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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. Probably turning in Eido shards...

    Doing sanctuary onslaught runs (was suppose to be a place to farm focus but result vary)

    Then you have the crazier stuff like stealth frames and stealth kills (One strategy seemed SUPER interesting but I never researched it....   You go into the plains of eidolon and stealth kill stuff there or something???)

    I just use the crappy method.... Put a lens on a frame and one on your melee and make naramon your primary with max affinity spike.   Just hack n slash everything to death anywhere and everywhere....

  2. I guess I will hijack this thread instead of making my own...I need advice on how to do a challenge to!!

    I dont do sorties so I dont mess with rivens..   But I like to help others do their challenges.   A couple of people have tried asking for help with one that sounds hard and they usually get pissed off and leave because I have the audicity to ask a few questions before attempting to do it.   

    But the challenge is....

    -Scan a ceph target while taking no damage and using no gear wheel or abilities....

    How in the hell does someone do that?   My plan was for me to use an Octavia so we can both go invis.   And for the other dude to use Operator void mode while not in invis...

    I can use my abilities and gear wheel right??   Please dont say this is a limbo challenge?? I have finally broke down and am making a limbo for synditicate missions/ayatan sculpture hunting but I dont want to use him any more than absolutely necessary cuz I hate his guts.....  

    I could also use Ivara and invis arrows but I dont really have an ivara built for that or have very much experience using it lol.   But that sounds way easier than Octavia...  

  3. I dont think your old account was hacked... I just read in another thread that if you go MIA for awhile then when you get back you are stucking using a newb account until you get a certain ways in (the first 1-2 newbie quests).  Then you get your old account back??   Dont know any of that for a fact though.  Just something I heard.  

    -Forma still come from popping relics (if you get your account back they are also in sorties i think?? I dont do those so dont really know lol)   You also get packs of forma for reaching certain ranks of nightwave.

    -Kavat dna still comes from orokin derelicts.  They did up the chance per cat to 25%.  If you go in with a res booster/smeeta you can get alot of scans at a time.   Use frames that stun or freeze or sleep to catch the cats.   Valkyr(paralysis scream),  Gara(mass vit) are my favs to use.    Going with others is both helpful and a pain in the butt.  More people = morons who kill the cats.  BUt more people = more cats..  so try to assemble a kat hunting party so everyone is on same page.  

    New stuff...


    -Sanctuary Onslaught

    -Fortuna (orb spiders, k-drives, conservation/FLOOFS!!!,  Atmo-guns.. mods that you stick on archwing guns that allow them to be summoned on the ground!)

    -Gas City overhaul (Jupiter maps.   New mission type  Disruption which some new warframes will be tied to soon like Gauss and Grendel.   Ropalyst boss fight for warframe: Wisp)

    -Alerts = dead.   Replaced with daily/weekly challenge system called Nightwave where you earn points and unlock rewards, and spend your points in its store.  Nightwaves are mini-stories that usually involve enemy lackies showing up to assassinate you, and or the mini-story boss.  Right now we arein our 2nd only Nightwave story about Arlo.   Soon we should be mixing it up with his boy Kanga.....

    -You probably need to review amps and focus farming,  that stuff came with the eidolons and amps are a big part of boss fights after that point in the game.   



  4. I was looking at my primaries last night and arca plasmor didnt seem like a great choice,  It made for status.  In fact most of my primaries are made for status and I had a hard time finding anything I could use for crits that also have insane base damage.   But I suppose the Arca would just overcome the low crit chance with such high base damage?  

    My lanka gets up to 12k damage with like 90% crits...  Gotta look at that again...  My opticor (not vandal) was disappointing to...   

    Catchmoon looks sexy as hell.  Mine is 80+%cc.  I have a riven for it but I dont think I have room for it lol.  Im working on the catchmoon right now.  Just maxed out primed pistol gambit and primed ..crit damage..  lol.   So I only got about 3 spots left for elemental mods after all the damage, multi, crit stuff.  The riven would eat up one of those elemental slots... maybe it could replace a multi mod...  


