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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. -Does sonic affect the damage of quake?  Does not look like it.... (dont plan on using for quake just curious)

    -Does sonic not work on Eidolons??  Sounds like a great way to kill joints....

    -Oh almost forgot my most important question lol......  Does silence center on you(and move as you move) or is it centered on where you cast it(stationary)???  I havent used banshee for 2k+ hours of playtime but I finally got her just to try Savage Silence+adaro/sedna focus farm... Also saw Ivara/Rhino versions...my rhino is already set up as a focus farm but banshee looked faster than using ivara. 


  2. 16 hours ago, (NSW)Quarky said:

    Hah haaah! I just figured out why everyone was talking about 227 or X27 amps last night while perusing the wiki! The numbers signify the tier of the amp component where the components are like... scaffold/brace/prism and the rank 7 prism gives a crazy boost to crit chance! Crits are OP. I'll hold off on that and work on accruing standing.

    Yeah, I finished out the Vox Solaris quest and got myself the K-drive launcher but... no K-drive? Oh well, w/e, my aw launcher finished last night and I'm going to try my hand at some solo teralyst tonight. I just got my hands on Volt Prime and he's in the cooker so there's that, too. 


    Prism = main fire mechanic

    Scaffold = secondary fire mechanic

    Brace = stat altering mechanic.  

    The order of things in a 227 is  prism - scaffold - brace.   The quills T3 brace has ood crit chance,  but the vox has the T7 brace that is even better.  So once you build 223 or x23 you should start grinding fortuna hardcore and max out your rank in SU, then start ranking up vox solaris to get to rank 4 so you gain access to T7 parts.  


    As far as your K-drive... goto arsenal -> gear wheel and you should find the K-drive launcher segment.   You didnt have to build one for k-drive it was just given to you right after your introduction to fortuna lol.   After you build wing launcher you do the same thing,   arsenal -> gear wheel -> find launcher

  3. I dont see any info anywhere about the new stuff Nightwave 2 part 4 brought???  The Emissary nodes/missions.  

    Did I miss a primetime or something? I dont see anything on the anouncement page...


    For those who maybe dont pay attention part 4 of the current Nightwave unlocked the other day(new cut scene).  But it also upgraded the Emissary assassins(and made them worth 200 nw pts) as well as add some new Emissary mission nodes.  You might not be able to figure these out if you have your nav UI set up to display resources/extractors, if you dont see the nightwave button while in navigate read along the bottom of the screen to see what button to press to switch.   

    Wherever there are Emissary missions there are infested invasions going on.   You do the invasions like normal 3/3 and u get a Zealot code for the Emissary node.

    Emissary node missions reward 1500 nightwave points.

    I also got a Sigil from one of them,  ( I ran 3 yesterday).   My friend also ran 3 but he did not get the sigil.  So it must be random.   Who knows what else might be in these Emissary nodes... 

    I was thinking about why I got a Sigil and he did not.... When we were doing an Em node together I saw a new? type of infested.  It was a smallish 2 legged guy mostly grey who was super fast,  when I killed him or as I killed him he put down an infested spawn point (like the corpus do with those annoying rolling zapper robots).   But I did not get the sigil then...  I was in a different group when I got sigil,  but maybe its a random drop off those new infested??  Cuz the name of the sigil is Leaping Thrasher and looks kinda like the infested I saw.   But I dont remember seeing or killing one of those when I got the sigil..

    But anyways.... anyone find any other new drops/rewards from these Emissary Nodes???  I keep expecting this to be like Wolf.   A new boss assassin who we kill for a weapon or something....   But I have did 3 of those nodes and the sigil is all i got to show for it...   

  4. 15 hours ago, (NSW)Quarky said:

    . soon I shall have my archwing launcher!

    Been to fortuna?  Equip your K-drive launcher in your wheel......(you didnt have to avoid PoE/OV because of lack of aw,  But the archwing does help immensely,  get itzal asap.

