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Posts posted by -CM-AbsoluteZero

  1. 3 minutes ago, George_PPS said:

    It’s simply extreme envy and toxic mentality. They want it but can’t afford one. Instead of working earning one or farming enough Kuva to roll one of their own, these extremely toxic players ask DE to nerf whatever they can’t get to “balance” it out. 

    Just now, CodeUltimate said:

    Yup this guy is on point. Players like the op are ruining this game.

    And so this brings me back to:

    On 2019-10-20 at 12:33 PM, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    If you all think otherwise, try to convince me that the Kohm is anywhere near unpopular and under-performing like the Hind, twin vipers, Tetra, Furis and its variants. Those all have more less the same riven dispo. You all really think the Kohm is anywhere near those aforementioned weapons in performance and popularity?

    Tell me again why the Kohm is deserving of such a powerful riven? Is it under performing like the aforementioned weapons? 

    Or is this just simply a case of greed? 

  2. 14 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    Go back and read the dev notes where they said it was marked for a reduction but didnt get it because of the status chance issue. Usage or power ain't the issue.

    Throughout this thread, ppl have said that without the 100% status chance the Kohm is "useless" "mr fodder" "trash"

    And so I asked them to compare the Kohm's popularity and performance to weapons with similar riven dispo and yet none of you can give me a straight answer

    14 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    I dont have to convince you of anything. They said they weren't gonna do it because status rivens would potentially go from being great to trash in an instant, as opposed to only seeing a slight decrease like other rivens. This was several dispo updates ago. They arent going to do it. At least not unless shotgun status chance calculations get re worked and there is no indication they are going to touch that EVER let alone any time soon.

    What exactly is your argument again?

    What reason is there that the Kohm should deserve rivens with such a high dispo? Why should the kohm not have trash rivens like you said? Is the Kohm struggling anywhere close to the Hind, twin vipers, Tetra, Furis and its variants to warrant needing such a high dispo?

    Its clear from these responses you guys are a dishonest bunch with vested interests.  



    14 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    And you, being butthurt and rude to people in the wrong forum wont change that.

    And you're so triggered over this because why exactly?

    14 hours ago, (XB1)Kuljack said:

    Don’t do it. We will have to read more unsupported claims for nerds from people who live in a parents basement delivering pizzas and just want someone else’s life to suffer a little like theirs... oh shoot wrong person quoted.

    Clearly I'm the triggered one...

    12 hours ago, LordPantaloonsthe3rd said:

    What made you so mad that you had to log in and post this thread after not having posted since 2016? Who hurt you? Should we invite an Oberon? If its serious perhaps a Trinity instead? Maybe in the meantime while we find one of those we can maybe get a Frost to cast freeze on your bum cause something or someone clearly burned it.

    Clearly my thread has upset you enough that you had to stalk my post history as some sort of argument. lol gj

  3. 7 hours ago, torint_man said:

    Because that's the entire point of rivens, at least conceptually. DE's ideal when it comes to rivens is that every weapon becomes equally effective in their niche given an identical riven. This MR 5 weapon you speak of, the kohm, very much deserves to outperform an MR 14 weapon if it gets its ideal riven, especially a riven that necessitates a specific stat, and have that stat be above a certain threshold.

    I would go so far as to say that, yes, without a riven, the kohm is as unpopular and under-performing as those weapons. The vast majority of players aren't going to use a weapon that runs out of ammo while using carrier, and is extremely clunky without increasing fire rate (and increasing its fire rate only makes the ammo issue worse). I must emphasize how much of a potential dealbreaker, or in the context of this post, balancing mechanic, its ammo economy is. The kohm's ammo economy when compared to other weapons is in orders of magnitude. My rivened kohm strains its ammo reserves with carrier + max primed shotgun ammo mutation. While on paper its performance is quite good, I would go so far as to say the kohm has the absolute worst quality of life of any gun in the entire game. The weapons you list are just mediocre statblocks.

    Those weapons you speak of with respect to their rivens are a symptom of fundamental shortcomings of the riven system, those being that DE has a soft cap of riven disposition at 1.5, and that rivens work off of the weapons base stats. The weapons are so bad that it would take perfect rivens to get their stats such that they compare to the meta weapons. The kohm is the absolute perfect example of rivens doing their actual job, breathing new life into mediocre weapons. Rivens take an ammo guzzling clunky POS with potential and turning it into something great. All rivens should strive to be like kohm rivens when it comes to bad weapons.

