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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. Im not making this thread after my first time trying to get toroids.   I played the hell out of Fortuna when it released and worked my way up to Rank 4 in Vox to get the certus brace and stuff.  And then thats where I lost interest in Vox and never bothered to max out.  Dont enjoy profit taker,  havent tried exploiter.... 

    But recently I have been hanging out in Fortuna hunting just for standing with Solaris and racing for Ventkids.  I got the itch to remake all my amps...  Most of them just have wrong brace or I was using new parts so the prism and scaffolds do not mix well.   So I need alot of certus braces which means alot of toroids.....

    I got a pretty nice group together,  we had 2 nekro, a khora and an oberon.  We had a res booster.  After like 20-40 minutes the group had farmed 40-80 toroids which is great.   But the fighting is pretty boring and or sporadic.   After awhile the flow of enemies just stops....

    So heres my idea.....

    -You goto the toroid bases and pick a fight with the enemies there...

    -instead of plopping down escalation banners the base inside and outside just goes on "alert".   When a base is on alert enemies just continually spawn survival style.  (or maybe have railjack type ships come into low orbit and teleport troops down,  players cant kill the ships/out of range).   But enemies are always there fighting.

    - Enemy levels would ramp up alot slower than they do now... the enemies in OV ramp up way faster than other endless mission types...  atleast thats what it feels like to me.   

    -If you wanted to stop the flow of enemies you would have to find consoles and hack them to kill the base alert.

    I think this would make for a much more satisfying experience when attempting to farm toroids.   There wouldnt be any dips in the flow of combat unless people wanted them.  

    All of my experiences hunting toroids start outside or inside a base....the flow stops... we move....fighting gets insane and ratchets up fast...people start dieing or not being able to deal damage.. people break the banners and bring everything to a screeching halt...you try to move back outside(or inside) and enemies refuse to show...  everyone heads for extraction...  

    I would just like to roll up on a base,  fight fight fight... when enough people get bored or when everyone has enough toroids you extract or change to the other toroid bases...  


  2. 6 hours ago, Rathalio said:

    It's about The sacrifice quest not Duviri Paradox. Don't you remember Umbra playing it in his void dimension near a tree ?


    PC doesn't have it, they just show in last devstream they were making it but there is no animations, sounds are not final and I'm sure the ability to summon it with an emote in mission hasn't been implemented yet. Also, this kind of things are in lower priority than the rest of the contents so... You shouldn't be that impatient there is a lot of work to be done be the release.

    Ah yes you are correct about the Sacrifice.  And that could totally be the sole inspiration behind it.  BUT connecting it to the Duviri Paradox would be pretty awesome for me.  It would remind me of one of my favorite episodes of Star Trek: The next generation.   Picard gets alien probed and lives out the life and culture of this extinct race.   My favorite part of that episode is that he learns to play this flute over his lifetime in the probe and when he is released from the probe they give him that flute and he continues to play it.   

    Skip ahead to warframe where our young operator meets his older self...  you as you are now have no idea wtf a Shawzin even is,  but in the future you could be really good at it which makes you start playing in the first place..a nice paradox in it own right.  


  3. Saw something about this on devstream or primetime??  Does PC have it yet?  How long till it hits consoles??  Mine is all set up in my ship next to my [censored].  

    Shawzin seems like it should have came with Diviri Paradox...   how are you going to avoid spoilers with Diviri Paradox?? lol.   

    Anyways just want to play my Shawzim ASAP!!!!!!!  Its totally time for Mandachord 2.0 !!

  4. When DE release new stuff like arbitrations or disruptions or orb spider fights or eidolons do they measure anything player side to see if its to easy or to hard?

    For example do you look at the active player base on any given platform and compare who has ran that content and who hasnt?  And of those who have ran it, who has only done it a handful of times or less?  And then for a true picture take snapshots like that each month after release to see if anything goes up or down.

    My suspicion is that only a small % of the playerbase runs the endgame stuff,  not for lack of people who want to but for the difficulty being so offputting.  Getting one hit killed,  having to have specific gear to make the fights effecient.    

    Why cater to only a small % of the community?  Your afraid if you make thegame to easy you will lose your "hardcore" players but if that makes up only 10-15% of your community.....Arent you more afraid of the other 75-80% of the community losing interest and just walking away?? 

    What I really wanna know is those % numbers.   What % of players actually enjoy the hard content,  what % get left out.

    • Like 1
  5. Nekro/hydro/khora/ivara + smeeta + res drop/res boost.

    I think what I did for those is just find a nice spot in OV to fight and then pick a fight and let them set up ONE alarm.  Let it escalate to max alert but make sure you only have one alarm banner up.  Then start killing everything.   Embattlors are pretty common.   So it should be pretty easy... those are the ones who toss the bounce grenades at you and have all the extra armor.

    Now if you wanna talk about hard....get the raptor pigment from OV.   Cyan 110110101 or whatever.   Raptors dont show up often and they dont get desacrated because raptors explode and do not leave corpses  

    What enemy is purple paint from??  I already had it so it must be easy... 