    15 hours ago, (NSW)Quarky said:


    • What are your OXIUM farming tips?
      • I'm using Io, Jupiter 10 waves at a time. I got 200 oxium once but it's usually only like 50 per run. That seems... awful.
      • Need 8000 or so for Itzal research, I think I'm going to be chained to Io forevermore, yikers.
    • How should I get started with the Quills?
      • Seems like a catch 22? I "need" the upgrades they sell to KO the PoE sentients to get breath of the eidolon to rank up with the Quills to purchase what they sell?
      • Do I seriously just need to suffer Cetus bounties for those BoE rewards until I can get some blueprints for non-trivial amp pieces? 😞


    Do you have nekros, khora, hydro or a chesa kubro?  Those will help get more loot.  But the two big things for res farming is go in a full squad and go deep.  More people = more enemies = more osprey/oxi.  You need to go alot longer than 10 waves.  At minimum try for 20(not only will u get tons more oxi but you will also have shot at more relics and a rare mod).  Also I would maybe put this off until you have a free daily res booster..

    Breath of Eido is not from eido fights... you get that from ghoul purge or hardest normal bounty..   To begin your quill grind goto poe at night and amp/void dash vormalysts(take max enemy radar to see them better on radar).   The amp is the least important part of eido fighting.  It breaks their shields but you need a killer weapon to kill the joints/eidos.  Focus on making a killer weapon.  Do terry fights with randoms to learn the fights and gain the shards it will take to rank up further in quills.  Terry fights can also be a good source of regular sentient cores as you kill tons of vorma.    (I also recommend trying to fight terry alone at night in PoE in free roam to help learn how to not die)

    Do yourself a favor and try to hold off on making an amp until you can make a whatever prism - shraksun scaffold - ...crit brace...forget the name.  Otherwise your just going to have to remake it when u unlock the crit brace.  After that do not make another amp until you get to fortuna and max out solaris united to unlock vox solaris(fortuna quills),  AND THEN get to rank 4 with vox.   After that you will be able to make the best amps.

    15 hours ago, (NSW)Quarky said:
    • Looking for tips on Orokin Derelict farming, what are the considerations here?
      • Things I think I care about: Kavats (<3 kitties), Lephanits for Nekros pieces, corrupted mods. Anything else important in the derelict?
      • Which is the best derelict node to farm? The capture node, right? Complete the objective immediately, start rummaging through the whole tileset, rinse and repeat.
      • Re: Corrupted mods -
        • I'm currently using an all-rounder Wisp build for all my solo play. Hunter Adren, Adaptation, umbral intensify and vitality, transient fort, stretch, streamline, etc. I can just stand in my vitality mote well and nothing kills me, it's great.
        • Is anyone that does solo orokin derelict stuff reading this? (DOES anyone solo orokin derelict?) I'm thinking I could get away with equipping 3/4 dragon keys on the above build as long as I don't equip the bleeding key. Thoughts? -75% damage might be damning but breach surge sparks and Wisp's passive invisibility should be enough, eh? Of course I'm just going to give it a shot and iterate my plan based on results but any advice would be nice.
      • Re: Kavats -
        • get those Simaris widgets, right? Cross-matrix particularly and sol-battery since I'm a cheap-o?
        • What should I look for, infested enemies gettin' eated by invisible things?
        • Can Helios spot them? Unequip its weapons and that's that? That seems too easy to me.
      • Re: Lephantis - 
        • Does his "max damage per shot" thing apply to shotguns on a per pellet basis?
        • Is this just not a match I should attempt to solo if I expect to win in <15 minutes?

    Ok well, that's a big enough wall of text for now. Any info you have about any of the above points will be muchly appreciated!

      Octavia part in OD survival randomly at 20 mins in.  Kavat DNA is also used to make Khora.  Im pretty sure after helios scans the cats x amount of times he will not look twice at them for the rest of his life.   So you need to use a frame to control them, like wisp.  Dont think x2 widget does anything to dna  cuz its not a "scan" scan.   Res booster or Smeeta will multiply how many u get though.  Kavat dna is only 25% chance though.   Use a scanner to see invis kitties(which is why having broken quick switch mechanics is so god damn frustrating DE!!!).  Make sure you explore every path in ODs if you are after dna which is very tricky in OD tiles lol.  But usually there are 3-8 kavats per run if you are solo.  3-4 means you probably missed a path.  I think they can also spawn if you keep going but its not worth it. 

