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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. It's not "just adding a visual cue". If you'd actually read anything you would understand that. Try taking a glance over all the differences between the two I just listed. "Just adding a visual cue" would be any of the suggestions I offered on page 2. You guys are pretending nothing has changed while SpiritTea & others are like 'thank god i I don't have to search anymore', that's the point. Disruption isn't 'sweaty' or 'tryhard', this is tone deaf (gigapun). You can play disruption at enemy level 15.
  2. Ok a few things here: Define "auditory range". (Not all of us have impressive sound systems turned up to the max, some of us are just on computers. Not all of us mute all other sounds) The audio works fundamentally different because it starts low and gets louder. There is no visual alignment with this mechanic, it just marks it instantly. This is not what I would call "a tiny bit" of a discrepancy. Compounding with the above issue, there are other audio things happening which (intentional or not) further obscure sounds especially when they are low volume. The visuals have no such additional layer of obscuration. Further, the audio is not directional, it's proximal. Meaning you can hear the sound but you don't know exactly what direction it's coming from. This is not the case with the visuals where you know with absolute certainty the exact direction (and also the exact precise location of it, which is another thing sound cannot tell you). Even further, for whatever reason the audio will often be blocked or significantly muted by doors or certain architecture, making it harder to find. Searching for it often involved opening doors to allow sound through or going down hallways or tunnels. Visuals suffer no such issues. I'm aware of the design issues on Armatus and have previously commented on them.
  3. Before: players had to test several paths and listen for the demolisher. When thought they found it, they went further down that path to go confirm it. Even then, due to some quirks of architecture and sound carrying through tile sets you were never really sure until you actually saw it. Now: players activate a conduit and know exactly where the demolisher is and they just run to it to kill it. (NOTE: I still haven't tested on some maps, but I will, and every single one I have tested so far this is the case, so even if on some maps this isn't the default situation like Sedna, it still sure as snot is on most all of them. Olympus, probably the most played disruption of all time has instantaneous demolisher identification, and some of those spawn REALLY far away) So now please explain the twisted logic you guys are using to try to gaslight us into believing that nothing has changed, because this is 110% a change! How is this not a change!??!!? The arrow indicator was used by nobody that I know for the reasons you said. Everyone relied on sound. That's the entire point of this change, trying to fix it so players don't have to rely on it. THEY RELIED ON IT. If players didn't rely on it, then why tf are we changing it?! Of course we relied on it. And the sound experience is VASTLY different than the visual experience. You should not need proof of this, everyone knows it's the truth, but if you do, just look at SpiritTea's comment just now: Are you calling SpiritTea a liar? It is a very different experience playing it now. It is a fundamental shift.
  4. What is this like the 12th time now I've had to say that the VISUAL FEEDBACK IS GOOD but you don't need to change the game mode to have visual feedback. Screw it, ima edit the OP now,.
  5. Funny, that's the same vibe I got off you. One of us is selfish and one of cares about the game. I'll let you figure out which is which.
  6. You actually didn't respond, you went on your own tangent, but you finally did address the issue here. I play solo more than I play in groups for your information, disruption included. This is not a good change. Does it make things pathetically easy? Sure. If that's your jam, good for you I guess. Not everyone likes being in a baby crib.
  7. Thanks for not reading anything. The visual indicator IS A GOOD CHANGE. That's not the problem.
  8. Simple suggestions on page 2. And a comparison to mining further up on this page. I'd repost them here for you but apparently that makes people batS#&$ crazy so you're going to have to read them on your own.
  9. I really don't trust you. -_- Anyways, ok, let's pretend you didn't try to eviscerate me. Yes, something like a Geiger counter could work fine. I would not personally hook it up like that to the mini map but I'm not the game dev. We already even have this basic system in warframe - it's our mining. When we're out mining, we have the audio cue that tells us when you're close and in the right direction and it gets louder when we get closer, but we also have HUD elements to show the same thing. More rock icons pop up as they enter detection range, but it doesn't point us directly at them. It doesn't directly mark them for us. You have to go find them. It's a guidance mechanism, it's the not longitude and latitude of the thing. (not the cleanest example motivationally but as far as tech goes it's pretty spot on). As mentioned in the OP, I originally was under the impression that they were simply auto-marking the demolisher across the team once it was found so players didn't have to struggle to waypoint it, and I'm fine with that - seems like a perfectly fine QoL, it's just an improvement to how it works now where it's blocked by being too far away (whereas waypoints aren't).
  10. So imagine a new update comes out and disruption is changed again. This time you just load into a level, sit there for the appropriate amount of time doing nothing at all, and then are gifted something from the reward table. Would that be 'killing it' for you or would you be pleased about that? Except it's universal and instant. So it's not a 'more clear indicator of what we always had', it's a new indicator for something we never had. There is, unfortunately, probably too much truth to this.
