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Posts posted by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_IGN

  1. It felt super tight after that first week.  I only got about 30k and they were only giving my 10 weeks so if I missed to many other challenges I was worried about failing....but....all those dailies add up to a big amount so im not worried about the stuff I cant/wont do anymore.   


  2. Ok let me reprase...  

    Does loot drop abilities affect REACTANT drops ??? 

    *edit oh you said they DO affect it...  that sucks... no wonder its always taking to the last minute in some missions to get reactant.  I always just take whatever  frame im rocking that day.   I need to dust off my Nekros.  

  3. Hunt CURRENT prime parts (like right now its wukong,ninkondi,zhuge) and common parts are 10p, uncommon around 20, and rares can be 30-60 depending on how desperate your victom err i mean customer is.   

    Complete a set of prime parts and you can try to sell for even more BUT....the value constantly drops as time passes because less and less people need/want them.  

    You can also sell rocks and fish from the open world maps.  You cant sell "alloys" but you can the gemstones.  Just stick the very rare stuff because you cant stack fish/gems in a trade window 1 fish takes up 1 trade slot so at most you can only trade 6 at a time.   So dont entertain people who need 20-40 of some crappy fish/gemstone lol.  (unless their offer matches how many trades it will take)   

    Syndicate augments are another easy money maker.  u can sell augments for warframes all day long at 10p a pop.   

    (all based off ps4 currency values, other platforms will vary)

  4. 21 minutes ago, Lutesque said:



    Instant enough.  I have void dash at its most basic level and It just takes a few dashes to refill my energy enough to get me past 2-3 batches of enemies at a time.  I imagine once powered up it will be even EASIER.   

    Otherwise I dont get your meme.

  5. -Pets

    Does anyone know how pets affect Affinity splits for your gear?   The XP I get from other people... 50% goes to my frame and the rest is split between my gear...  Does that include my pet???

    Does the XP my pet earns get split up between my frame/weapons at all?? Cuz my Deth Mgun is pretty deadly at low levels and thats usually what my pets all use.  

    -void traces

    Does loot drop abilities like Nekro/Hydroid/khora/ivara affect void trace dropping???

    Does smeeta affect how much void trace can be picked up?? 

    I never even thought about this but I saw someone asking for specific crap to trace farm the other day.  

    Do you earn more void trace after a fissure if you have been using a relic vs not using any???  (is the increase i "notice" just from people picking my relics? I KNOW I get +5 trace from each person who picks one of my relics,  but I notice trace number difficerences of 9 for not taking to 20+ for taking one...  

  6. Well I have two-three theories....  

    #1 they release to all platforms at once... it would be super nice to get to that point one day....  They HAVE done it with smaller projects and I think they are working hard to make it happen for big patches to..   but i doubt it...  

    #2.  They used to release stuff at the end of a cycle of new relics... So I wanna say PC players will get the new war at the end of Nyx/Rhino cycle which is in a few days.... and then console players will get it 2 months later after the relic cycle after nyx/rhino....

    #3.  They could drop new war WITH nyx/rhino (those relics are in the void hint hint....) and Nyx/Rhino were just here....a few months ago....  in which case Console players are looking at September for new war??  Maybe august..depends how bad PC players break it....  

    Knowing my luck it will be the same time No Man's Sky does their big summertime patch lol.  

  7. Hmmmm.   This makes me wanna make a speed roller ivara lol....... 

    That movement restriction on her sucks so bad.. 

    I have used Octavia to do 35+ exterminations while stealthed and I have used Ivara but Ivara was more difficult because I would just run out of energy.   But I just use my zenurik school with her and poof instant energy gain whenever im low.   But I think stealth should be Duration based instead of drain.....That way it would be easier to mix in her exalted bow.  

    I dont know.. I used her for a little bit but I've already kinda lost interest in her and have moved on to other frames.   Right now im currently screwing around on my mesa.  I just came to see what advice people had for speeding Ivara up lol.  

  8. I wish they had kept the challenges to gameplay related stuff.  They screwed the pooch when they started using it to force people to do other things in the game that they didnt want to do.  

    If they had kept the challenges to general gameplay I would have loved for there to be about 10 daily challenges and like 20 weekly ones.  Make them worth less points so you have to grind them out and play every day(atleast 1-2 hours).  That way you always have a reason to get in game and be playing.  

    In season 1 there were some really fun weeks.  I would knock out the entire list of objectives in 2 days lol.  But those were really fun 2 days.   Then they started adding all the harder end-game challenges and my fun stopped,  now they are adding meaningless resource wasting objectives and even more meaningless crap like pet your dog/cat.  wtf...  

