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  1. So I'm creating an excel workbook to organize the various modular builds of the aforementioned items, and what it would take to build all variations (and yes I know, not all of them might even be good, but I look at it like pokemon. I wanna catch em all). My biggest problem is getting some formulas to work to get the right figures. I'm asking here as opposed to an excel reddit or help site, because at least fellow warframe players would understand the thought process, so they might be able to help. If you think you can help, please let me know, and I can provide a link to my work. Apologies if this is not a traditional 'question' but I thought someone might be able to help here.
  2. Dear DE, Thank you so much for all the hard work you did in getting this feature. I'm certain it has not been easy, and some of the comments from the forums have been harsh. I'm glad I can finally return to warframe from my PS5 since I don't have access to a gaming pc anymore. It did take because like many, I tried to get in first thing on the morning of the 22nd here. After a while though I finally managed and I am very grateful to have been able to merge my account (Big surprise there. I was only hoping to link since my ps5 account barely had any progress on it). Thank you for all your hard work this year, and I hope this game continues on for a good long while into the future. I look forward to celebrating another big anniversary with everyone in a few more years hopefully. Merry Christmas Digital Extremes, my fellow Tenno, and everyone in General And Good Hunting out there.
  3. I sympathize with DE and what they're likely going through right now. Bit what does THIS mean. I've heard it several time and no one will explain it.
  4. I completely understand DE's struggle in getting this launched so close to the holidays. I haven't been able to get in since they paused it, but I'm looking forward to finally getting able to play again from my ps5 with my pc progress. Thank you DE for all your hard work.
  5. Patiently waiting for a turn. Hoping to be able to get back into warframe soon. I'm at least 5 frames behind, and more in primes I think. Not to mention the quests I've missed :(
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