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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. Heres a spot in PoE that NEVER works....


    This is inside a grineer camp.  You walk up to the poop and hit Sqaure(ps4) to start tracking the animal and nothing happens...  No tracks.  No circle representing a search area where you find the call site.  Nothing.  

  2. -Every damn spot where you need to make an animal call has grineer on it AND a thumper.   And then every damn grineer just about has the ability to call for help so just trying to clear the area of enemies turns into huge wars..    Thats just one of the problems....

    -This applys to PoE and Orb Vallis but clicking on animal poop can make NOTHING happen...  you are not given animal tracks to follow or target locations to find the call spot.

    -In PoE I used a scent booster for condroc or mergoo and then I made the animal call..  nothing showed.   No enemies were aware of me or even around but thats not to say it wasnt scared off by something else but then again I never got a failure message.   

    -Are condrocs/mergoo suppose to circle over the call spot or land???  Most of the time they circle...  but I have seem them land and I would definately like to shoot them there over moving targets.  

    But I had a res booster the other day and went to PoE to bust out the last of my floof collections and it was a horrible experience.  I only need condroc and mergoo floof sets to have everything from PoE and OV.  

    PS:  Do NOT add floofs that you do not have to hunt for,  such a Thumper floofs.   

  3. -Every damn spot where you need to make an animal call has grineer on it AND a thumper.   And then every damn grineer just about has the ability to call for help so just trying to clear the area of enemies turns into huge wars..    Thats just one of the problems....

    -This applys to PoE and Orb Vallis but clicking on animal poop can make NOTHING happen...  you are not given animal tracks to follow or target locations to find the call spot.

    -In PoE I used a scent booster for condroc or mergoo and then I made the animal call..  nothing showed.   No enemies were aware of me or even around but thats not to say it wasnt scared off by something else but then again I never got a failure message.   

    -Are condrocs/mergoo suppose to circle over the call spot or land???  Most of the time they circle...  but I have seem them land and I would definately like to shoot them there over moving targets.  

    But I had a res booster the other day and went to PoE to bust out the last of my floof collections and it was a horrible experience.  I only need condroc and mergoo floof sets to have everything from PoE and OV.  

    PS:  Do NOT add floofs that you do not have to hunt for,  such a Thumper floofs.   

  4. I have two huge weapon swap bugs i would like addressed.   

    1. when you try to go from melee to firing a gun, the gun will only fire 1 shot even if it has 120 rounds in the clip.  You have to let up and pull the trigger again to make it go into automatic fire.   That is not great for fluidity.  

    2.  Like you said, we cant switch back to codex scanner from melee which is a huge pain in the @^&.  Cephalon Targets and Kavat DNA DEPEND on your ability to do this...  Maybe it would be better if they just add a way to send out codex scan pulses or something.  Make scanning more passive so we do not have to actively do it.  For example.   When we are near ceph targets or kavats our radar could pick, they could be highlighted on our maps,  they could get glowy outlines on our screens.   Then you would pull out the scanner and use it.   You would not have to pull it out and use it until you have found something to scan.    As opposed to now where you need to use the scanner to FIND stuff and then again to scan them.   Having to look for the targets is where all the problems happen because you have to fight through stuff to get to the scan targets.  So you have to switch back and forth 50 times.  

  5. You guys are killing me though.   You came out with that killer scaffold at Fortuna that fires ricocheting discs.  It homes in on new enemies every time it bounces and has like 3-5 bounces.  You can fire it off walls or ceiling and just see a bunch of kills afterwards lol.   

    I just built the Cyanex and it uses a very similar mechanic to that scaffold.  The bullets ricochet off enemies into other enemies.  Not to mention the bullets seem to home in on nearby targets so you do not have to benearly as accurate.   I do not have alot of experience with status weapons but as cool as this gun is I dont know if its possible to mod around its innate gas damage and stuff.   Also need to try adding punch-through to see what that does...     I wish Cyanex had been dual wield though,  that would be perfect for Mesa.  She could be a space cowgirl with x2 cyanex or a regular cowgirl with x2 regulators.  

    But man please apply this homing/ricochet tech to PANTHERA!!!  Make that gun more crit based.  I loved that gun for a long time and used it alot,  then I veered off towards other guns and took a long break from it.  When I came back to it, it just wasnt as good any more....  but now you have given us an amp and a pistol with this mechanic and I would love to be able to use my Panthera again.

