh....

  9. 1 minute ago, Lazarow said:

    They spawn far from the activated tower when one is activated, they spawn like to the other side of the map that could contain consoles. they make a beeping sound as they get near the tower but chances are that people seek them out before they reach the tower and kill them, which is mostly why your helios doesnt have a chnace to scan it because it has been killed and hadnt been close enough to you to scan it while alive. So to scan it seek the sound and you will get it

    Let me be clear.  I play disruption the absolute minimal amount of times needed lol.   But do they seriously spawn that far away?? On ps4 the red blip for a demonlyst never even shows up until its in the damn room with the console giving you only a few seconds to stop the mofo before he blows up the console...   

  10. hmmmm....  I need to try this fight soon.....I finally maxed out in vox solaris...getting Lazi roids sounds like a great way to farm vox standing for arcanes.... also need to research Hildi's Archgun....

    Trying to break into end-game stuff is about the only thing left for me to do/learn in this game.  

  11. lol @ Nekro needing heals.  

    I dont know how these awesome oberons have both range and strength that keeps everyone up for hours of arbitration etc.   My oberon for range has ok healing but people can take damage faster than his ability will keep up with.  He does a huge burst of healing when you turn it on.  So I usually have to use that.  I never use mine so I cant even remember my stats.   

    But there isnt very many good ways to build up energy as Oberon without HA/Rage....  You could try being zenurik primaried and use Deth Cube+augmented so his kills drop energy orbs but thats sounds like crap for long missions.  

    I dont get why your even asking.......  You didnt say you were having any problems with your oberon... only that your clanmates told you not to do something that you dont have problems with....

  12. Not the "best" but a very worthy sentinel weapon is Deth Cubes Machine gun.   I have a partially modded heavy caliber on mine and it is 100+ Damage.   In low level missions it is a straight up kill thief.   

    But if you take advantage of Synth Deconstruct for healing/armor then the Deth machine gun should be a serious contender.   That mod says the sentinel only has to damage stuff not outright kill things(like deth cubes augment for energy orbs).   So with its insane rate of fire it is pretty much always going to get shots on most of your targets.  Or trigger SD alot more often than other weapons like sweeper or the sniper.   

    I've tried making Cryotra into an upgraded Atterax or whatever newb beam weapon that is but it is kind of lack luster.  It is like a pulse laser instead of constant beam and even with great status chance it doesnt seem to be as effective.  

    The other moa weapons were lame to...  I think the tazicor might have a little promise...  

    • Like 1
  13. Both methods are viable jesus.  Who cares which is best.   Let the op decide what works for him.  

    What was said about Limbo is the first time I have heard his name and not wanted to punch a kitten.   I use valkyr's cry to smash stuff all the time.   Using limbo to do it sounds fascinating.... I just dont know if I can overcome my extreme hatred of him lol.  


  14. Lua has some tricky spots that you definately want those mods above.   Sometimes you start and there is a broken bridge and you have to take the left or right path... except there are two huge pillars off to the sides and caches can be on those but you would never think to go over there and check em out.   

  15. You just missed Tennogen Baro Ki'teer  where he sells EVERYTHING he has ever sold.  

    But yes his inventory recycles.  How long it takes for the specific thing you want is totally random.  

    I just got lucky on ps4.  I usually check Baro but the one time I didnt awhile back he dropped a new skin for scimitar which is what I use.   This week he returned and he had the skin again.   But other things are like once a year lol.   

  16. Best survival methods are more DPS and movement.   Armor can help but it doesnt do jack at end game.

    For DPS on guns you really get deadly by adding multi-shot mods and punch-through.   Punchthrough is kinda hard to fit later on though....  

    For melee you have to learn how to use Hitstreaks/combo + crit chance builds  OR status/condition overload builds...   (For crit builds a newb will have to look for gladiator mods,  if your lucky enough to trade for or wait for Stalker Acolyte event thats where you get [Blood Rush]+[Body Count].

    And then you need to learn different methods of healing yourself.   One of the easiest and best methods is beast pet that has Pack Leader + Hunter's Recovery.   One mod heals YOU based of your pets melee attacks,  the other heals your PET based off your melee.   [Medi-ray] can let your sentinels occasional regen your hp.  And then there are some better/other options for healing after you do 2nd Dream/War Within and......[censored]

  17. Yeah Load Out slots are super helpful.   You can swap between  one frame/weapon/companion/focus school to an entirely different frame/weapon/companion/focus school with a few button clicks at the arsenal.   Really each of your warframes should have its own loadout slot.

    To MAKE them you have your first loadout slot you have been using.  While you are in the arsenal open up the one menu and you will see the option to "duplicate loadout/ slot"  and "buy new loadout slot".   What you wanna do is Duplicate your loadout as many times as you are able.  Then learn how to switch between them.  Then you can assign frames/weapons/companions/focus schools to each (NOT AMPS,  amps do not get saved with loadouts sadly so keep that in mind when going eido hunting.  I usually have a fun amp equipped lol).   Then you can Rename all the loadout slots so you know exactly what they have.   AKA just call them by what warframe you have in each..   Ty to put your most used warframes at the top of the list.

    I do not have enough slots for all my warframes lol....you might want to buy some extra.  You only get 1 new slot for every 2 MR.   


    You cant mess anything up.  You can easily fix or adjust loadouts to be anything you want them to be.   I doubt ANYONE else will do this....  But be careful what atmospheric gun you have equipped when you duplicate slots.   My first atmo gun was velocitus and I duped alot of slots with that weapon equipped.   So now when im hopping around between frames I go to pull out an atmo gun to have some fun and they have the wrong gun equipped..   I'd rather have the Imp or fluctus.   

    I have yet to go in and fix all my loadouts and get rid of velocitus lmao...  

    Based on Atmo guns... I think your loadout slots remember everything in your vehicle tab.   So its completely possible to save different archwings and K-drives to each loadout slot lol.   Crazy to do, but hey its an option lol.   The k-drive one sounds like a fun thing to do.  

  18. hack moa's are pretty cool.   You always start right near the terminals but have to go through all the crap to get to them.  If you wait at that beginning with a hack moa the hack moa will eventually target the terminal and just blast through everything and hack it for you lol.   

    I got super lucky I guess.  I had to go for chassis and bp when I got around to wanting Ivara.  I would just do 3 attempts per day or do other things before making more trys later on.   Only took a couple of days to get both pieces.  

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