    - kill X amount enemies

    - kill X amount of Y type of enemy

    - kill X amount of  Y type of enemy with a melee/primary/secondary

    - kill X amount of Y type of enemy with a melee/primary/secondary using Z damage type

    - get X kills with a sentinel/moa/beast

    Stealth kills,  Airglide kills, Wall latch kills, Operator kills, Ability kills,  

    Let US decide WHERE we want to do the killing.  Im fine with including end-game modes if its just to get newbies feet wet.  Like finish 1 round of index, kill a terrolyst,  do 2 rounds of eso,  But the majority of the challenges should be just general gameplay stuff.    


  9. 5 hours ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    Unless something has changed, this feature already exists.  If the host is in "Invite Only" they can stop the countdown.


    Yeah I saw this last night popping relics.  I usually host and usually am in invite only.  But sometimes im not the host and not everyone locks the group.  But atleast I was spared from a few reformations.  I definately had the situation happen a few times last night.  

    (Finished Wukong+Ninkondi and have 4/6 zhuge parts??)

  10. 14 hours ago, (PS4)iuvenilis said:

    Does your void mode emit any sort of damage? E.g. depending on upgrades, Zenurik void mode willl damage nearby enemies.

    I'm only guessing, but I suspect this is not a silent action, so it's alerting the enemies. (Happy to be wrong)

    Or perhaps they're catching a glimpse of your empty warframe? 

    Them spotting your warframe will trigger the alarms?   Cuz I do leave mine out in the open lol....( I will experiment with this in a bunch of missions if I can remember) 

    Im pretty sure I dont have any damage abilities going in void mode.  

  11. Gara shouldnt really be spamming her powers...  most of them benefit from duration. (except the mirrors that should be a super fast ability since it explodes at the end of its life)

    Rock hunters adrenaline or rage and you should have PLENTY.   Or use Zen focus with her so you can regen if you need to with void dash.   Her healing augment completely borks her loadout...but there is another one for energy isnt there??  I have a really hard time finding room on her for augments though.  

  12. You got Prisma Gorgon??  I love that gun.  The prisma version holds 120 rounds which is alot more than the wraith version of 90.(but still less than Supra at 150 :( )  But man after getting that gun it very quickly became my new fav general purpose gun.   I like it better than supra because it shoots actual bullets.  


  13. Host migrations usually dump me back onto my ship holding nothing but my #$%& in my hand and its bullcrap but I dont know if there is anything DE can do about it   Just have to suck it up and carry on.   Try to BE the host or atleast know who the host is on long missions so if you see that guy want to leave you better follow suit or risk having that happen.   

    ESO/SO this is a VERY common problem which makes that mode almost worthless.  I need sooooooo much focus still but I refuse to play there unless im doing a dumb nw challenge.  

  14. Heres another bug I had soon after gas city upgrade dropped.    This has happened more than once....  

    Not sure it matters but if you look this is 20 minutes into the mission,  like I said this has happened before and probably not that deep into the mission.   But we finished another 5 minutes in a survival relic fissure,  the reward select screen pops up....   except you cant see the damn rewards and the countdown just goes on without you.  In the pic the rewards were all bronze/common but who knows if that was even true because maybe the colors have to be loaded to.  So you cant even go for a high rarity item.  You just have to pick one completely randomly.  Im pretty sure you DO get the reward for whatever was suppose to be there,  could be wrong though and you get none... 


  15. I tried Fortuna a little bit today and I got 2 N7's off one bounty.   Helped me finish my Ninkondi Prime =P   I only have Zhuge to collect now and im not that hard pressed to go after that lol.  Although I still do have the normal crap version in my inventory so I must have liked it a little bit... 

    PoE is a nightmare.  I was doing it solo and its super frustrating for bugs to make you fail bounties like enemies not showing up and stuff.  

    I wanna know how the hell im being spotting in OV though when im stealthing in void mode as operator. I always trigger the damn alarm as im hacking the terminal INVISIBLY!!!  Doing the missions perfect does matter!! The two N7's I got today came off perfect objectives.  

  16. Why are you doing star chart for relics that are in Cetus/Fortuna????

    You goto cetus,  check the bounty board to see if the relic you want is in reward pool currently.  If not look at top of the bounty board to see when it changes(at max 2.5 hours).

    If the relic you want is in the loot table POOF....  3-5 chances at rolling it PER bounty taken....   = win


    I already have wukong and half of Ninkondi and something from zhuge.... 

