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Everything posted by CrownOfShadows

  1. From the first day I got WF I saw ESO and said yessir this is the one and only game mode for me, and I stuck to that this whole time. Whether there are other modes actually doesn't even matter, because people should only be playing ESO because it's the best mode around. If DE was smart they'd just delete the rest of the game and only have ESO. Are you trying to insinuate that ESO isn't good? What's your problem with ESO huh? It's the best mode, the only mode, the mode that does it all better. Nothing else in this game is even worth playing, that's how bad it is. I've actually never understood what ESO was truly about! This is really helpful and I feel pretty enlightened, I kinda always assumed it was extra tiles because of how many I saw on the floor soemtimes but the fact it is only one is crazy, I guess they did that for optimization reasons - could you link me the wiki page for it too plz? I'd like to learn more about it. I wouldn't know if this is true because I've only ever played ESO, and you should too. Right !?!!??! 😃😂 Wait there are descriptions on mods? Since when? I don't think this is true, I'm gonna need a screenshot of this for proof because it sounds like a made-up fact. I highly doubt there is such a thing. Like uh hello, there's not even room on mods for descriptions? What makes you think they would put descriptions in there? Besides, that would remove the mysteries of self discovery and experimentation. You shouldn't read descriptions or wikis, you shouldn't be nuke slave. I have quiver on mirage and only use it to shoot sleep arrows in ESO. Best sleeper build, I go 10 rounds ESO, far better than your non-ESO sleep attempt... Yeah non of this matters to me because I only play ESO, I feel like you're getting too far off topic, this has nothing to do with Steep Trail or whatever and idk why you even brought it up, nobody even plays that, they all play ESO. There are no demolicks or objectors in ESO, that's why it's so superior, but ofc you would know if you went more than 3 rounds and you would see it is the same.
  2. legerdemain is an awful and lazy ESO-nuke-only ability augment that should never have been made and instead of buffing it we should remove it and replace it with a better and more interesting augment that requires you to actually do something besides pressing 1 button... that's my 2 cents
  3. This is a fashion-frame mini-rant. Since the syndicate changes awhile back sigils have now become a pretty desolate backwater for me. Shoulder Sigils: The Vasero evolving sigil is fantastic and is now the only shoulder sigil I ever use, it is on 100% of my warframes. (I will say that the focus school sigils and the prisma lotus sigil are decent, but just not as good as vasero. The rest are white and I never use them). I submit that more sigils like Vasero would be the right choice. Shoulder flames (& other fx) are where it's at. Personally I'd try to find a way to update all the plain white sigils to be more interesting as well - being able to colorize them and add FX to them would make them real choices (at least for me). Another cool thing you could do is sync them to warframe activities, like making them flare up whenever you use an ability, or just your 4th ability, or get an hp orb or ammo, etc. (we already have code routes in there to make vasero work right?) Back and Front sigils are entirely gone from my frames with only 3 occasional exceptions (depending on chest armor and syandana): Mastery Sigil (new): looks pretty good and I sometimes use it on my back, pretty much never on the front though. Rift Sigil: when I'm looking for a chest sigil this is my alternate go-to, it adds a nice bit of flair, is very adjustable and takes colors. Bloodshed. So now let's talk about the Bloodshed Sigil. I use it a LOT. Here's what's up: Bloodshed is fantastic for adding extra glamour. It can be subtle or it can make a tremendous difference (as showcased in these two examples). I don't always want it, sometimes I'm after a clean look, but more often than not it's one of my main fashion accessories. Like the rift sigil it can be colored and adjusted at will, making it very versatile. (The main downside is that it's tied to kills but ey, it's still a win). Now there might be technical reasons not to do this, but I think it's a massively untapped tool in our cosmetic arsenal. Imagine all the other variations you could make of this. Tiger and zebra stripes, spots, military camo varieties, you could even have gradients so that the feet and head have more or the inverse, do other in-game things similar to bloodshed like picking up energy orbs, etc etc. The Bloodshed is a particularly messy look but other varieties wouldn't necessarily be so. But ok, aren't voidshells doing something similar? Well, yes and no. Voidshells are changing the physical surface (ok not literally but with normals that's basically the visual effect) whereas bloodshed is the paint over the top. So actually... they can be combined and work together. Here's one of my voidshell Vorunas for example: Basically it's a fantastic tool in my fashion framing and I'd LOVE to have another dozen like it. I think this is the most potent use of sigils when it comes to the front and back (and because there are two slots - front and rear - you can even combine bloodshed with a more standard sigil if you want). Because of syandanas however (which block almost all back sigils - not to mention weapons and frame-specific topology) I think there's a good possibility here to convert the back sigil slot into a pattern sigil slot for things like bloodshed that apply over the whole frame, and leave the front sigil slot as an option for the the more traditional sigils.