    Funny the only downside of the Kohm you're able to argue is its ammo economy which of this week will no longer be an issue as you'll be able to completely rectify that issue by slotting in a primed ammo mutation without losing any dmg whatsoever. 


    7 hours ago, torint_man said:

    I would go so far as to say that, yes, without a riven, the kohm is as unpopular and under-performing as those weapons.

    Then you are a liar, simple. Stop trying to BS people, the Hind or Tetra are no where as good as the Kohm. It's shocking the mental gymnastics ppl go thru to protect their precious little rivens

  4. 9 hours ago, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    Edit: If you all think otherwise, try to convince me that the Kohm is anywhere near unpopular and under-performing like the Hind, twin vipers, Tetra, Furis and its variants. Those all have more less the same riven dispo. You're all bull$hiters if you think the Kohm is anywhere near those aforementioned weapons in performance and popularity.

    @Xydeth @Troposphere6 @Wyrmius_Prime @Jujuwa @kevoisvevo @Diavoros @Crasharr @(XB1)Kuljack

    • Like 3
  5. Amusing the amount of creative BS people will spew to protect their blatantly op riven. Are you all seriously trying to convince me that the Kohm is anywhere near unpopular and under-performing like the Hind, twin vipers, Tetra, Furis and its variants? Get a grip, all of these weapons have more less the same dispo yet perform nowhere near as well or are as popular as the Kohm.

    9 minutes ago, Klokwerkaos said:

    why the hate bro?  U mad?

    We'll see who's mad when DE finally takes notice of the severe imbalance with riven dispos 

    • Like 6
  6. 3 minutes ago, belanya said:

    I think they changed that a bit recently, they have some kind of power ranking for what it matters.
    Anyways, they explicitly said, half a year ago, maybe more, that they didnt change khom dispo cause of the 100% status thing.


    10 minutes ago, Jujuwa said:

    I wonder the lvl the enemies had for you to say that it's fine without rivens.

    Edit: This gun needs status and fire rate, you need the 4 dual stats and it's not enough for 100 status (and you get procs that you wouldn't want with this), and even the biggest fire rate mod (the corrupted one) still doesn't make it comfortable.


    6 minutes ago, Heidi said:

    Kohm havent been nerfed bc it cant get 100 SC with all 60/60 mods, have been confirmed by DE themself. 

    Yet guns like Corinth, Drakgoon, Hek/vaykor do just fine without 100% status.

    The kohm doesn't "need" 100 sc. Ppl just wanna cling on to their clearly broken rivens. 

    A gun with high dmg, innate punch thru and with ammo economy no longer being an issue due to the upcoming exilus slots should not deserve a riven dispo anywhere near 1.4

    • Like 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    If it was an OP gun that trivialized the entire game, it wouldn't have a high disposition in the first place. In fact, the gun gets totally trashed when a single status immune enemy gets thrown in front of it.

    There are plenty of powerful weapons that have strong dispos despite being strong enough on their own: gram prime, synapse, boar prime, strun wraith to name a few. Those are all long due for riven nerfs just like the Kohm. Status immune enemies is not a valid justification for the kohm considering the vast majority of enemies you encounter in the game are vulnerable to status. Only weak weapons should have high dispo. THe kohm is no where near to be considered "weak" 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Troposphere6 said:

    Riven Dispositions are related to how popular the weapon is the higher the popularity the lower the disposition. If more people use kohm the disposition will go down

    Ppl are dishing out 1000s for these rivens its quite clear they're way over popular.


    1 minute ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    Kohm completely and utterly depends on a riven in its current state. If its capability of reaching 100% status chance with an at least somewhat reasonable build was nerfed, the gun would become totally useless.

    Very nice hyperbole, but the gun will be fine even with a 0.5 dispo. You guys just want op guns that trivialize the game. 

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, Xydeth said:

    kohm needs 120%+ status chance on a riven or its just MR basically, in comparison to others. no matter what riven u run on it, it wont compete overall without 100% sc before multishot and thats the whole point of its dispo.

    no it doesn't "need" 120% status you just want it to. The kohm is perfectly fine without a riven. The way it is now the dispo has to be nerfed into the ground

    • Like 1
  10. This should have been done a long time ago. The Kohm has no business running around with a 1.4 riven dispo. Its ridiculous how such a powerful weapon, has avoided dispo nerfs for so long. With the upcoming exilus slots allowing you to slot ammo mutation mods on the Kohm, its only real disadvantage is gone. I would say 0.5 or 0.4 dispo should be fairly balanced considering its strength and popularity. 

