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Posts posted by atom

  1. Abilities were much more useful, IMO.

    Which one would you prefer, a common which is mostly useless, or an ability, which you can throw back in with 3 other rares for a different rare?


    honestly transmutation is at it's best now. i have used it quite a bit. you need to throw a obscene amount of credits and mods at it but in the end i think its worth it. having ability mods back in transmutation pool would be a a huge mess, the current % of common drop is way better and gives much more desirable results. like i said not all rare mods are created equal. try using nightmare mods

  2. A recipe for disaster when you mix four mods and get nothing good out of it.

    not all (edit:rare) mods are created equal

  3. Votekick... I'm more afraid of abusing that than a TroloLoki, I stumble upon once in a year.



    @ ..atom..


    A vote kick would be very nais to have (since I've expierenced that many ppl just afk the whole game and let other do the job) - but if ppl abuse the switch teleport I am 100% sure they will abuse vote kick too. So, the ability needs to be nerfed, so the trolls can't do it anymore and have no new toys to mess with - like that vote kick.

    i hear this argument all the time here. but how would one actually go about abusing vote kick tho? other games that i tried and have the option work out just fine. also if you talk nerf abilities how about ripline or bounce pad? those are abusable too but like switch teleport can be so useful in the right hands. 

  4. Like I just explained: If someone wants to give you a million for your game, you'd take that deal and honestly you'd be stupid not to unless you're the next TF2 or Dota. It's not DE's CEO's fault for wanting money; any reasonable person would want that deal. It's PWE's fault for knowingly ruining the games they buy just for a bit of money.

    then let me explain my point of view. if someone wants to give you a million for your game and you know they are going to milk it and kill it how is it NOT your fault for accepting it, turning your back on those that helped make you and compromising your reputation. i supported DE because it seemed like a company that cared about it's products and customer satisfaction more then making a quick buck and selling out to a bloodsucking publisher. turns out we were lied to and the amazing DE devs are just being used because they are honest passionate ppl that appeal to the playerbase.

  5. The response is too ambiguous for my liking, I'll stick to not playing for the time being. Until they say that the deal is off, I probably will refrain from playing. It is just disappointing that DE would consider taking money from this dirty company...

    steve's post only confirms it. we will have a devstream tomorrow where they talk aboot the future .. so i think the deal is most definately on ...

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