  4. Yeah don't worry, nobody ever checks a profile (except on the forums when they're pissed off). The only time I've ever checked anyone's profile in all the years of playing is when I was waiting in a hub in scarlet spear and I was bored and got curious about all the Tenno around me, and sometimes I check out my clan-mates. The only interesting thing in anyone's profile is honestly their fashion, all the stats are mostly meaningless (and often bugged).
  5. Not sure what you mean exactly.... are you asking for end-of-game totals? (I mean we have 'stats' at the end of a game but ehhhh....) (if so I've asked for something similar in the past to no avail): Would still really like something of the sort.
  6. It has absolutely nothing to do with the difficulty. You've completely misunderstood the problem.
  7. Way back when the kaithe races were bugged and not released yet I said that I hoped they wouldn't follow the same gate format as always, and man was I disappointed to find they did. I don't like this race mechanic at all. If they ever do another open world and want to do races again I hope they take a fresh look at the system. I still maintain that what they should've done is a ground-only race, the 4 of you against like 8 dax riders, just powering over terrain - that woulda been fantastic, it woulda been a real race and played into the whole horse aesthetic nicely. Such a missed opportunity. If it was like that it probably would've been one of my favorite mini-games in Duviri, alas it is my least favorite. (Also I think it's worth noting that I believe kaithe racing is significantly harder when using a controller)
  8. I think this is more a failure of the mission design than a failure of the players as well as a symptom of the MR stratification. Warframe has become fast and furious but the mission design has stayed slow and tedious. When it comes to relic missions specifically though it's even more frustrating due to the void trace system and the fact that there's a much higher proportion of low level players mixed in with high level players - this mostly because there's no real incentive to do SP fissures so if there's a mission type they like more in regular modes they'll just go play that rather than a SP fissure with a mission type they like less, which ends up being miserable for both sides because new players can't keep up and old players are bored. A similar but less common reverse problem happens in SP fissures where underleveled players with SP access are in there hoping to be carried and just don't have the experience/power/frame type/parkour to keep up. I tend to wait 10-15 seconds in an elevator while watching the map and if player icons aren't heading that way I press the button. If they are (and they're not 100m+ away) I wait for them, and for the most part my team does to.. but everyone's got their own patience level at any given time and sometimes it runs out. Another thing worth mentioning is the speed nuking in fissures. If you're in an Exterminate, Rescue or Sabotage and you're not running a speed frame you will get left behind by the people that are (in fact, it's almost like if you're not running a speed frame you're WRONG, which sucks). Unfortunately, newer players don't always have access to speed frames - and sometimes people just also want to play something off-meta. This speed nuking creates a lot of elevator problems just by itself, because frames just can't keep up even if they wanted to. The entire point of elevators and double button doors is to keep the team together and prevent situations where a Titania is waiting at the exit before some poor new player even gets past the first 15% of the mission (or worse, create a serious problem with people just sitting in the spawn because they know they can't keep up), so this is a bit of deeper problem than it might look like at first glance.