    If you all think otherwise, try to convince me that the Kohm is anywhere near unpopular and under-performing like the Hind, twin vipers, Tetra, Furis and its variants. Those all have more less the same riven dispo. You all really think the Kohm is anywhere near those aforementioned weapons in performance and popularity?

    • Like 6
  11. On 2018-07-31 at 10:31 PM, Xaxma said:

    There's no reason why I should be able to do 30k dmg with a level one frame.

    There's no reason why his energy and mutation stack costs should be so abysmally low.

    There's no reason why he needs this much sustain when he basically has Inaros' passive but over 4x with no effort on the player's behalf besides doing what Nidus is supposed to do.

    You can completely ignore the health, energy, and stack UI with how plentiful and infinite they are. You get free energy for no reason basically and your own 4 even supplies you with a refresh on the mutation stacks required to cast it. I've been running 40 wave Kuva Survivals, all of the sorties, Kuva Flood, and ESO, and I've only ever had to blow Undying once from how ridiculous he gets.

    It's not even laughable just how busted this frame is.

    I pray to God that DE nerfs Ember again

  12. 3 hours ago, Buzkyl said:

    There's a distinct difference between a scaling ability and a broken ability. Spore scales, Mallet is broken. Mallet's DPS potentials ramps up far too quickly and turns into a duration based nuke. Throw in the augment or Resonator and it covers x2 as much area or is mobile and can be moved. Then we factor in her refereshable invisbility, CC and damage buff and we have a frame that can do everything with the exception of healing.

    Tl;DR Mallet and Invisbility are too OP, everything else is managable.

    Mallet works on LoS limit its not as broken as you think, Resonator ball AI can be wonky a lot of the times and just refuse to move properly or enemies just don't target the mallet. If you bothered to read the augment description properly you would see that the ranges of the mallets are halved in exchange for the additional mallet.

    I don't remember Octavia having any significant cc abilties. I would not consider mallet or resonator cc reliable as I often see enemies still targeting objectives and even other teammates despite my mallet being out

    Refreshable invis is nothing new Ivara's had the same thing since forever on both prowl and her quiver.

    INB4 slow prowl speed: Focus trees with maxed out void dashes and energy pool/regen can get you places extremely fast now without ever breaking prowl stealth. 

    Plus you gotta factor in the whole performing maneuvers to receive the buffs. 

    Like another post and I mentioned previously Nuker frames or frames with hard cc destroy Mallets dmg potential as enemies are either dead therefore cant dmg the mallet. or locked in hard cc therefore unable to attack the mallet. I just had this exact issue with a Quake banshee not letting enemies attack my mallets, and therefore I could not do any dmg.

    4 hours ago, -CM-AbsoluteZero said:

    4th ability isn't as strong as you think. The dmg boost scales additive like serration, so on fully modded weapons it doesn't boost dmg as much as you think it does.

    Also the 4th ability is limited to the area in which you casted it in. You cannot move around and gain the dmg boost, your team is forced into one spot in order to take advantage of the dmg boost. 

    Rhino roar on the other hand, can boost dmg much higher on fully modded weapons as the formula for roar is multiplicative with all mods therefore giving you much more dmg than amp could on modded weapons. Also Roar is not limited to an area, as once you roar, you and your allies are free to move around as you please and still keep your buffed dmg. Plus Roar boosts ability dmg too while amp only boosts weapon dmg.

    Her 4th ability like I mentioned is not all that superior to other options we have around

  13. 5 minutes ago, Buzkyl said:

    Please do not listen to this types of reasoning. Nerfs are perfectly healthy for the games as well as buffs.

    Octavia is a broken frame, plain and simple. It's amazing she's been left this way for so long.

    I disagree, Octavia's is one of the few frames that have all abilties that are relevant at all levels of content, we need more frames like her not less. Seeing the recent reworks we had on frames (Limbo, Saryn, Oberon) I think DE agrees too..

  14. 15 hours ago, (PS4)ImTheOx said:

    setting sound to 0% still wont solve her ability to clean the whole map alone, and the anoyance to those who enjoy making music. 


    i hate how effortless her Huge DMG BUFF is with her 4th ability. 


