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Everything posted by Halo

  1. Quick Hot Take: Nerf Saryn, your pride and joy, then Nerf Frost then Nerf Mag harder then Nerf Harrow then Nerf Equinox then Nerf Caliban then Nerf Khora then Nerf Hydroid then Nerf Baruuk then Nerf Gauss then Nerf Trinity then Nerf Ember then Nerf Styanax harder then Nerf Lavos then Nerf Limbo then Nerf Mirage HARDER then Nerf Loki then (you won't even look at him since it's "past his time" anyway) Nerf Protea then (an upcoming prime) Nerf Garuda then You wanna go full scorched earth? Then do it already, because this is where it's leading to. I can go on forever at this rate, but these frames will be affected by such, and that isn't everyone, and if this does really occur, we're living in a goddamn crappy reality...
  2. Dark Verse is now Line-Of-Sight Checking It was not doing this before this Hotfix (5.4) It now is, and makes Dante feel worse to use for that ability. Remove it for Dark Verse and Tragedy. Remove it, for the love of all that is this frame. Imagine if Saryn's Spores were LoS checking and could not go through rooms, imagine if her Miasma LoS'd and did not go through rooms, imagine if Frost's Avalanche LoS'd and did not hit enemies in other rooms or behind cover, imagine if TOO MANY FRAMES HAD LOS AND MADE THEM WORSE... All we ask is to remove LoS from these two... How hard is it to pull back from your AOE-Like Nerf for once?!
  3. Awesome, Dark Verse is worse now. Was not LoS checking before, now it is... Specifying: Before 5.4, Dark Verse was hitting through walls, now it is NOT... Allow me to preface the above two statements: DARK VERSE WAS NOT LINE-OF-SIGHT CHECKING BEFORE THIS HOTFIX, AND NOW IT IS... Nezha also lost all hope in being relevant with an augment nerf. Piece of advice: - If you are going to release something then nerf it, don't release it unless YOU YOURSELVES TEST IT FOR THINGS LIKE THIS Same can be said in regards to Dante, which I can heavily assume you've had weeks if not longer with him longer than us to test for these things. If you truly wanted to release a frame with the right specifications... TEST. THIS. CRAP. FIRST. Almost Like There Should Be A Test Server For Things Like This, Hmm... I digress. Thank you for the hotfix for Deep Archemedia, but Dante is in a sad state. I'll still use him on occasion, but no where near as much as my normal frames. Overall take you need to consider: - Remove it for Dark Verse and Tragedy. - Remove it, for the love of all that is this frame. - You made a grimoire / magic caster-esce frame, let the man DO HIS SCHTICK... Imagine if Saryn's Spores were LoS checking and could not go through rooms, imagine if her Miasma LoS'd and did not go through rooms, imagine if Frost's Avalanche LoS'd and did not hit enemies in other rooms or behind cover, imagine if TOO MANY FRAMES HAD LOS AND MADE THEM WORSE... All we ask is to remove LoS from these two... How hard is it to pull back from your AOE-Like Nerf for once?! Do it DE, you won't: Edit: If I a not forced to use Dante now for certain activities (Duviri, Arbi Choice, or Deep Archemedia), I will 100% never use him again. Everyone, just build for his book, viral it up, and watch everything die, as his 3 and tragedy are beyond saving now. DE has proven to us that AoE is still on their hard-nerfing list and never want to deal with it.
  4. Sometimes things that aren’t broke or need nerfing… should just be left alone… Fully Revert the Dante changes. I don’t need to speak for anyone or everyone, as just about everyone is voicing the same concern.
  5. Correct. However, assume this one-time occurrence of gaining more than 5 charges to never happen again. Normally, from now on, will be 5 per week, 2 per Deep, and 3 leftover.