  9. So you go to install a secondary arcane adapter, right? Do you have one? Dunno, gotta a) either just click on it and see if it works or b) search your inventory first. Ok, so you just click on it right? But is it your last one? Dunno. Have to go search the inventory. So you go to install a primary arcane adapter right? ... So you go to install a melee arcane adapter right? ... So you go to install a warframe exilus adapter right? ... So you go to install a weapons exilus adapter right? ... See where this is going? So can we please either get indicators for all of these when in our arsenal, OR as suggested many, many times before to no avail: when the popup asking if you want to install one shows up, just show how many there are right then... SIGH
  10. Aha, ok sorry, I was tripping out for a second I'm not used to commas being there haha
  11. That's right I forgot about this but I remember when it happened. Hm. Agreed it does sound like they can / or could. It's pretty unclear if headhosts were removed at the same time - it could read either way. Headshot multipliers are really good (if they work the same as ours), so if they were worried about crits then they were probably worried about headshots too, and their comments indicate they were trying to eliminate spikes in damage, so it's probably a good bet that the answer is 'they used to be able to' - but yeah at the very end it definitely reads more like maybe they were just eliminating criticals, idk.
  12. Interesting, what's the number just to the right of it? The zero? [duration],0
  13. Nice! So yeah pretty safe to assume heat is also reducing our armor. Now the impossible question of how much how often... (I guess we just have to operate under the vague fear of it, and understand that our armor is constantly in flux - which makes ability DR that much more valuable) This is a really good point about slash, it's basically like toxin for armor - and actually toxin bypasses all our shield DR (and the shield gate), so that's another thing ability DR is really good for. Wait, do enemies get headshot multipliers on us? That's actually crazy, is it the same multiplier I wonder?
  14. Thumbs down. As mentioned, just invest those resources into the game instead. Also, the track record for game-to-film movies should scare anyone off from that. Advent Children was pretty good I guess, even though it felt more like an epilogue than a movie. Hm what else? Can't think of any other adaptations at the moment, I feel like there might be one or two more, but for every one there are like 10 that totally sucked.
  15. Hm it might be easier to check on corrosive? But there aren't a lot of enemies with that. I'll see if I can track one down and do some tests. I originally had this question spawn in my mind because Radiation supposedly turns off auras (of confused enemies, likely because they aren't on anyone's team and so the auras wouldn't know who to benefit), BUT tenno also become 'confused' by radiation and so is it turning off our auras? I have no clue, I couldn't find anything about it - have to wait for a radiation sortie to test that one probably. But then I was like.... hm, wait, do any enemies use viral against us? And does it have the same effect? I couldn't confirm this either. BUT when a tenno is 'confused' by radiation I feel like viral is definitely being used against us in that situation? But is it working the same. And radiation also technically reduces armor - so is that working on us? So many questions, so little documentation. Fortunately none of that comes up very often, but heat is pretty common from what I can tell (and I can't tell a lot, because we have extremely poor info about what enemies are actually doing to us - i have no clue how much heat damage hits us over the course of an average mission or how low our armor might be dipping as a result - very frustrating).
  16. I've actually searched high and low for this information. I could never verify for the life of me that Tenno armor is reduced by enemy heat. I mean, I would assume it would since we do take status procs, but I wouldn't be surprised if the devs decided against that. Are you pretty confident this is the case? This is also why I've pushed for better HUD stats on our current total DR and Armor, there's a lot of ambiguities that info would help clear up.
  17. Yeah okay this is a solid solution too, but only if the set is enticing enough to displace some of the current "mandatory" mods. The problem with getting range back into melee is that the competition is so high that there's almost never a case to justify it. You need so many scaling mods on melee (CO, BloodRush, WeepingWounds, GladiatorMight) plus viral or corrosive which is 2 elemental mods (because working Primed Fever Strike in usually desirable), which just leaves 2 slots left over, and you have to decide now: do you want a) Crit Chance (TrueSteel, SacrificialSteel) or b) Damage (PressurePoint) or c) Attack Speed or d) Range... and range almost always ends up being the loser out of those. So a set would have to be good enough to displace some of those latter options (or maybe gladiator); like that is some STIFF competition to shoulder through.
