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Everything posted by Maxwell

  1. Make magnetic spawn the mag bubbles we see in mag hazards. And give it grouping properties maybe, it's so weak for a combination element im, cold get buffed and I like it but double elements should get a bit more punch
  2. I hope those LoS change can drive DE to revisit more frames for reworks/update/changes. I really want to push on all those abandoned frames. Also i don't mind the rng loadouts of the Elite deep dives but let's be real my 8 forma riven loaded spira isn't cutting it at all, many type of weapons are in a bad spot. Also i'm glad to see self cast overguard isn't making rage/HA work, so many people coping with their Kullervo and those mods.
  3. Good idea, would love some qol too to select only 1 item of a stack without pressing enter each time or having an option to select an entire set in 1 click.
  4. Node : Puck Bug : can't move, unstuck doesn't work
  5. Just remove LOS altogether, it's terrible and janky and remove fun from the game. Increase the difficulty of the game I don't mind but give us consistent stuff. Would be nice if players could keep yapping about how horrendous some old (or new tbh, look at you qorvex) frames are just terrible at the game right now.
  6. But instead of nerfing the brand new frames can't the old frames be upgraded to today's standard. The rework are so slow and so many frames are so bad right now or just held together by augment. The new Elite Archmedea will really show you how bad some frames are right now and need some heavy rework.
  7. So 1 more week for the Warframe Deep Dives. Glad to see it's polished
  8. Can we change the color for crit beyond tier 3 please? Also I'm glad puncture and cold get updated but I feel it need more work for those to be actually viable
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