    Do Primed anti faction mods work on boss types??  Like Primed corpus bane vs PT ? I NEVER use banes...  I need to hit up the simulcrum and experiement.  I wish while you were in simulcrum every mod was max and costs 0-1 cap  so you could easily play with builds...  

  5. On 2019-08-22 at 5:52 PM, (XB1)AGENTSTORM876 said:

    You cant buy everything... its there for a reason. play the game and grind like its intention....

    lol.  Im not asking because I want to buy.  I want to sell crap to lazy mofo's but doing it 1 fish/gem per slot is dumb and alloy isnt even an option.  

  6. Yeah if im being punished for anything its a super easy ivara farm.  When I actually went about trying to farm her I was already 2k hours into the game and had half her pieces lol.  So the last two pieces from the harder spys were all that was left.   I decided to just do a few runs a day and or whenever I felt like it and it only took a couple of days, a handful of trys for me to get the pieces lol.  

    Does the Lv80 arena grant more points for a win??  I might suffer through higher difficulty for better effeciency...  


  7. I wish your chatbox would be more visible if you are in a mission.  I never hear or see people say stuff when im in one.   

    My only wish for chat is the ability for the damn game to remember how I have my chat box stretched.   Instead of having to manually stretch it out EVERY time i log in.   

  8. I already have saryn prime but around the first time I was able to get those relics I also tried to go after normal saryn to master her first.   I lost interest for whatever reason... and built her prime and moved on to other stuff since then.  Tonight I tried to do a little bit of farming for her.  Had some points built up from trying to help others.   I must have 6 chassis and 4-5 nueros.   I can NOT get the stupid systems to drop =(.    I even got a medi-ray mod tonight lol.(now I dont feel like a cheater for buying one from dog days heh). 

    This is just bad luck????



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  9. 4 hours ago, (XB1)OdinAsteroid said:

    Here's an interesting idea with Nidus + Phantasma + x

    Spaghetti Blender Nidus

    I did everything in that video except the melee lol.  I dont usually fight stuff that high level.  My nidus has a Lesion staff... I need to make some more infested weapons for him!  But in low level stuff the phantasm will nuke most stuff lol.   

    I didnt talk about the self damage but that is very real lol.  I've killed myself several times already lmao.   Usually some stupid stray enemy that didnt get sucked up by 2 rushes you and is in your face as you are charging up your grenades and then....BLAM.    Now I fire a few quick grenade volleys without charge and then follow that up with charged shots.  

  10. I only recently got nidus.   Didnt even get him after his phryke skin came out.   Anyways he was a pain in the butt to get but he was so totally worth it.  He is super fun to play and just great at murdering stuff.   His 2 pull abillity works killer with melee/guns/or abilities.  Yours or anyone elses lol.   

    I decided to make some dojo weapons the other day to work on my MR.  I built revenants primary gun the phantisma??   Its a beam weapon or a charged grenade launcher.   Beam weapon is kinda meh..   But that grenade launcher is pretty dope.   

    But man letting nidus use an explosive type weapon with #2 and its like a bad guy/loot fireworks show.   Enemies just go flying when they are killed while being pulled, meanwhile there is loot piled up at the spot you pulled everything to.   I havent teamed up with a nekro user but that has to be insane.  khora/hydroid prob wouldnt work...  

    But man if you dont have Nidus you should try very hard to get him (gotta do dumb index missions, then c rotation runs at eris for parts)

    If you do have nidus then you really need to give him big fat explosive type weapons.   The phantisma uses shotgun mods??  I started working on it a little bit and I just added [vicious spread] and now it fires several grenades at a time....so awesome..  AND beam combustion so there is even more explosions lol.   Sorry Revenant but your primary just got JACKED by nidus hehe.   

  11. Dont let this mode become a giant turd.  Its really fun when it is working.   

    -make tracks more visible or get rid of them and just show us where the call spots are.

