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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. My opinion about primed mods is they are just more gamebreaker stuffs. They nerfed recently some frame and stuff and now they make primed versions instead of balancing the key mods and do something with the utilities. A primed serration would be at least 250% and the primed pressure point 220%. etc.


    The primed mods should given something different. They wanted a balance but always break that with their unbalanced additions because they want to make profit with op stuffs,

  2. Nice works and Hope someday some talented fan will make full models with everything what the frames can do actualy. They just need implement it. Only plus suggestion the names ofc not male valkyre or male ember but something which sounds badass and still not ruining the "lore".


    Need a Design maker program for warframe.

  3. Personaly I think the tenno is one way descendant of the mankind. Those armors are just what we wear and the tenno's have their real genders but the design decisions locked into the tenno separated and gender locked frames. Personaly I don't like this design decision because rather lazy and still they not added any lore to them if they add lore to them then we can say those frames /tennos/ are persons with their own storyline.


    I would like to see any form of gender differentation and not gender locked frames simply just similar looks frames for an example now the nyx who was the first female in an excalibur armor. Every frame could be given their pairs with same/similar abilities but with different names for example the ember-blaze/pyro-pyra names which just explain the variant of the armor what you wear but not the tenno itself. 


    The design restrictions and that fact they haven't enough time to make this design decision viable went to the current state where we mysticize their genders and origins instead of research they are also humans but evolved a lot. 


    I like personalize myself with the male frames because I am also male and harder to personalize myself as girl because I am not a girl. I would like to use a male variant of the ember armor which can be called everything you can imagine but you have then the option to personalize yourself with that armor. 


    At moment every armor/frame just an armor but the tenno inside is you. Currently I can just imagine them as my mercenaries which contain male and female tenno's "armors". Persons who wear that armor design and familiar with their abilities.


    I still hope they won't restrict us in the future with a gender lock because this is just lazyness. Easier design an already made frame into the different gender than making a new.


    Otherwise if you use an astronaut armor then no matter what gender you are you looks the same.

  4. A lot of things need and some must needed but this game far from the potential because delayed some useless design idea. 



    Old things still not fixed yet and some way the direction missing because the devs also not know what they wanted to do just did something then we suffered.

  5. Personaly not like the archwing at all but the relays are nice concepts but the variation and the trader limitations is atm bad. I am prefer to do the same with dojo if we have a "family" with similar interesting tennos but atm the dojo is just used for research and trade. 


    Not living enough and not worth enough to spend a huge amount of time there and same with the relays with two differences 1. there are some npc "still not living" 2. there you cannot build "no have permission to do" something.


    I would like to see more implementations to improve the dojo's instead of making missions outside of the space.

  6. The idea is good but this could be viable after they revise the stealth gameplay. The actualy stealth gameplay is better than what had before but still not on the right way. In a fast paced game there is no chance to sniping everything because the spawning is teribble and they can easily detect you because of randomity. With sniper not ideal run around the map and shooting back so before they need design missions or change the ai behaviour and rationalize the spawn points.

  7. From now seems hard to do anything with the current pvp because the balances and pve part completely hiding the pvp. I would like sometimes test my skills but in this game not need almost at all any skill because a strong build a lot moving is almost enough for success. For the pvp need a lot of changes and balances which maybe turns weird and the devs need scrap every work on this section.


    Personaly I would like to do more pvp than this because the AI hunting is often boring and you are not motivated to play coop because there is not so much harm. You just go with max 3 other guy and doing a mission on the same map and that's all not play together.

  8. There is different type of players in this community and would be good if the devs not force the players to do "that" mission what they not like. This is not depend on difficulity just simply likeness. Personaly I like to farm things and loot much and not rush the missions for the stats. I hate that when you should run always in solo because most of peoples rush. I hate also that when Lotus and Ordis disturb me always with quest if you not finished one. Until you finish that mission which is a bit shamey.


    Those quests and mission types should be optional and not must do. 


    Ps_: Not everybody lazy jerk who want reach everything in game faster because this is absolute random. Sometimes you need much run sometimes you can get stuffs less time but sometimes never or almost never.

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