  11. OMG this is TRUE! I didn't even realize it - this has got to be a bug. The status purge field expands like normal from them but it doesn't actually cleanse them! I searched the Dante forums but don't see a single mention of it. Did you report it?
  12. Maybe it's the toxicity of the forums getting to me but whenever someone says 'tell us how you'd do it' that's a red flag - 99% of the time they don't care and they just want to bash whatever idea you might throw out there. Anyways, just posted some quick thoughts for the wolves to mock and shred a couple posts above this.
  13. Rather than just instantly showing everyone where the demolisher is and where to go, they could keep the search aspect as it is and just add visual feedback to indicate your proximity. Something as simple as visual dot on the HUD that flashes in sync with the sound pulses or increases it's flash rate with proximity, or something as advanced as a custom sonar or tying it into our radar system, or a meter so you are 'sounding' for it and slowly resolving it's direction visually like any number of other games, or some of the suggestions TiltSkillet made. All it needed was a visual accompaniment. Just represent the sound notification on the screen by any number of methods. The player just needs to know 'aha - it's probably over in this direction but I need to go further that way to make sure' (and that process should not start at the conduit, just like the audio version, players should have to fish around a little for it)
  14. This may be, I wasn't playing actively at the time. All I know is that now I activate a conduit and the demolisher appears pretty much instantly and I don't have to search for it at all anymore, I just have to run (or boredly walk) over to it, and that feels... kinda lame.
  15. It says it in your tone. I can already tell you're going to hate any suggestion I make. And that is very obvious bait. You demand that I come up with the solution, and then you try to guilt me into it when I say no? And then you ridicule me? And then you pillory me? Sorry, you're coming across as very bad faith and honestly as a pretty big jerk. Don't ever demand people come up with solutions - and then certainly don't piss on them if they don't have any or don't want to give one. Come up with your own. Or do you care so little about the hearing impaired yourself? Completely false. I pasted responses because people DON'T READ and it directly addressed their issues. When people said something intelligent and on-topic (and in good faith) I replied in kind. Don't troll or bully people just because you don't agree with them.
  16. Saw the bait. Didn't take it. You only wanted a suggestion so you could ridicule it.
  17. Sound information from the demolisher did not ever reach to the conduit. People had to search. Demolisher necramechs do spawn very close by on Armatus, yes (probably because they designed it specifically to work with this change - which is in fact why I even suggested that it remain in it's current state on Armatus), but this change applies to all disruption not just Armatus. Demolishers are effectively immeditately in view on all disruption maps (I have an asterisk with details). This fundamentally shifts the nature of this game mode. Before, the game mode worked as a search operation, a hunt and kill. It now operates very differently. It's now run to target. There is no searching.
  18. Yeah I have zero problem with updating it so that there's visual feedback instead of just audio - that was always bad and I've always had to shut off my music every time I started up a disruption which was irritating. Heck, add controller vibration support. All of that has nothing to do with the issue I raised though. So specify what you actually are so pleased about: You want visual feedback Or you want to change how disruption works to make it easier for you Because it's very simple to keep disruption exactly the way it was and still add visual support. danger to the conduit
  19. Eh, I really don't see this. You could accommodate the hearing impaired or people who just want music (me) without changing the way it works in the slightest. Yes, I suppose it fixes it, but it is not in any way needed to fix it.
  20. VISUAL FEEDBACK IS GOOD. CHANGING HOW THE MODE WORKS is BAD. So the new disruption changes sounded really good when i heard them. What I heard was 'when a team member finds the demolisher the rest of the team will be notified' (no idea if that's what they actually said or what I just thought they said) - but I took it as basically just improving the system so that players don't have to try to put a waypoint down. Ok, great! What we seem to have got instead is that as soon as you activate a conduit the demolisher becomes visible* * this isn't precisely true but it is effectively true. to be more precise moving away from the conduit 5-10m is enough to detect it on almost all disruption maps, depending on spawn locations/distances While this is a pretty helpful thing for people who maybe never played disruption before, and something I maybe wouldn't mind if it was just on Olympus for training purposes, or just on Armatus as a disruption variant - I really kinda hate it being the default mode of disruption. Before disruption was an adventure, it had tension, suspense, exploration - even a little danger. Now it's press the button and run directly to the enemy.
  21. I agree it's pretty miserable. I hate being that guy but when I see an MR15 picking Loki or Revenant or Stalker pfffffffffffffft I'm outta there now, can't handle that anymore. I used to tolerate it but not anymore. But like you say even the people who are there to help rarely make it past the first few rounds. I think maybe 1 in 20 pub squads goes the distance with me. I hate that I now have to wait for one of the frames that I can solo with because that's the only way I can get any progress without constantly restarting, and it sucks because I prefer playing with people most of the time.
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