    Solo vault runs = youtube.  I was never into vault mods that much so I've never tried to do solo runs(and in that one part of your post you list off like all these dragon mods you already have and use lol).  I see a whole lotta peeps who like to carry all keys who still want help to find the doors faster lol.   Group = more effecient no matter how keys are distributed...  is what it seems like to me.

    Lephantis is super easy,  just dont use charged beams, shotguns, or ricochet weapons.  Automatic type weapons are great.  Go for the toxin head first heh.  

    • Like 1
  5. I got most of mesa/atlas just from helping other people try to run those quests lol.  

    Hard farms are Saryn, Harrow, Ivara, Octavia,  I wouldnt call garuda hard but definately not easy as it requires time lol.

    Gara,Revenant are stuck in really hard bounties....

    Baruuk/Hildrin are buried in really nasty grinds and or hard fights....

    Nidus was hard during the glast gambit part lol,  the rest of his parts were fun for me.  

    Trinitys new home looks like a nasty grind...

    normal Equinox......I dont even have that yet lmao.   

    Normal Mesa???  #%#$^# please!  You better strap on a diaper for the above frames lol. 

  6. I think the hardest part about being a noob is being held back by garbage gear.  Most people tell you not to put orokin catalysts/reactors and or forma in newb gear because your just going to get rid of it.   But you cant really grow until you can start doing that stuff so you can rank up your mods.  The fastest way to get good gear is to join a clan so you have access to dojo weapons and to start popping relics for primes.   Valkyr/Saryn nikani, spira, cernos prime all just got unvaulted yesterday,  those will be the easiest to get because alot of people should be working on them to.  

    Relic popping is something you need to do anyways as you need a bazillion forma and this is where they come from.  You should be building 1 forma every 24 hours.  The catalysts/reactors you get from nightwave and or occasionally from invasion rewards.  

    Once you have good gear and can start upgrading your mods things will start getting alot better.  There are sources for mods all over this game so just try to do everything.

    -Spy Missions can have some killer mods

    -Sabotage and the hidden caches can have great mods.

    -Doing a full rotation in endless missions drop great mods.  Full rotations being 8 digs in extraction,  20mins of survival, 4 rounds of defense, 4 rounds of interception

    -If you are good at fighting infested doing vault runs at Orokin Derelicts has really powerful mods(some people carry all these keys but you should try to have access to a dojo so you can get dragon key blueprints so you can make them yourself so you can run with a group.  But some guys like to carry all and need help just looking for the door, which is great for you)

    -The open world nodes and the bounties there have some really cool and useful mods but they are not newb friendly(but people can drag you through them)

    -Again...popping relics will make you get alot of prime junk you dont need so what do you do with it??  Well you can try to sell for plat to help buy slots and stuff,  But you really want to take them to a Relay station and find the kiosk consoles in the center of the place and turn your prime junk into ducats.  Ducats are a type of currency this dude Baro Ki'teer wants for his sweet loot from the void.  For example PRIME mods.   He comes around like every 2-4 weeks(I dont know lol).


    But in general try to tackle star chart primarily,  mess with syndicates asap,  try out the open world nodes of earth/cetus/plains of eidolon and venus/Fortuna/orb vallis, Run tons of Fissures,  Try out invasions(you need to do invasions to get the resources to build most dojo weapons.  The recent buffed invasions a little bit and some of them might be a little hard as newb now).  Try vault runs.   After you get some prime gear you can seriously tackle the open world grind spots for cool stuff and check out Sanctualy onslaught,  sorties...  If you can crush every node on the star chart you unlock arbitrations.   

    And while your doing all that you can do the quests at whatever speed you want to.  Although do not put them off to long...


  7. Im having to forma the crap out of these weapons to make everything fit lol.   

    But I think I have busted the cyanex and or nidus.......

