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Everything posted by (PSN)Silver1593

  1. I like the nikana (my main melee is nikana prime since they nerfed the berserker mod) With the blind justice stance its good because its has forced slash in the normal combo
  2. Thanks, i just used the dread with it in circuit and it felt like it shoot faster like a half charged shot
  3. The clone fully charge bows or just quick shot it ?
  4. 2023 june 05, dread week again 2 times in a row. I was hoping for something new
  5. I think the weapon is good, compared to my most used melee (nikana prime) but what makes the weapon weak is the stance, its slow and easy to miss enemies. just like the ghoul saw. Stances can ruin weapons sometimes
  6. How long is the chain effect? Like the nukor or shorter ?
  7. Got edun, its better with frames but the drifter version doesnt feel that good. Its stops moving at the end of a combo and the block heavy att combo is just a cc like inaros first ability (i dont know the range)
  8. What does The block and heavy attack combo do ?
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