    I notice you took the amp mechanic off Klebrik and applied it to the Ocuocor pistol(sp??).  After u kill with gun its laser turns into a homing laser like Kebrik scaffold for amps.  Love that scaffold.  Its a hard tie between that and the ricochet scaffold lol.  The gun version isnt nowhere near as fun though.... its needs like twice the ammo.   I dont know,  im just trying to max mine out then I will probably dump it.   Having to kill something before it begins homing in on stuff is a bit of a pain because theres like a hundred different things that can interfere with just killing an enemy.

    But anyways I just wanted to say I really loe the Cyanex so good job with that gun.  I like the look of it,  I like the mechanics of it.  

  6. Kuva survival made it super easy.  I farmed some of mine from syphons lol.  

    Loot drop abilities on Nekros/hydroid/khora/ivara will affect how often pigment shows up.

    If you want to up that even further take a smeeta Kavat.  If she is giving you extra loot bonus she can multiply the amount u get.  (but thats super random, but still totally worth it when it does happen).  

    A res booster will double the amount of pigment u find per drop...

    a res drop booster will affect how often they show up...   

    Well I have 2 pigments left to get for my dojo!!!!!  Cyan 011010101 or whatver and Morning Yellow....    The one is from raptors in orb vallis which you can not desocrate because they explode on death =( and the other is from shied ospreys that only show up when they are launched from moa's ???   Im working on the raptor one...by working on I mean I unpauses it lol...  guess I do have time to goto OV and screw around...   I let them set up alarms and that usually makes raptors show up.   


  7. Would like to see a video of you doing anything and not getting rewards just so we can better see whats going on.  Just from your description it sounds like your looking for results mid mission.   Arcanes arent revealed until the very end.. they are unknown items until then...  

    Last mission result disappears if you move around like from dojo to ship or relay to ship.   There are circumstances I think where like the mission fails and you just dont get one when your back at your ship.   Do you run your missions from your clan dojo or relay??  Not sure if going from cetus back to your ship or fortuna back to your ship wipes your last mission result... I would assume so...  

    Only thing I have experienced close to this bug is not being able to choose relic reward at end of fissure,  the rewards get stuck in loading and im unable to choose anyone elses.  But im on ps4.  

    I need to see how you group up with others,  during the mission,  after the mission when you are kicked back to wherever.    Do you get the mission result screen at the end of the mission??  Your talking about not being able to look at it when your back at your ship?? 

    Another thing it sounds like if you cant pick up stuff is extreme lag or something? 

  8. Failures in fissures happen because of one thing.   Stupid people.  They have no idea how to work as a team or even how to do them.  

    You dont run around with nuke frames and kill everything before they have a chance to turn.   You dont run around like an idiot in survivals so that the reactant gets spread all over hell and half acre.  You dont fill every extractor you possibly can as fast as you can.    You dont control every control point in interceptions.   

    You use TACTICS and team work........  

  9. Cant spam.  There is already timers in trade chat.   Recruitment has a soft timer that you can bypass by changing your message a little.  But if people spam there you just put them on ignore.  

    I dont see the harm in adding it.  Luckily on ps4 it has a limited text memory.   If you want to repeat a message you just start typing it out and then it guess's the next word you want to use and clicking on that link leads to the next.  

  10. I was on a quest to get to MR22 the past few days.  There were a ton of melee weapons I got off marketplace.  Some stuff I had to rebuy cuz it gets used to make other things I didnt know of.  So I discover some cool weapons doing stuff like this once in awhile.  For example the Halikar is a really cool weapon... its suppose to be a throwing hammer but its really a glaive and its grineer so it has flames coming out of it which is cool.  Dont know what its like compared to other glaives weapons but it is just fun and cool looking.  I love all glaives cuz of the movie Krull.  

    Another weapon I had to master was the kamas and dual kamas.  I hate dual sword resting pose with the crossed blades in front of your face.  But the attack animations are pretty ok.   My Nekros is a focus school farm for Madurai.  He already has a melee I have put a lens on for him.  The gundao.  But I thought the Dual kamas Prime would look super sick on him.  

    I dont even know when Dual Kamas Prime last dropped or what other primes it dropped with..  someone thought maybe trinity and kubrow collars??  I usually farm my own stuff and get extra sets to sell to others every relic release... but I never went after Dual Kamas.   So im thinking that whenever they got released it was to the void lol.  I hate grinding for relics in the void.  I hate the defense map and the excessive amount of other relics you have to wade through to get the ones you want.  20 minutes for a shot at 1 relic which its mixed in with like 50 other relics is bullcrap.  

    So I decided I would treat myself and use my obscene amount of platinum to just buy the parts.  

    Now Dual Kamas Primes have been gone for a very long time,  nobody I bought parts from could even rememeber lol.  And before I started looking I would NEVER see other people looking for it in trade chat either....  