    Sometimes when I suck up enemies with Larva one of the enemies will become immune to death while held.   Never had that problem when I got nidus and was leveling him.(recently).  But I was fighting infested and I would blast a group of enemies with cyanex and there would be an explosion of stat procs but then it would partially turn into a scene from the matrix and I would see a bunch of scrolling 0's.  (maybe this is related to nidus's larva making stuff immune and its doing it to everything it pulls sometimes).   This would only happen occasionally.   Most times everything just dies.  Havent really used the gun much without nidus so cant tell if its related to his problem or not.  

    I got my Komorex up to 60% crit chance (from 8).  I've been focused on Cyanex so Komorex is only passively leveling so im still working on it.  

    The cynex im using a multishot riven.  Im probably gonna keep rerolling until I get multi+element.  Each trigger pull sends out 5 bullets right now I think and those bounce around to other enemies...reload speed buff would be sooo nice...   

    I hear you on gas...but I tend to fight grineer and infested more so I have to go corrosive.   I may go gas and just use other weapons for corrosion.  I dont have electric 60/60 pistol mod either =(. 

  8. What are good stats to aim for when you are using a riven for a status inflicting gun (ie not crit chance/crit damage because the bases are to low)

    For example I have komorex and cyanex both of which easily get to 100% status chance.   What riven mod stats would help these guns the most.   Just more stat chance/duration so I can use the normal elemental mods?  Otherwise I dont really know what to even want on my rivens.  

  9. First and foremost...if you go afk you get nothing so I dont know wtf your crying for.   What exactly did the guy leech??

    Second I cant really think of a good way for DE to be able to make a program to detect leeching players.  The only thing they should do is give us a really strong ignore mechanic.  If you put someone on ignore they they should be blocked form joining any game with you in the future.  I have put people on ignore and still been teamed up with them.  We as players are alot better at being able to know when someone else is being a leech.  And then I think DE should be alerted when people rack up a number of ignores and they should assign people to look at those players with alot more scrutiny and if they see bad behavior they can take further action like short term bans,  then long term bans,  stick them on permanent solo mode.  

    Third because of this fear of leeching the current game is pretty messed up.   Despite this game trying to be co-op and friendly it is anything but.  Spawn mechanics and fun factor forces everyone to spread out so they can actually kill stuff and then you lose out on XP and Loot because your out of "range".   Im a casual player,  I like picking an area and just parking my butt there and killing everything that comes at me but I cant do that.  When im in a group its usually because I need the affinity share to level pets or weapons that are to weak for me to actually use.  So I am forced to chase after the moron who is chasing the constantly moving spawn points for enemies.  God forbid I be able to level up my own crap but you cant with affinity splits being what they are, and even then you still need a group for more powerful enemies and more of them for more XP.



  10. I never had to try to farm this stuff before.   If your suffering from that bug and need those resources just find corpus bunkers and break the containers inside, they carry the common materials like that.  

    Have you tried catching the pods?  maybe they would break open if they hit something thats not the ground lol.   Its been a minute but I think on ps4 the pods just explode and shower the loot onto the ground.  The pods dont fall and then hit the ground and explode...

  11. 361  351  723   All refer to which prism/scaffold/brace is being used....  

    1-4 are cetus parts,  5-7 are fortuna parts.  

    Eidolon amp = no comment

    Everyday amp........

    My fav is Lega+Phad+certus  (flamethrower, bounce blade, and best crit brace)

    I also love Shwaak+Klebrik  (arca plasmor, homing laser)

    I wouldnt say I love it but its kinda fun  Rahn+Pencha (machine gun,  charge beam)

    The klamora prism would be an interesting choice but it is such a power hog.  

    All my crap uses certus brace.  I just recently made those 4 amps and have no plans of making any more.   The only one of those I kinda regret is my Eidolon amp  Klamora+Shrak.  I would have rather had a Shwaak or Granmu prism + Shrak.     Granmu is triple grenade launcher but its hard to aim and absolute trash for normal enemies but effective vs eido..

    But Lega+Phad is what im using 95% of the time.  