    Stop exaggerating things, Mallet is limited by LoS meaning enemies who can only see the mallet are damaged, you wont be clearing rooms effortlessly like that. 

    4th ability isn't as strong as you think. The dmg boost scales additive like serration, so on fully modded weapons it doesn't boost dmg as much as you think it does.

    Also the 4th ability is limited to the area in which you casted it in. You cannot move around and gain the dmg boost, your team is forced into one spot in order to take advantage of the dmg boost. 

    Rhino roar on the other hand, can boost dmg much higher on fully modded weapons as the formula for roar is multiplicative with all mods therefore giving you much more dmg than amp could on modded weapons. Also Roar is not limited to an area, as once you roar, you and your allies are free to move around as you please and still keep your buffed dmg. Plus Roar boosts ability dmg too while amp only boosts weapon dmg.

    15 hours ago, SilverRook said:

    instrument volume 0

    Ally mandachord volume 0

    Reducing her power to 75% ? why ? you need enemies to hit the hammer for it to be able to do damage back.
    This is slightly helped out by the roller thing as it taunts enemies into shooting it.

    But with nukers on your team the hammer doesn't get much of a look in and you end up being a support from with AMP to everyone else and her percussion to allow people to go invisible.

    this is an unnecessary complication to something thats REALLY simple..... 

    Her 3rd ability needs work IMO   its literally only used for invisibility. Yes you'll get those 2% of people that will say no its not. but it is. it is really.

    Not only just nukers, allies with hard cc abilties like Banshee, Limbo, or Vauban really screw over Octavia's Mallet too. If enemies are locked down unable to attack from hard cc, then Mallet cannot receive any dmg to reflect back.

    IMO the 3rd ability is fine as it is, the mutlishot buffs and melee dmg buffs are great, the speed boost is also nice. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

    This is a first time case. A single point doesn't make a pattern. But it is a much better argument than "equality and fairness".

    That being said it is still arbitrary because we can't divine DE's actual intent. For a little bit after release of The Sacrifice, Umbra also sported the Death Orb Energy Passive. They patched it out saying something along the lines of "Umbra isn't a Prime" but could you say that it was intentional to begin but removed due a reaction to backlash or a mistake? It is hard to say, by all counts there isn't really a reason why he couldn't have it, he was made directly by the Orokin after all.

    How exactly is this a 1st time case? Non-primes cannot equip prime cosmetics, its been that way ever since cosmetic skins were a thing.

    Death orb was a mistake on their part due to the fact that Umbra in China is known as "Umbra Prime". The death orb passive was leftover code from the Chinese "Umbra Prime" being ported over to our version.

  16. 3 hours ago, The_Lunatic_ said:

    Trade swordsmanship for it.


    2 hours ago, Ksaero said:

    What do you mean?


    44 minutes ago, Rayden_Tenno said:

    why should it? umbra predates every other excalibur. He is the image from which all other excals are made so he should have all abilities + some other ones that orokin couldn't replicate, hence radial howl.

    Lets be honest here. He is just one of those founders who enjoyed flexing his exclusive upgraded frame over the rest of us for the past 5 years. Now with Umbra out, him and some other founders are just mad salty their flexing has lost a lot of its edge

  17. On 2017-5-21 at 4:57 PM, Chipputer said:

    If it's invincible it'll either need lowered duration or less aggro draw to balance out it sitting there for a minute just soaking gun fire.

    Octavia's 1st ability does exactly what you described, being completely invulnerable while also reflecting and amplifying enemy gunfire.

    Not to mention the fact that Octavia has a refreshable cloak skill that can be given to the entire team too

    I don't think making decoy invulnerable as well is asking for too much when you have something like that. 

    12 minutes ago, Dragazer said:

    Decoy should be completely invulnerable and just duration based, period.

    There's no excuse for it not to be when we have Octavia's 1st ability Mallet performing the exact same function but more, with invulnerability and damage amplifying and reflection.

    It isn't asking for much when you look at the aforementioned ability completely outclassing it.

    Power strength being a dump stat atm makes perfect sense, Loki deal absolutely 0 damage with his abilities, so its only fair. 



  18. You know this rework is absolute garbage, when people can only praise the bugged parts of it. 

    GG WP DE

    Might as well rename it  "trAsh" seeing as how they are content with the current state after 67 pages of feedback.

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