    But as soon as I started posting in trade chat asking for sets or parts a bunch of other people started asking for them to =/ .  Didnt stop me though.  I used bags of platinum to beat the parts out of people even if they didnt want to let go lol.  They should be done when I jump on =).  Im really looking forward to this..   its not gonna change the way I melee or anything but im excited to use my Nekros again lol.  He felt kinda stale.  He is my most used frame.  Even though I havent used him in awhile.  

    I dont know if people are just dumb and think Dual Kamas Prime suddenly became available because they saw one person asking for them or what lol.  I know some of them had maybe probably never seen it and wanted it after I posted the links.   And im sure an even smaller amount already knew about it and seeing me post about them re-ignited their desire to own it.  But that was frustrating.  

  11. VERY FUNNY DE.............

    So I got my new turd robot leveled up to be gilded and headed to Fortuna.... 

    When I get to Legs goto services, goto gilding, and then go to select which moa head I want to gild (the only one I have available)...........when the cursor is over the robot head i see a picture of the moa head and it says MASTERED......

    So im like wtf!!!!  I back out of all the screens and jump back into my profile... Goto my equipment and look and that moa head is still greyed out.  I look in Leg's shop at the MOA head and the others say mastered and thie one im working on does not...  So 2/3 places tell me it is not mastered but that gild screen says it IS lol.  I dont know why the hell the gild screen would say that.  So I gilded it!!  

    Its Lv20+ right now and super close to being mastered.   

    But with all the weapons I mastered I got to MR22 !!!  

  12. Yeah the chat filters work pretty awesome!!  

    I filter out WTS  Riven  and  Arcane - this just shows me people who want things.  Buyers or traders.   

    OR you can tell the game to only show you posts that include a word.  Like I was just curious what everyone else was selling new stuff for so I told the game to only show me posts with Wukong in it.   This would show me just the posts of people buying or selling wukong.  This let me compare prices while still trying to sell my wukong to people.   

    Or if I wanted to buy something you can post your own WTB message but you can also make it only display posts from people selling that item.  

    But dont forget to reset your filters when your done ESPECIALLY the "show only" word filter.  I thought my chat was bugged the other day but i just had forgot to remove filter lmao.  


    Unrelated mostly but another nice time saving tip is to use the search function anywhere and everywhere for your inventory/relics.   

  13. Ok the LOADING bug in that video above is super annoying and still going on!! Are you guys working on it???  Whats the progress??  

    I had it happen again last night and I was at round 4 so that might be part of the problem...  but I think it has also happened earlier....  

    You never see the rewards,  and you are unable to pick anyone elses reward.. 

  14. Eximus is my #1 most recommended color palette.   It has a nice range of colors and nice shades of those colors.  This includes whites/greys/  golds/silvers which is what I use on metallic textures.  

    Steve posted something on twitter about color zones on warframes recently but I didnt give it much attention.

  15. My Wukong has like 900 armor and 1900HP and at one point during that final fight he got one shot lmao.  

    I dont know if wukong passive revives count against your revive limit??  If they dont he would be a great choice for there.   

    I was in a group with 3 wukong and 1 nidus last night lmao.  We were doing pretty awesome until the last 4th of waves and then the defense target started getting beat up(cuz morons always wanna chase enemy spawn points and get further and further away).  So I dropped my Vapor spectre which is a Gara and she totally saved us hehe.  

  16. OMG!!!!!  That is awesome news!!!!!!!!   

    Instead of BUILDING modular items they could add a ton of challenges based around USING your modular items so you only need atleast 1.  Do k drive stuff,  do moa stuff,  do amp stuff,  do zaw stuff,  do kitgun stuff.  = Way better.   

    Update:  I got trash moa 2.0 built and halfway to gilding lol.  Im abit lazy so I doubt I will be able to master it today lmao.   I get sucked into trade or when I can pull myself away from that I look for other people to help in recruit.  Well I just cant find anyone willing to level stuff with how I like to level stuff...  infested survivals.  

    Guess I didnt mention it before but I am also trying to gain MR and have built a buttload of weapons from marketplace.  Blew almost a million credits on bp's and then building them.  One of the cooler surprises I have found is this little grineer throwing hammer.  Its actually a glaive.  I forget its base damage but I do not think it is fire, otherwise it would be awesome for Ember. 

    I'll say this again.  I wish glaiva style weapons would behave like that disc launcher amp scaffold from fortuna.  That amp scaffold bounces between a ton of enemies,  you can shoot it off walls, floors, ceilings and it still seeks out other targets after each bounce.   Thrown weapons dont seek out anything.  

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