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  1. huh, the more you know; I guess it makes sense, I never played around with Umbra after he was able to get buffs and most of the time I stay in transference long enough that it'd wear off anyway; I don't have a problem with the AI personally for Umbra, but yeah, they'd probably have to make a lot of backend changes before introducing it; I never knew this though, ty for pointing it out!
  2. Thank you! Okay, so with listening to that and doing research, it never actually made it -into- the game, but given the way it's described, I can see why people wouldn't have liked that particular implementation; having to farm up the items for a single day use of it when it may or may not be what they want out of it is... not great; sure it's similar to the invigorations we eventually got, but those iirc last for a week? And even then I'm pretty sure they're the less popular of the three current uses of Helminth's chair? If it were something closer to the shards or the ability subsuming, I feel like it might be better received; especially since it's been four and a half years and a -lot- has changed.
  3. Citation needed; never heard of this a single time, nor does the wiki say anything about this... plus, I genuinely wanna know more about this if true because I've been wanting this kinda system for some of my other frames for a while, and if they ran some kinda test then I'm curious to the reasons why it didn't work.
  4. Also the Orokin as a whole seem to think this too; both in regards to us(Ballas going "If you can't kill the demon,", and Albrecht as well(a quote from the site has him resigned to calling himself a demon from the sounds of it)
  5. Oh, I'm well aware yeah, the changes are what was gonna make me more excited to actively play the nightwave if I had to take a break again, especially after having to speedrun last volume in 3 weeks; this isn't at all what they had said, and if there really was this much miscommunication behind the scenes, I don't understand why it took them this long to clear it up and waste the update goodwill. Hell, if they were worried about the speed of obtaining stuff and things, they could have like... just left it for this volume and chalked it up to "we made a whoopsie and need to tweak numbers for next time"; but what they did here was like the worst possible way they could have gone about it.
  6. The problem is that they could have just changed that if that was their goal; the goal was having extra stuff so that we had extra standing in a week, and then they walked it back without even a word until after it was already in the game, while killing the variety of the nightwave in the process. Also like, you say about it being less odds of it showing up, but one of the actual acts is literally mining stuff on the vallis... also the other thing is what's tedious to one person isn't gonna be tedious to another; what will be more tedious is 15 weeks worth of "go kill 500 enemies, 30 eximus, and run 15 missions", because that adds up quickly. Also like... they literally reworked and removed challenges because they got feedback on it, so why would they turn around and remove a bunch from the pool? Why would they add a bunch to the pool if it was possible they'd never show up depending on how long this volume runs for? None of this decision makes sense when approached from "this was the real intention, trust me y'all", but makes more sense with a panicked "we need to change this for [x] reason"... which... maybe we'd be more receptive to if that was approached more truthfully too, or like, if it was intended all along, give heads up on that in the two months between when it was talked about(and the numerous instances of people making comments about it along the way, surely someone had to have noticed), instead of the day after it launched and people were excited and happy.
  7. I don't know that it was miscommunication though, is the thing; more people and places said "additional" with giving the reasoning of it being extra standing to help make it more fun, than the one instance of it being a replacement. And it was only walked back the day after it came out, with no hint other than one off hand comment before that people probably would never have picked up on because everyone was too excited for the net positive change. As it stands now, though, it solves none of the issues it claims to fix; it makes it less fun, doesn't make the "less tedious" challenges rarer(just gives more chance of it being one of those, or something people can't do, since there's less slots; hell the first challenge in the week where this was "fixed" is an ore mining one, one of the ones people complain about a lot), and removes variety from things you do every week. If they weren't going to have them as additional challenges, they shouldn't have done anything at all except tweak what challenges are there and edit the ones that aren't fun, because at the end of the day, with the permanents being what get recovered? May the void have mercy on those coming back on the last three weeks and having to quickly run 2000 missions.
  8. _That_ feels like a bug because I know for sure that I only got one act per day for the days I was playing Volume 4, and that matched up with what I've experienced in every other Nightwave since I started back in 2019...
  9. What do you mean by only getting one act? Like one being given when the day ticks over, or one as a whole? Because only one daily act is given per daily reset, if that's the question; this situation doesn't affect that one, it's always been like that since at least the intermission before Glassmaker.
  10. "don't typically"? I've seen way more updates go through in the evening hours(or midnight!) because of DLC than not, and actual patches can happen whenever people want; as the person above me said, only rule is "pass cert"; which is why consoles are able to release at the same time now, because before it was "whenever the console makers finished cert", which as we may remember could take weeks longer for some consoles over others. clearly they've fixed that issue since then, by submitting some of them sooner, or holding back others until everyone plays nice.
  11. Hey, so, I don't post often(this might be my first post even), but this is really uncool. First, this absolutely was intended behaviour as per the actual dev notes and the devstream, and the intention was to make it more fun for people and to let them catch up better if one week they're just not really feeling it. As it stands right now, even with these changes to make the permanent acts more, well, permanent... they miss the mark on both things. I was interested in this wave of nightwave because of Whispers in the Walls coming soon, cross save finally around the corner, and, most importantly, the expectation that we would have extra chances to gain nightwave standing, especially if we missed out. How does this fix that any more than the old system? As it stands now, if this system had been in place last volume? I would have gotten to maybe rank 7 if I was lucky. But what gets me the most of all of this and really irks me is the complete lack of communication about all of this until we got a taste of what we were told was coming. We got a week of this being as told in the dev notes and dev stream, and it's only now that it's all getting walked back, and even the announcement post only getting edited after this thread went up? Why is this the case?
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