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Everything posted by TheCleverJoker

  1. I don't really see where you are coming at with the 4 taking a ton of energy, but I do think it could be more of a sentinel style companion where you can tell it on either tap or hold to repel or pull in enemies. The build I have ended up using on him has no range at all really because there isn't anything in his kit that makes me feel like I need it. The ability should also either be health based duration or channel based duration and not a combination of both.
  2. If you can manage to do I've linked my Chroma build which cannot die easy in Steel Path, I have suggested some changes to him on the forums that can make him more enjoyable with most of his kit but he feels fine to me. He just needs a bit more care with the builds he is used with. https://overframe.gg/build/644676/chroma-prime/cold-tank-chroma/
  3. Perhaps you could gain either all of one augments bonus in this slot or a selection of weaker buffs to all abilities, there is one major issue though and that is not all abilities have an augment so what do the other incarnon tiers do for a frame with only one augment avaliable? Just go up in strength until the augment bonus is the same as normal? Would you have to use a new system to infuse an augment mod into this new incarnon upgrade system for it to be an option for selection?
  4. Chroma while many people will not agree isn't as bad as they suggest. The game has a fundamental limitation in the ways a warframe can tank damage, this only being made worse with the shield gating requirements for a lot of level cap builds or just outright avoiding damage to begin with. Chroma can tank anything that isn't a super high single damage instance with the right build. The main changes that Chroma needs to be made relevant going forward are to make Vex Armour have a one hit protection system or having a general system helping all health tanks, i.e health gating. Vex Armor could have a damage calculation change so that it is more like mirage though perhaps more of a 100% or 75% unmodded bonus. Changes to his Effigy could be to have it either be only a channel OR a health based dependency and to have the effigy bolster either his abilities or to have it take on a more supporting role. Effigy could have a grouping or repulsion effect based on if you tap or hold to cast, effigy could follow you allowing the credit boost to be more valuable. The recent augment needs to be changed so that chroma's defences are taken into account when applying the damage to Chroma making it more valuable to a build and avoiding the issues that arise from him having overguard. Making it so the Vex Armor buffs are based on just taking damage of any sort could also bypass the problems of overguard and make shield tanking a more viable option for him (though I think shield gating should be Hildryn's thing alone). Honestly, the biggest issue that people seem to have is that his primary buffing implement is to take damage which isn't feasible in level cap runs. As I have said, he isn't bad but in my opinion is just undervalued. P.S. This post was made under the assumption that the changes to Vex Armour's conditionals was going to be a replacement rather than an addition. Most of the suggested changes are still valid in my opinion.
  5. They could probably make a duplicated elec status only volt can trigger with his 4 that doesn't have the chaining functionality or damage, just count as elec and disappear after like 1 sec of not being hit with his 4. May be a way to trigger elec boosts with rebuilding his ability from scratch.
  6. Pretty sure it was just because he was the Chinese version excal Prime they sold the founders packs to for that version.
  7. The way the teleport seems to work right now is a projection of the character model towards the target and stops upon hitting something, if they changed it that could lead to other issues or be too complicated for the game to calculate. However they could code it so that it checks to see if a "player navigable" line is possible with the projection, how complicated that is to calculate idk but they cant really change the size of the character projection or just project a sphere with moderate dimensions. If they change the projection size that could lead to us being able to get out of bounds in places they never thought we'd be able to get to.
  8. Didn't read most of the numerous comments on this so it may have already been suggested but, perhaps if you where in puddle mode you could do kraken like stuff, maybe a pull like ability with a tendril. You could move the krakens AOE with you as you moved. I don't really play Hydroid much anymore mainly used him to get polymer but perhaps could be a cool addition back to his kit and make him have both the newer playstyles and the older ones.
  9. Would be pretty niche but would help the feel of those spamming frames and just be generally better for our devices lifespan. Most if not all abilities already have a built in recast delay so using that could determine the auto cast speed as a whole.
  10. The update would consist of overhauling the Railjack experience to offer more engaging combat with a steel path expansion. Railjack currently isn't terrible but many would agree it still needs work. I think some crewmate AI improvements need to be made such as to have the engineer prioritise killing boarders unless the meltdown timer hits 30 secs or so and have the pilot and gunner work together better on Railjack crew objectives.. Expanding the crewmate upgrade system perhaps having them be moddable? and/or min-maxable with their stats like valence fusion. Having more tiers to Railjack intrinsics is an option for survivability in Archwing and Railjack missions perhaps other benefits as well. This kind of update could introduce Archgun arcanes and revamp the Archgun deployment system to be faster (about 50-75%) and introduce the seemingly forgotten addition for Necramechs to be used in normal missions. Sure they can be deployed in the Entrati Labs but that is limited. Necramech arcanes could also be in this update boosting survivability for them in Steel Path. I would love to see a Warframe either be a heavy gunner using an exalted Archgun OR and exalted Necramech with and exalted Archgun or heck why not both and slap some AI in that Necramech and have it run wild. Just spit balling ideas but an expansion to the Railjack system could be great maybe having Mk5 gear some new mods and arcanes for things that need them. Perhaps the new Warframe could be apart of a new Sydicate and some new mission types where you can get upgrades for the Tunguska Cannon (Forward Artillery) to better shoot down massive interstellar threats. Infested planets could be introduced like Deimos that we fight because Deimos looks like a massive infested space entity.
  11. The Cyclone icon indicates console players but most people will be looking into merging anyway. Alternatively when selling items you can specify that you are a cross save player when you post. I am sure that they will be looking into these sort of issues in the background as it is a new system and they aren't really good at identifying most/all of the potential issues before releasing new stuff.
  12. You definitely should have your PS account as main if you haven't made much progress on the new pc account. Log into the WF site with your PS account and try the merge from there. It should ask for a PC account which you then sort the login for that during the merge process.
  13. One simple reason as to why they didn't allow it. Value. The value of platinum on the switch is substantially lower value both for DE and the trading community.
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