    Just be aware PoE is a giant crapstorm.  Broken/Laggy and worst of all random people who can be complete morons.  

    I havent really tried to farm relics at Fortuna before.. I might try that today...  Same problem with people but hopefully alot less bugs lol.   Im thinking you may even have better odds at relics at OV because if you perfectly do objectives you get bonus rewards??   I think the reason I dont go there to farm is because Fortuna/OV "feels" like it has alot of garbage in reward table.   However PoE is NOT that generous either.  

  17. If you dont have an Operator then you need to carry an arsenal of weapons to combat them.  They gain resistances to the damage types they are hurt by.  So make each weapon you bring a different damage type.  Use one until he begins to resist and then switch to your next weapon.   Hopefully they die before you work through all your weapons lol.   

    Otherwise yeah do 2nd dream and or War Within to gain a far better method of killing them.   

  18. So we have new relics to pop.  Finally get to put that new relic UI to heavy use.   It sucks.....  

    -You join a group,  the host starts a fissue and picks a relic.  You try to join the mission which opens the relic selection screen.   Only the very first thing that happens is a pop up saying "would you like to continue WITHOUT a relic equipped.."??  WTF is this???  Is this a bug causing this or is it the only way for you to allow people not to use relics??  Whatever the case this is absolutely stupid.  Just show the relics.  90%+ of people are doing a fissure to pop relics.... You know what a pain in the #$^ it is to have to reform a relic group because someone accidently clicks on that bullcrap pop-up and doesnt take a relic???  You actually made it worse...

    -Lets pretend nobody gets tricked by your stupid no relic pop up.  Sometimes a person will choose a relic which will put a checkmark next to their name to show they are ready....BUT....because of game lag or new UI lag the person's equipment window does NOT show the relic he has chosen which makes it looks like he clicked ready without picking one.  What do you think happens then..... thats right.... the group disbands and either stays that way or disbands and reforms minus that guy.   If you wait a second or two though the relic will show up in peoples equipment section,  but do you think people have the patience to do that when they are after new primes?    I have noticed this lag between choosing a relic and it updating your equipment list on myself as well.

    -With a new UI you would think you could have added another 10 seconds on to choosing a reward screen so people could get used to it.  You would think it could be a permanent change to give us longer to choose a reward also since there are screen blocking pop ups of information everytime you mouse over something.  

    -Oh I tried to refine a relic on the fly between ROUNDS.  We finished one round of an endless and I chose a reward and I decided to refine a relic for the next round.  I knew my way around the screens by this time so that wasnt really an issue.  However after refining my relic up to radiant im not sure what happened next.  I thought I clicked on it to use it??  But when the next round started I had no relic chosen....  which was fine because we all left anyways but if I had actually needed that to work it would not have.....  


    While we are talking about Relics and Matchmaking can we talk about an overhaul to Relic matchmaking??? 

    -The host should be only one allowed to pick a fissure

    -The host should be only one allowed to start the mission countdown

    -The host should be allowed to kick people from the group

    -The host should be able to STOP the countdown without having to disband the entire group.   Some people try to be scumbags and not take relics you ask for,  some people just get dropped from group,  When those things happen you have to abort missions,  disband,  reform.   Being able to stop a mission launch would stop all of that wasted motion.  

    -Everyone should have the ability to become UNREADY.  Sometimes mistakes happen.  But once you click ready there is no way to undo the mistake unless you bail from the group wasting everyones time.

    Matchmaking should just be alot more controlled and easier to reorganize on the fly instead of disband/reform mechanics.   


  19. I have also experienced this.   I have been hunting @ PoE for new relics for the past two days and yesterday the framerate was just HORRIBLE.  I had to go into options and shut off all the little graphics stuff I actually use like weapon FX,  lens flares,  blur, grain, etc etc.  That seemed to fix my problem....

    But the Plains has waaay more problems than just framerate drops.   

    -Wisp's speed mote will randomly stop working at some point our on the plains and never work again.   The icon for the mote and the timer will appear on your UI when u step in range or have the timer but you dont shoot any faster.  At 50% speed increase this is a very noticable difference to RoF.   Hear healing and shock mote seem to not have this problem...  

    -Enemies do not spawn/transport into some of the objectives.  I did multiple "control the area" type missions yesterday where no enemies would show up and control never dipped below 100% for the entire time limit.  But its more annoying when it happens in kill missions and there is nothing to kill.   Especially when that Gunship is one of the things you have to kill.  

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