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Posts posted by 7grims

  1. As far as i know DE only haves 1 warframe ready for us (archer frame).

    The other 2, including wokong, will be time exclusives in china, which means we will have to wait for them to expire their exclusive time window.

    Wonkong will be the first to be released, or as already been released, the other one may take longer to be acquired, meaning for us it will also take even longer to get.

  2. when someone runs into an elevator and without waiting for the rest of the squad, starts it. 


    if u mean draco, I am one of those who doesnt wait.

    Dont make ppl waste their time on the start, go directly to the elevator, the squad isnt forced to waste their time cause you are admiring the wall.

  3. I don't see the issue, really.  People are just fighting far too hard for a 'free' slot.  Can't we just say 'mission accomplished' DE listened, and now we can put mods we WEREN'T GOING TO USE originally... onto our frames?


    It's optional.


    You don't 'NEED' it.


    If you want it?  Forma it a bit more, otherwise ignore it.


    I see this problem in the same way I see the issue of mandatory mods for weapons.

    We also have mandatory mods for frames, there is a little selection of mods that all players will use for achieving meta.

    And by doing this allot of mods are being ignored and put aside.

    Wile the weapons will have a big rework, for build diversity to be an actual thing, frames got 1 lousy slot.

    I dont even want that slot, would rather see the same weapon mod system fix be made for frames too.

    Cause I would rather mod my frame with mobility mods, and whatever little effects and bonus here and there, rather then constantly equipping the usual suspects: shields/health/armor and/or range/duration/strength and/or efficiency/energy-capacity, which are the mandatory no-brainer mods we use over and over. The kind of stuff the exilus slot only improved very slightly.


    An equal mod system rework needs to happen for frames, whatever it involves the exilus slot or not, or how, that is beyond me.


    But by now I'm sure the topic of this tread is diverging way too much.

  4. Really hope that is not the actual story, it would be too deep, to surrealist, too much deep in the meanings.

    I already give up on 2 games that halfway trough the story when they reveal its all a dream or all in a virtual reality, cause you loose the motivation, since nothing matters.

  5. A high quantity of shadows that have a tactical benefit over theyr enemys (at least the double health on a good build) that swarm in all directions and tank them is a pretty valid alternative to direct protection. This measure keeps the damage away from the pot in the first place. The usuall necros you encounter doesn't build for them. One shouldn't cast them, on a wrong build, when they are "needet" they should be up all the time. Then they are able to give results. Only then.


    Doesn't matter if ppl mod for it or not, it creates chaos and mess.

    I don't rely on a shadow to kill or stop and enemy that is close to the pod, nor I rely on a shadow to stop a enemy who as a clear view of the pod and is shooting it, yet I also cannot stop the enemy who is close to the pod, nor i can stop the enemy who is shooting the pod, since there is so many shadows everywhere, blocking my view of the battle field.

    More often then not, whenever there is a high concentration of shadows there will be a downed nekros or any other tenno, the strategic advantage of this ability is as harmful for the enemy as it is for us.





    long duration high range avalanche plus abundant energy from trinity wants a word with you.


    Have no idea what ur talking about, nor I believe you do either.

    You must have misinterpreted something I wrote, very badly.

  6. The only problem I see with this is you're assuming every weapon will have a prime/wraith/vandal variant. I don't see that happening personally.


    Were there isnt a problem, there shall be no problem...

    Those weapons that will not have variations, will not become a wasted investment either.

    The weapons you invest and gain a variant in the future, you can upgrade them to the variant, hence not wasting ur invested formas, patatoes, and time, hence no problem.


    It works no matter if it gains a variant or not.

  7. Same issue appends with frames, dunno why you limit the talk to weapons.

    Every new prime frame, is another regular prime that is inferior and obsolete, things will get even worse with the addition of a third variant -> umbras.


    I still believe variations should have a different role, or a different purpose, or different strategy.

    For weapons, something like comparing the latron to the tiberon.

    For frames it should be something like different abilities, or different effects for abilities, something that would create a reason for ppl to use and keep both.


    Those I suggested, or like your suggestion, a direct upgrade, so it removes the wasted investment and justify both versions existence.

  8. Always thought sigils were ugly, and tainted the imagery of this game.

    So bright, too colorful, brakes with the "dark" mood and "ninja" theme of the game.


    Wish we didn't had to wear them, or even to have a global option to "use this sigil now".

    I get the idea of them, how we represent and distinguish our-self's from being from this and that syndicate, but emblems or some smaller marker would had sufficed.

  9. I say screw it. This game obviously needs more Forma syncs beyond dojos, clantech, exhilus adapters and maxing weapons and frames. Let us multiforma our slots.


    Also, what builds have Exhilus slots destroyed exactly? Every frame I have put one on required at max one additional forma and that went in the slot, changing the diversity of my builds by a whopping nothing. If anything the slot added diversity.


    Do you have a source on this?


    Tell me more O' Prophet of Profit.



    What exactly did exilus slots do to hurt build diversity?



    Exilus slot is completely optional and only expanded on current builds yet you say it destroyed builds.


    What am I missing?


    For clarification read the latest (don't think it the last) community hot topics.

    It isnt only my statement, it so true, it was one of the hot topics.