  6. Netracell Charge Breakdown for Everyone!: - 5 Charges you gained this past reset - You will gain 5 more charges come tomorrow - Totaling your charge count to 10 charges if you did not play any netracells yet (These will stack as what has been said) - You can use your 5 initial charges now as you see fit your 5 netracell runs before it drops tomorrow. Upon the update going live, everyone will get the extra 5 to do with what they please. Deep Archemedia will cost 2 Charges per week, can only be played and completed once a week, and once completed, you will have to wait for next week to play and complete it again. - Completing a Deep Archemedia run will take 2 charges from your overall total - This will leave people between 3 and 8 charges left, depending on your initial total before you start and how many charges you had. So you have your multiple scenario's here with people: - Some will have 10 charges tomorrow - Some will have 5 upon release if they used all of theirs already - Some will have some random number depending how many they have done thus far before it drops (ranging between 6 and 10)
  7. Not wrong, it running some of the Tome Mods can be beneficial where useful, but then again, why bother when other sources of said buffs are better. As a whole for wep usage, it's not bad, but it's not something ground-breaking.
  8. Dante's nerf was inevitable. He came out too perfectly made, stronger than most frames that required full-on reworks or adjustments, tweaks, and augments to make them better. It's really a goddamn shame DE has to nerf him. But think of it this way, they did this to themselves for making him this great in the first place. Just remember Roar is next on that list, with Nourish right behind it, to get nerfed thanks to DE shooting themselves in the foot the the egregious Eclipse Helminth nerf. Watch them nerf the Overguard by capping it to some value far lower than players would be comfortable running (say 2k like companions get from Pack leader, except this would be crappy on a frame), remove overguard given to allies as a whole (which i could see as fine, since Kullervo is a good example), lowering his 4's total damage multipliers for Tragedy, make Noctua's channeling energy and drain per second more, reduce Noctua's damage overall making it a hinderance to use as opposed to being the great slash grimoire we'll never have for other frames, or even reduce the damage of his 3 overall. Sad days are ahead for Dante players, as well as the community as a whole. Edit: Need I remind Deep Archemedia is still missing... I know it's coming this week, but we hoped it would have been today...
  9. Visual Bug | Visual Bug On Nezha, applying an efficiency mod does not alter the correct efficiency values on the listed abilities while in the Arsenal. In missions, the correct energy is taken into account with the mods on, however, visually in the arsenal, it still shows the base energy cost. Image here: https://imgur.com/gallery/XNAxPAc Hope this gets sorted out as soon as possible, please and thanks!
  10. New Bug New Bug New Bug Game Softlocks inside of the Foundry, preventing Escape / Start / Unstuck Command. Do please have this looked into. Please and thanks!
  11. Telos Syandana is sticking out way too much on Loki, using any skin what-so-ever. Please others around, check other frames that this was never an issue with. Image provided here: https://imgur.com/gallery/U40gmPr Fix this please and thanks, as I will dislike my own fashion seeing it protrude that far out.
  12. Please add Saryn’s Toxic Lash being broken to the “Known Issues” Thread: Undocumented changes are not good, so please do right by us.
  13. Who loves undocumented changes to abilities that did not need touching? Not us. Bumping this every chance I can get, until it is in the known issues thread / verbally spoken about and brought to DE’s attention.
  14. Yup, I mostly have it installed for "just in case" reasons for about 1-2 games. Other than that, never really touch it.
  15. 1. I never use GeForce for Warframe 2. Simple google search of "NVIDIA GeForce Warframe Bans" will have some people confirming that there was indeed an issue with it and was removed. 3. Here is a screenshot of my NVIDIA GeForce Games, with Warframe already since been removed. https://imgur.com/gallery/itIo2WQ Do please tell me why it isn't in my games library, when I already have it actively open and playing perfectly fine, because it should be here. And no, I did not remove it. Not to mention Ban Evasion is a serious offense, pretty messed up to accuse a player like that. Just had to blow a simple question out of proportions.
  16. Who likes Necramites still spawning 800+ Meters away?!?! NO MEEEEEEEE https://imgur.com/gallery/Cm3Roka New icon is the Gruzzling Edit: Moved to my original post with bugs, sincerest apologies for that one DE member who deletes my dupes here and there when I mess up <3
  17. Not wrong, but one having the higher number and being specifically used for boss fights (PT, Eids, etc etc) was more fruitful with having both as an option. Only streamlining to one now is not great, lessening options as well, and now having a clear winner in the helminth damage department. I swear, that one dev who hates speedrunners or PT / Eid farmers just won the fight.
