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Posts posted by atom

  1. Honestly, i don't think they will just throw they hard work to the hands of PW


    For what ive seen in the devstreams, how they express about the game, the excitement when they show new content, the joy in their faces, it will be as sad and awful for them as it is to us.


    I trust you guys, you've made a great job so far.

    Now i shall go back to calm down my clan.

    devs passion for their work has nothing to do with CEO's greed ... if you think devs have a say in this you are sorely mistaken

  2. If you don't want it don't get it.

    did you even read my post? and pls chill with the insults not all of us are native engrish speakers. btw how many mag prime blueprins do you have? i have 12 bps (4 complete sets noone wants to buy) and i sold all my prime stuff for credits the week before prime trading ... if i dont want the mag bp dont get it? how can i avoid it? i dont want you either posting just for the sake of it and yet i get that same as mag bp.

  3. Mag Prime BP isn't worth the pixels it's printed on. Seriously it's hard enough to get people to buy the 'good' prime parts, you are never going to sell the most common prime drop in the game.

    absolutely right. no one in their right mind would buy mag parts since they drop like frogs on a apocalyptic day. devs stated a new mechanism is coming to give us something to do with unwanted prime parts (possibly some sort of transmutation) so hopefully that will take some of the pressure off.

    i think the problem stems from the fact that impossiburu low drop chance for new prime parts is the only way DE can encourage us to buy prime access and make those that buy feel special for a while. its a timewall just like clan research that you can skip if u spend some money.

    i understand that and support it since i dont see a better way to do it BUT that doesnt mean that the other drops in the target mission should be totally useless ... i mean grinding 3+w interception to get t4 keys to get mag prime bp is just not right

  4. The problem isn't bad internet connections. It's the physical distance between the players that determines ping. Otherwise, there'd just be one global server region.

    physical distance is not the only culprit when it comes to lag. i dare is its not even the most important in this case. i play with friends from all over EU and russia, very rarely have problems (granted i'm in the middle and most of us here are on fiber optics). if there were 2 EU servers i think i would have missed out on meeting some great friends and making some awesome deals in trading to say the least.

    i think making changes to matchmaking that improves host selection (this is already way better then it was a few patches ago, really not a 90% fail rate as some1 posted above but rather the opposite) and adding more transparency to player status (ping, loadout) would be more beneficial then splitting the EU in 2 and tearing families apart :p

  5. The setting doesn't work 90% of the time. It checks ping when you click play, but once you're in the game it can go through the roof in seconds which is usually what happens. There is already two regions for the US, why shouldn't Europe have it?


    I'm not talking about a forced split. It would work just like now I.E free to change between regions.

    imo splitting the EU playerbase in 2 achieves nothing good .. bad internet connections are not exclusive to eastern EU u know? maybe we should ask DE to make matchmaking a little easier. idk something like visible ping values in the lobby so you can know the situation before going in the mission.


    p.s. i would also like to be able to see again in the lobby what aura team mates have equipped

  6. That first issue is because the host migration transferred hosting status over to someone with a private or invite only matchmaking function. It's only really an issue in premade groups, but It probably should still be looked at.


    As for the other one, if the host of a void/derelect leaves before objectives are completed he still keeps his key, and allowing people to stay after the host leaves would be highly exploitable. Infinite key uses for everyone. Could be prevented but by making the host lose his key anyway, but don't you think hosts in pugs get screwed enough as it is?


    +1 for the more visible host, with the amount of bugs that's associated with the host/client data transfer I'm surprised it's not easier to know already.

    my point and above posters point, to which you replied with the exploit thing, was that when given the option to extract (obj completed), if the host chooses to leave, the clients should not have the option to stay because they really can't. so again .. this cannot be exploited

  7. it sometimes happens that host migration issues cause the party to fail if the host leaves even if he/she was not the key user. happened to me recently in Interception IV. I used a key, host migration changed the host at the match start, 3rd wave one leaves and we all fail because he had become the host even tho i was the one using the key. key was not consumed at least.



    Seems kind of exploitable if the host keeps their key, and everyone but host still gets a reward, dontcha think?


    how does the host keep the key if he leaves? as suggested above the option to stay should not be there if the host leaves in missions that use a key. also maybe make it easier to tell who is the host in a party. there are many bugs related to hosting/client and this would at least allow us to make more informed decisions faster. 

  8. I wonder when the "Nerf Ember coz her ultimate can kill enemies just like shown in the video" threads come up. Sure.. Ember is not invincible during that time (if you don't count the fact that enemies die before they can shoot) but since lowlevel, lowMR and low experience players are the ones crying nerf when they see this without realizing that other Warframes can perform like this just aswell alot of Warframes should be nerfed then alongside Trinity. It's not that just anyone can do this from the start without any effort. It takes time to collect and level the required gear and i would say this is an Endgame build.


    To make things clear before the Flamekids take bait... i don't care if Trinity gets nerfed, i shelfed her a long time ago when playing like in the video got too boring... and believe me... i'm currently exploiting other Warframes just aswell as i did Trinity. I just advise anyone to not take this too seriously... the game will continue without that Trinity build and unless DE learns to balance their game, other OP Warframes will emerge.

    exactly this! not to say trinity doesn't need some balancing but then again so do most other frames still. builds like this are only possible with corrupted mods ... 

  9. I dont know how to feel about this. While Ive tried coptering and it is fun, it really irks me when I see a fat Rhino flying around by way of two tiny axes

    but they are magic axes :p . you don't like the skin for them?

  10. omg not this again. why all the hate against rushing? what's wrong with being able to move fast in a fast paced game? tbh coptering is the only way i could revive my noob team mates scattered all over the survival map today. i only see benefits and no negatives (well except you "no running allowed" lot). the proper way to fix "rushing" would be to make the opposite better.


    to the above poster: damage/survivability mods and mission types are what make rush/stamina mods useless not coptering.

  11. what do you mean? uncharged builds are not inferior. there are normal attack and charge builds out there they don't interfere with each other. each weapon benefits more from one of the two so you either have a normal or charge build. atm steel charge only helps normal attack builds not charge builds. i see no reason for it to be so.

  12. hi. please make steel charge aura also affect CHARGE dmg of melee.


    but it will make the galatine OP!


    so what? it already is OP and melee 2.0 looks like is heading that way also maybe that way i will have a reason to use melee.


    thank you

  13. okay here's what I did,


    in steam, right click on warframe, go to properties, clicl on local files then click on verify integrity of game cache...I had 100+ files that needed to be fixed, took about 10min...now I can log back in just fine

    did that too. basically reinstalls the whole game and updates after. has nothing to do with the login problem that is obviously server side

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