  18. interesting, missed that dev stream. I understand they're a little paranoid about range because of the history of melee. I could care less if they are mutually exclusive honestly, I'm not interested in stacking them, i just need a way to include some range in my builds.
  19. Sigh.... I'm not saying he's disrupting gameplay (but I do say that he can be irritating to play with, because his thralls both are unfortunate to kill and unfortunate to be cast in the first place, it's an irritating mechanic. I wouldn't call it disruptive, but it is sand paper) Some people definitely do "afk" with him (in quotes because people's definition varies), because you just have to press mesmer and then you can tab out while you let your team handle things. This isn't the majority, but it definitely happens. I wouldn't call it a widespread problem, but it exists. Immortality is problematic anyway you look at it, I don't like it, I think it's bad design, but I'm prepared to live with it IF he had other things to do besides that. He doesn't though, he's just immortal. (this isn't exactly true, there are things he can do with reave and stuff, but 99% of revenant players don't use those tools) He's a crutch because a very low level player can take him into very high content, THAT is why he is a crutch - and yes they aren't dying, but they aren't contributing either because they are under-leveled, and that's the thing I'm starting to get pretty irritated by. They're using Revenant to tag along for free (leech) because otherwise they wouldn't be able to get through the content. He's a free ticket any SP mission you want to play as long as your team does all the work for you. You don't have to mod properly, you don't have to have good weapons, you don't have to contribute at all, you just have to show up and press mesmer, and this really isn't healthy and it's rather rude to the team too. And yes... a Revenant with good weapons can contribute a lot. He's a weapons platform, that's basically what he is. So how much you contribute really depends on your weapons.
  20. Oh no complications! The horror! We've never seen anything so mind-numbingly complicated as a hybrid mod before, it is going to melt our poor little brains.
  21. Rivens are not a reliable solution to this problem.
  22. You seem to have missed the root of the solution. Hybridizing stats allows you to build for two things at once. To have range and attack speed for example, you need two mods. With a hybrid mod, you only need one.
  23. Yes, sounds like we're on the same page, but just to make sure let's take Valkyr as an example. My umbral Valkyr gets 87.3% DR from her armor. If she runs adaptation on top of that, she gets 90% damage reduction on incoming damage before it even hits the armor. Then, if there's something like Eclipse it actually stacks on top of all of that. So they all layer over each other. So 10,000 incoming damage gets reduced first by Eclipse (75%), then that damage hits Adaptation (assuming fully stacked, is cut by 90% *although adaptation has some major holes in it but that's another rant) and then lastly it hits the armor, and the armor in my Valkyr example is 87.3%. So Eclipse's 75% off of 10,000 = 2,500 Adaptation's 90% off of 2,500 = 250 (Shields go here, and they have their own native DR, but for simplicity we're ignoring them here) Armor's 87.3% off of 250 = 31.75 So the amount of work Eclipse (or any ability DR) is putting in is pretty substantial - the first line of defense does the most work. Without eclipse, the final number is 127, which is ~4x the final received damage in this case. (Note, I am pretty confident in the math here but I suck at math as a rule so feel free to double check my work). Of course, frames with much weaker armor stats will also suffer more final damage in their last line of defense. Having something like 40% Armor DR with these numbers would result in 150 final damage. However, in the case of frames like Baruuk, who is already running an ability DR at 90%, I believe eclipse in DR mode would be completely useless as it doesn't layer over Baruuk's (to the best of my knowledge - but some ability DRs do actually stack with each other I believe, which is craziness). So frames who have native DR aren't really going to be too interested, but any frame that doesn't should certainly be tempted if they are looking for survival options. Tanks like Valkyr will still benefit a great deal, as it's another entire layer of protection that significantly reduces the amount of work their armor must do.
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