  18. Oh yeah, just to add on in regards to the game functioning as a whole... When will you, if at all possible, be fixing the game to not ban accounts on NVIDIA's GeForce, so people can run it from there? Your "Third Party App 2035 Ban" affected users, and GeForce has since removed Warframe from it. Will that ever be fixed, or will Warframe never be available for those who use NVIDIA GeForce? For reference and a TL;DR: Warframe when using third party apps in the background, can identify them as cheating clients, and thus ban your account indefinitely for using them (an example is Cheat Engine). If 'caught' using the application in the background (running) you are subject to a ban. GeForce only edits the config file of the game, and prompting it to remove warframe for people being banned for using is 100% ideal for players, so they stop being banned / lose their accounts. Just asking if you will be fixing this, or will it forever stay removed from the application.
  19. This does not scale anywhere near Roar, nor is it on par. Bring it back up to 150% or at least the bare minimum of 75% to even keep it remotely usable. "Match the Diminished Effectiveness of Rhino's Roar", what a pathetic joke. Roar scales with banes, a party-wide buff, and has been better than eclipse in that department for years. You just made the Helminth'd version of Eclipse WORSE than Empower. Again, you just made Eclipse WORSE than a base Helminth ability that the system comes with. Thank you so much for the update and your hard work, but this is a slap in the face, as well as a warning to anyone and everyone using the Helminth. No ability is safe, so prepare for more to get nerfed. They already started touching Nourish, so it's next on the chopping block. Any Bug Additions I Find: - Petting your Kubrow / Kavat still Breaks the Camera, teleporting you to a pet bed, that the kubrow / kavat is NOT laying on, and NOT petting it where it is laying down or standing. - 800+ Meters of NO FUN ALLOWED FOR YOU, COURTESY OF THE NECRAMITE https://imgur.com/gallery/Cm3Roka - Tagfer still has the non-legendary arcane's in his rotational menu screen (Yes they were removed, but their icon's still show) - DE might have retroactively destroyed Toxic Lash. People, please start testing it out, see if it is not performing like how it should be / was, and report it. If this is a bug, great, better to let them know now as opposed to later, because Saryn is not mentioned once in the patch notes. Legit my first thought about this augment: "Oh look, a Power Drift that takes away Umbra's whole gimmick"
  20. Not fully deserved at times. Tell this to the Pathocyst being bugged for the better end of 2 years only to have finally been fixed this past October. As well as a slew of other things that somehow take years to fix, after players inform them on what's not working properly. Yeah, it finally got fixed, but it took 2 goddamn years of reminding DE that this problem existed in the first place.
  21. Allow me to assist then. Would you rather the following: 1. A damage buff thats solely for you and does not scale with bane mods (This proposed helminth Eclipse) or 2. A damage buff that can be for you and your entire team as well as scaling with bane mods (The Roar helminth we already have) The clear winner is the second option, which is what Roar already provides. DE going forward with the Eclipse nerf solidifies that the ability will be dead on arrival, and people will only use it for the DR Evasion in specific situations. Argument for argument sake is one thing. We already have the numbers as Rebecca has already stated "bringing eclipse down to match roar", which is a proposed 30%, is actually abysmal, and is not on par at all. Roar as is will be stronger than this hard nerf. We can only hope they listen to us, and do not drop it to this low of a percentage.
  22. The acquisition of the right buff people wanted was what was being messed with, as a lot of areas in maps can be misconstrued as shadows, thus only allowing the evasion buff, meanwhile you might want the damage buff. And DE's notorious for major downgrading things that aren't in need of fixing. Personally, should not be changed from 150%, it should stay how it is, but that's just me, and at this point, it's too late. They probably won't listen to us in regards to this heavy of a nerf also. 30% is impossible to use and will make it an obsolete helminth choice, forever. A good middle ground, as you even say, would be a smooth 100% or at least 125%. God willing, they will somehow only go for 60% or 75%, something stupidly low for no reason...
  23. I 100% agree. They initially were only touching it to fix how it would proc: either by lighting or other means. They fully decided on a toggle, which we all love, but just HAAAAAAAD to include "yeah, we're nerfing it for the helminth, too bad, so sad." Like, UGH
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