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  1. I agree with WISP haste actually. Weapons with strong recoil also suffer from this
  2. Especially on squishy frames that don't have strong survivability. That Overguard really helps take the stress off of dying and puts more emphasis on exploring the frame. I've especially appreciated it on Gyre and Dagath. Even though there are ways to survive, with a Dante I don't have to press as many buttons. I've personally seen a few AFKs in recent lobbies actually. I used to think it was just them having a bad time but nah, they werent even there.
  3. True, overguard covers a lot of ground in terms of surviving
  4. I'm curious cause today, I was struggling to stay alive with a Warframe I wasn't too familiar with and after getting downed a couple times, the Citrine that revived me started following me around and kept me from dying, which was quite nice cause they didn't have to but they chose to. So now I'm wondering if people who play support or provide it, actually pay attention to their fellow Tenno as much as that Citrine did. Do you keep an eye on your teammates? Are you aware of who's struggling? Are you conscious of keeping your buffs active? I know there's people who play Support frames because of the self-sustain and not to actually support but if you do actually go out of your way, how and why? (Mind you DPS frames can still support players by making sure the threat doesn't exist in the first place too)
  5. Exactly, people thinking this eximus is a creative way of getting players to move is crazy to me honestly. Zaramin has some bangers.
  6. The best Anti-AFK would be making missions more engaging themselves
  7. The energy you pick up can be retained if you cancel Rewind. If you gain more energy during rewind than you had before rewind it can be kept if you hold down 4 and cancel the ability.
  8. Opinion The mission had potential to be something that's engaging and interactive and it somewhat does achieve that by having the player gather fuel for the elevator to complete the objective but overall I think it is quite boring. The mission just turns out to be a very prolonged mobile defense mixed in with a little bit of Hijack. The verticality while unique does not mesh well with the way A.I. of enemies interact with the level. You have enemies stuck in rooms on different levels of elevation struggling to actually engage with the player and their only meaningful way of interacting with the player is through the new Eximus automatically tracking to the player. I swear this is the only thing that's mentioned about this level in particular and that's because you see these Eximus in abundance. It's almost as if they knew that it wouldn't be engaging without the Eximus doing the heavy lifting where the A.I. cannot. Take Void Cascade for example, this mission has good rewards coupled with extremely interactive gameplay that requires you to use everything you have, down to your Operator. It provides arcanes that can be useful to you and be turned into Vosfor for Arcane Dissolution and failure in that mission is a very real possibility. It also makes use of the entire map quite effectively making mobile warframes extra sweet. And it does all this without being tied to an Event. Not to mention you can also grind focus pretty well too. Heck Alchemy from the Sanctum does a better job at what Ascension is trying to accomplish. Also the Sister of Parvos is a joke, she just exists for extra loot, she does not add anything to the experience besides extending the mission. TLDR; Pretty boring, probably can't stand on it's own without an event being tied to it. Titania mains probably wouldn't mind it tho.
  9. The sky is also blue (plus clouds that come with it) And yeah I've played this game for 4 years now so I'm well aware of what exists.
  10. In terms of flying I think it'll be pretty hard to top Titania. Her implementation of flying was very well done and allows you a lot of mobility.
  11. Regarding her 3, I'm surprised they made it function the way it does because DE knows the type of armor strip available to players and they should know that hers wouldn't work in a squad setting given its limitations on range and the fact that it isn't immediate. She really has stiff competition when Dante and Wisp already exist as supports and I was expecting her to be able to compete with that or bring her own flavor of support to the game. I thought the reviving on sight thing was actually pretty cool but besides the two Aura mods I don't think there's anything interesting about her.
  12. Citrine's my personal favorite support and I use her quite often. Her kit provides solid buffs and synergies she has a unique spin on the role.
  13. I don't like the augment route and the helminth is something I've had a gripe with since it's addition. Most augments belong as a base part of a kit, like for example, one of Mag's augments allows her to detonate her bubbles at will; that feels like it should be apart of the base ability. If a Warframe needs tweaks imo they should add to the kit then figure out augments after. As for Helminth I don't like how it can be used as a band aid for poor design on some Warframes. I think it's good for finding unexpected or powerful synergies that add to a warframe and shouldn't be used for fixing a warframe. So yeah I agree
  14. I like that people joy her. I like when players are overall happy and have more choices so even if I don't like her it's still a win.
  15. I agree, her kit overall feels lackluster to me. The buffs she provides are pretty standard, the way she dishes out armor strip is pretty weak compared to things like fire blast and pillage and flying is a cool idea but less flexible than just parkour.
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