    Klamora+propa is probably what I would suggest if you wanted to use either part.  Propa drops a huge void time bomb that can even kill you lol.  You have to fire it and then hide in the void or get out of aoe.  It has massive damage and massive crit.  It doesnt seem to do jack versus eidolons though and or is incredibly hard to deploy(will probably hit yourself alot more than eido lol).   But those two might go good together.  1 energy hog + 1 that forces you to hide and recharge.    Definately not for ranged fights but might kick butt in confined spaces lmao.  

  12. And some warframe abilities block the energy regen effect???   Like you cant recharge ivara's energy while she is running prowl(invis).  Is it always on abilities that block it?  Ember's world on Fire,  Nekros's un-augmented desocrate, etc??  

    If you are trying to farm focus being primary in zenurik is a bad choice.  Naramon lets you earn extra focus than all the other schools if you kill everything with melee thanx to affinity spike.  

    But if your using gear that doesnt have focus lens or a frame that kills everything with its abilities, yeah go ahead and use whatever school as your primary....  

  13. You dont have to kill enemies....however.....

    The kuva gaurds and kuva jesters can drop parts for the orvius blade (thrown weapon disk from Teshin)

    Remember, in order to kill gaurds you need to void dash into them or use void blast to make them vulnerable and then you can use whatever weapon you want.   Jesters are the little white enemies who ride on the guards' back.  Jesters might be the only source of parts and not the gaurds??  I dont have that crap memorized lol.  

    What I do is beat the holy hell out of everything until I hear the kuva siphon kick on,  Then you look at the braids to see which direction cloud is coming from and then hide in void mode and watch that direction (try to think of the doors in the room to get a better idea of where its coming from,  but they dont always use doors), when I see the cloud I use amp or dash through it.  (lega prism makes it easy but that is a very high level amp part)

    I love siphons.  I recently did a 100plat give-away to a the first low rank person who could do a void siphon for me...  Alot of people tried and were like you,  faught and faught the crap enemies but totally ignored the clouds lol.   Eventually a dude won.  But im gonna use that challenge alot now to give away stuff.  

    • Like 1
  14. What if Mag puts up giant bubbles around a joint/synovia.  Wouldnt that make them easier to hit??  

    But yeah i use Oberon+lanka+madurai school.   My Lanka has a riven to raise its crits up to the 93% range.  Spit out about 3 bullets for 6k damage at the low end,  can get up to 20k/per damage if it gets into the red crits.   I like oberon because he can keep everyone else alive a little bit longer and his grass blocks the energy drain when the terralyst collapses after every joint kill.   

    Having your sniper gun modded correctly is the biggest factor in eido fights.   Amps are not most important part especially at noob level.  You just need to be able to killjoints/eido fast with your normal gun.  

    The good arcanes only come from the higher eidolons.   Terralyst gives up two nice ones though.  Nullifier (anti magnetic) and ^()$^*&$ (anti-toxin).  Nullifier will help block energy drain for eido fights but its only 80% chance at max..(and I dont think it does jack vs the damage magnetic waves do lol)


    You also should have a really strong melee so you can capture lures fast and half kill vormalysts so they get sucked up by lures.

    Im trying to learn Harrow but its not going well lol.   My duration is 100% but his invuln doesnt last long enough to protect from eido explosions(joint kills),  Think I trigger it to early.   Is that his only purpose??   His 4 is suppose to raise crits and headshot damage?   His 3 thurible also boosts headshot damage.  but those only seem helpful after the joints are all gone.....

  15. Im trying to build a limbo whose only purpose is to break breakables so I can easily find syn marks and ayatan sculptures.  I see him requested for defense missions/extractions.  But my limbo will be locked in a closest unless im looking for stuff..

  16. These usually bug out because of multiplayer issues..

    A common fix for this bug is to go with a friend and re-enter every cave.  It wont register if you go solo.  The achievement got tied to multiplayer mode somehow.

    I just helped a guy do this the other day and it worked.   We flew over every cave I could see and he said he had them all.   But after we actually started going in the caves he triggered his achievement.

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