    OV had some pain in the butt pigments lol.   The flying laser guys... the melee guys....  the raptors...   

  6. Ahh.  Then yeah just watch the little red arrows and rush them when they arent looking heh. 

    Here is my ultimate stealth frame.....

    Not sure if the test disables your radar but there are no red arrows =P.  My only radar mod is usually just Animal Instinct and I dont think your pet is part of test... maybe with enemy radar or vigilante pursuit.   But as you can see you dont need no stinking radar.  

    My first video i tried to make I failed twice and passed on the third try.  This one I failed once and this was the second attempt.  

  7. Saws are buggy as hell.

    So are Stovers

    I would also add Bolarola.  Sometimes they do not sit up when they reach call point,  they just turn and keep on walking.   Never giving you a shot at weak spot. 


  8. I have seperate issue to cheesey sleep arrow problems.   Sawgaw animations are buggy.   A sawgaw used to land on a mushroom sit for a 4-5 seconds and then take off to goto a different mushroom.   Now when they land they do not sit.   Instead they bug out and start sliding sideways immedeately on touching down and then take off again.

  9. What I hate is finding poop,  clicking on it,  and NOTHING HAPPENING.  

    DE has still not fixed sawgaws or stovers either.    Sawgaws used to sit for a good 4-5 seconds before taking off again.   Now when they land they immedeately slide sideways and take off.   

    Stovers are completely ubar....  one cave the stover spawns right on top of you already aggressive(and then when u tranq it, it counts as a perfect lol???).   Another stover spot the stover will come running to the call spot giving you no chance to tranq it for a perfect.   These things happen every time on ps4 in their specific caves.

    It is so awesome challenging us to do perfects hunts while they do nothing to fix bugs and glitches involved with animal captures.

  10. I think I used spira and a sword to stealth kill my way through that mission... if I used anything to go invis it was operator mode...

    Nothing hard about it....tried to find my MR19 pic to see what frame I used but Looks like I skipped posting pics from 11 to 21 lol.  

  11. 2 minutes ago, HexxyTheGrouch said:


    Oxylus - Going fishing? take this. The downside is it takes max standing with Solaris U. I think of it as your portable Space-Bass-finder-o-matic. After that, I think it's pretty useless overall.


    Horrible.  Fish dye is super easy to make and a Smeeta will actually multiply the fish you catch (when its charm is active). Smeeta = ultimate fishing buddy.   Hunting buddy.  Mining buddy.  Focus farming buddy.........................etc

    • Like 1
  12. 100% collection!!  Also have patches for both Fortuna and Cetus!  

    About the only thing left for me to do hunting wise is get a pair of black banded bolarola floofs for my ship.  I could have done it a loooong time ago but I also need to make all the fish trophies from Cetus.   Just did all the ones from Orb Vallis.   

  13. Helios for scans

    Chesa Kubro for extra loot (like a crappy nekros)

    Smeeta Kavat for extra loot + tons of other things.

    Moa with the Hack Precept (they will sometimes run ahead and do the hacks for you...  not so awesome at grineer but pretty awesome at corpus.  

    ANY beast type pet when you give them pack leader+hunter's recovery  (you heal them by doing melee damage, they heal you by thier melee damage).  

    Dethcube can make energy orbs if you give him a cephalon simaris augment.  

    You can make ANY sentinel give you massive armor if you have health conversion on your warframe and Synth Deconstruct on your sentinel.   


    But smeeta is my #1 pet.  If not him then im using Wyrm/prime.    As soon as they rip cryopods out of the game so we can use whatever pets we want I will possibly use other beast types alot more often.   Namely Adarza for crits or Helminth just because its cool as hell.   

  14. Well I tried to do this today......and it worked just fine on ps4.   I was in Free Roam - invite only.   

    ran around and got all the other statues and windmill was next to last one.  I dropped down and kill all the enemies/turrets in the area.  Then I hopped on the turret gun by the tent and shot at the windmill and the blades folded.  I was shooting at the blades as they were at the 6 o'clock position.  Then I hacked the terminal and the water drained...     The blades did not flash damage numbers... 

    Now I have a cool glass fish sitting in my ship.  

  15. Decided to use Ivara and her invisability to avoid all the enemies and fights while I hunted today.  That went ALOT better.  Everything showed up that was called.   That one pile of poop above not working was only bug.   Even without a res booster I am 99% done with floof hunting.  I have to catch 2 more forest mergoo's and I will have every floof (except thumpers).  A couple more tags beyond that and I can get the PoE conservation patch.   

    Instead of Conservation patch's/emblems we should get POSTERS.   Fashion frame wont let me wear my hunting badges and display my pride.   But I would DEFINATELY put up posters in my ship/dojo to show my love for the hunt.  

    Oh that reminds me I have totally go after that Fish statue in PoE.  That thing is sweet as hell as a decoration. 

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