    - more forma, less chance to try different builds

    - more forma, less compatible with mods in PVP

    - more forma spending, to make the exilus adapter

    - more forma spending to re-polarize the frame again to make more mods fit with the exilus

    - we have 9 slots, 1 slot for utility isnt a big increase on mod diversity, specially since we always use the same mods over and over on the regular 9 slots.

    In rough numbers it was a 10% increase compared to the 90% usual used mods; when there is 50+ frame mods and only 9-13 are the same always used (like redirection, intensify, continuity, etc whatever you use)


    The "we won diversity" factor, seems pretty clear and obvious, its very small in comparison to all the bad things it brought.

  10. if you want to have all of your Mods plus the optional Utility Slot, there's a cost.

    this is to be expected from optional extras.


    Well, DE already touched that topic, kinda.

    They have noticed how many players complained and destroyed their build diversity cause of exilus.

    There was list of how malign it was, and yet the ability to equip utility mods and allow diversity was rely small.

    Bet they are very disappointed on this misstep, and worrying on how to undo this mistake (or maybe not).

  11. Another solution would be to make Exilus slots have no drain. 


    That would solve the exilus slots, but not the wepon issue we will have.

    Think it would be better for utility mods to have no mod points.

    That way: You can equip it as soon as u unlock/buy the exilus slot, you could use them wile you have ur frame unranked, new players would have the advantage of using those wile they are punny noobs (cause when ur new its very hard to succeed, the game is so much harder then when u advance)


    Either way, I still believe exilus slots were a bad move, 1 slots doesnt create build diversity, when meanwhile all the other slots still have the usual mods. Its just like the mandatory damage mod issue for weapons. (but enough, im diverging)

  12. 1 - The upcoming rework of the mod system for weapons.

    The objective is making builds more diverse, make the well known mandatory damage mods, unwanted and unneeded.

    Nowadays players only forma their weapons to increase damage, hence players only insert more V (madurai) polarities.

    After the mod rework is done, players will have tons of unwanted and undesirable V polarities, that will make their weapons incompatible with all the other mods that will become desirable/useful.

    And obviously hell will be loose, cause no one will want to re-polarize all their hundreds of weapons, hundreds of times each.



    2 - Exilus slots destroyed allot of builds, forcing players to overcharge frames with formas.

    Build diversity was killed, so many formas restrain players from being able to try out or use several builds.

    Conclave builds compatibility was never a thing, the mods or polaraties you use in PVE arent the same as PVP, so when you forma a frame to optimize it, it becomes less and less compatible with the mods viable or used in PVP. The existence of exilus slots just increased this incompatibility problem.

    (I know the the band-aid known as exilus slot also provoked many other problems, but its not worth mentioning for this topic) 





    The future of forma:

    I believe it will be obvious, the only way to fix all this, is making polarities changeable at any time to any polarity, once a forma as been spent on a slot.



    Or is there other ways to fix these issues?

  13. You again? Hi buddy.


    Man, stop pushing ppl to scan for simaris, he is useless, the codex is useless, and scanning is a rotten no goot feature in this game.

    Instead fight and scream about how bad scanning is, how stupid it is to have yet another grind feature in the game, how it all needs to be improved, like 10 times better and faster then all of the simaris upgrades, and fight to catch De's attention so they make the codex an actual useful info tool.


    Simaris, scanning and the codex, are as bad as Awing still is, and the players need to keep harassing DE until they make real improvements.

  14. So, I'm slightly confused if anything.


    Will Negative duration builds still be a thing?


    No, thats the point of these changes.

    Duration will be needed to keep going the damage or the whatever debuff thingy they speak of, without duration i guess saryn's ult will only create a small insignificant damage burst.

  15. ...and all of the sudden i realized something: DE's master-plan to stop/destroy spamming, the plan to stop Press4toWin.


    The changes made on toggle ability frames, the rework of rhino hinted he will need more duration mods for iron skin and maybe even his other abilities, and now saryn.

    The plan is to make "all" frames rely on duration, so efficient builds that use fleeting expertise become unused, hence stopping the molestation of the 4 button.


    I feel bad for all my frames with efficient builds, but also hope this is the right path, we will have to wait and see, if this plan will provide the right end result.

    This because, DE as recognized and accepted the weapon mod system is broken and needs a rework, but as far as frames modding, they haven't spoke of it yet, nor recognized frames also suffer from the same mandatory mod issues.

  16. É uma boa arma, mas vais ter de te habituar a ter uma pontaria perfeita, vais ter que ser calmo com cada seta k disparas, jogar com arco não se compara a jogar com uma rifle, mas tem os seus benefícios.


    Se não tiveres bons mods, principalmente critical mods, não vais conseguir os melhores resultados com a dread, mas mesmo assim, ela é das melhores no jogo.

  17. I can see that as good, not at all.

    I still remember how DE removed banshee from random defense missions into the dojo labs, cause it was an inferno to grind for banshee.

    Nowadays we have weapon parts dropping in Awing missions, and that isn't good either, its actually one of the many reasons why Awing is so bad.


    Dont think we need more weapons dropping from enemies, will only increase the grind, when weapons used to be that thing, we could still get with easiness.


    As for the star chart, dont think its enough to make ppl play in it, just like bosses, once you acquire the frame parts, u don't have reasons to ever revisit him.

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