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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. In the grim darkness of warframe, there are no grenade weapons. Because grenades are kind of like warframe powers.

    We need shokk atakk gunz.


    Yes! Let us launch Chargers at our enemies!

  2. While not a bad idea, it is a lot of work for the animation team for a game that is still completely short on game content. It isn't something that is going to lead to player retention so I wouldn't expect it. Priority #1 right now while they are gaining players rather than losing them is getting on track for creating proper endgame content that will keep players interested long after they finish all of the existing bosses a few times.

    The is a narrow window for games while they are new and people are trying them to hook those players. They need to be focused on content, content, content right now.


    It's not actually hard to change the proportions of a model, especially when they have almost no gendered features. All the frames currently share a single animation set to boot. One modeler could do it in a few days.

    Jared Gerritzen of Zombie Studios talked to Jim Sterling of The Escapist about modifying their male characters to have a female option. It took very little time and money and the benifits far outweighed the cost.


    A lot of my friends only play female characters in games. Even though I'm kind of used to controlling men after gaming for most of my life, I would be very happy if they let me change my Excal. Prime into a woman.


    Think of the Warframes like LoL champions, you take away the specific gender and you take away their specific character.


    This has always been a point of contention, but the Devs seem to be going more and more towards the idea that each Frame is a class of limited production armour, not an individual.

    Many people prefer to make their own character, so more customization would bring in more players (imo).

  3. I hope this was just some sort of test and it isn't done. 


    It's really weird just how slow getting up is in this game, I don't think I've ever seen a stand-up animation take so long before. Punishing failure is fine, but this game makes it too easy to get caught in knockdown juggle.

  4. Slugger (Hek) - the shot is replaced with solid slugs that deal 130 damage and have no damage falloff.


    Absorption (Glaive) - the glaive has a chance to take on any elemental effects it comes into contact with (enemies on fire, a cryo level, a toxic ancient). The damage is superior to a specific damage mod of the same level, but only lasts for one attack. - I don't know how doable this one is, but Dark Sector had it.

  5. I know, I am aware of my hypocrisy XD

    It's still better than that time Doctor cured and reversed "evolution" with anti-matter.


    Edit: I shouldn't have said hate anyway. I like parts of Star Trek, but the junk science does bug me. Doesn't mean I wont wip it out when it suits my purposes :P


    Keep in mind Warframe is already a universe with selective Magnetism, Pew Pew guns and other extremely soft science concepts. It's not trying to be Usurper of the Sun, Eclipse Phase, Incandescence or insert-other-hard-sci-fi-here. 

  6. Sorry but I think chainsaws won't fit very well into this game. Also they'll be pretty big and unsightly to have hanging on a Tenno's back =(


    Like I said in my post, it doesn't have to be a literal modern day chainsaw. It's future-fantasy, there can be as many advancements to spinning blade technology as you can make up. Look at Grineer buzzsaw guys and the Glaive.

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