    But the big deal is animal AI.  Critters are getting more and more busted by the patch....  

    -Some animals can spawn right on top of you (stovers/kubrows).  Some stovers also spawn already alerted and pissed off and come running to the call spot.  

    -Sawgaws are completely broken.   They only sit for a second before trying to take off again and when they do try to take off they slide around on the surface they are on before going straight up.  Hits are not registering.

    -The latest victim to patch updates are Horrasques.   I dont know if they are bugged or if they were bugged already and this is how they are suppose to act.   If they were "fixed" this would be infuriating because what fixed them??  Did you guys waste time making these guys harder to catch while leaving stovers/saws broken??   Anyways to the point.   NOW (and not previously) any near miss and some actual hits cause Horrasque to turn and burn.  You have to tranq these guys twice...and before they would NEVER run unless they saw you or something which never happened to me.   Now they bug out all the time.  I also got a second shot in on one the other night as he ran but he still escaped..   

    -You have poop piles that do not activate.  You walk up,  interact with them,  no tracks or search area.   

    -You have poop locations where there is no poop.  Well these are usually caves/stovers.   The entrance will be marked and then when you go into the cave there is no marker and sometimes no poop.   Sometimes the poop was suppose to be at the entrance and is not.   (the poop is not on top of the cave system either)

    -It feels like animal eyesight range has been increased also... 30 meters used to be plenty of room to not spook animals but last night I was 40 meters away from a Bola and the damn thing spotted me.

    -I have a silenced tranq gun, the pobbers never see me.... I shoot the pobber furthest in back first = perfect,  I shoot the middle pobber = perfect,  no matter what though the 3rd pobber is always alerted and is never perfect, just good??  How??? I pick off the first two little mofo's before they even get to the call spot.  The third one gets there alone.  But what the hell is spooking him??  Being lonely? lol.   He shouldnt be hearing anything,  he doesnt see anthing because its all happening behind him... so wtf...

    I like to hunt to farm standing for Fortuna and I also like to take others on hunts to get them tags/standing but im running out of stuff that actually works right...  


  12. Why cant we trade alloys???

    Why cant we stack fish???

    Why cant we stack gemstones???  

    Obviously there is a freaking stack mechanic because you trade for platinum and you arent stuck trading 6 platinum at a time lol.   So why the hell isnt that applied to other things that stack???   And what the hell is with the ban on alloys???  

  13. WE ARE NOT A F ING PC USER!!!!!  Stop putting double clicks into the freaking UI!!!!!!

    Arcanes and now Loadout Slots.

    PS:  I absolutely hate the loadout slot UI.   Before we had a nice super clean linear line of warframes that were easy to remember.   Now you have change it to the stupid grid system with colorless icons so everything looks the same.....  and we have to double click on crap just to change.   This is the OPPOSITE of an improvement.  You made it harder to swap loadout slots.   WTF...

  14. Mine is built for spectrorage aug.   A ton of range.   I love that it pretty much makes everyone near the mirrors immune from the enemy lol.   I dont know if they changed the AI behavior in the mirrors or if its because of the size of my mirrors but the enemy doesnt just pick a mirror and stand there beating on it....  They run all over attacking different mirros.   Thats kind of super annoying.

    But man it makes massive piles of energy orbs lol.  I could power cetus+fortuna in a survival mission.  

    I forget why I stopped using her..   I dont really have any favorite weapons to use on her and I tend to revert back to using my warframes that have focus lens's on them so I can gain focus while I fight.   

  15. Supra Vandal or Prisma Gorgon.  I havent tried Arca Plasmor but Im sure that would be dope.  Do secondaries work if you dont have primaries???  Rattleguts, spira, catchmoon,  twin gremlins, akstiletto??   

    The prisma gorgon is my fav all purpose gun.   My wukong twin rips the crap out of stuff with that thing while im nun-chucking stuff to death.  

    My SPECTRE I let use supra vandal cuz it lets me see what its shooting at.  

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