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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Dojo - hang out / research / party


    Relay - hang out / trading / party


    Liset - out hang / modding / party?



    I think that if we are able to improve our liset to be use for party and more research then we need to make our dojo more training pvp and social type than we have now. The gardens are nice but above the nice look there is nothing much to do there. Need more fun content to keep the interest also the relays need to do some similar things just without the option to modify things.

  2. I once had an idea of being able to pay Platinum to take a "picture" of your currently equipped Warframe so you could have some form of uniqueness on the forums, but I never bothered to make a thread regarding it.


    The idea came from Runescape's in-game photo-booth outside of Falador that does that very thing.


    This is an awesome idea!


    In EVE online you can also use your avatar picture.

  3. Yep. If the enemies can throw us with nades and vaubans can do almost the same then why not just give us some nade to use in the right place? In a game which means grinding and gearing and gore a bit shamely we haven't nades yet for maximalize the gore. Whom say not fit for the warframes theme is just dumb or half moron. We aren't real ninjas and no have max only one frame which ninja like.

  4. The akjagara should not require akbolto at all the akbolto is a very difficult to build weapon and it's given puncture damage. If you want to make this new then you should buy two different weapon type and the akbolto puncture damage dissapear and given a modest slash damage from skana.


    This weapon at least should do 40 puncture and slash damage if you combine those weapons because difficult and what the logic to lose a strong damage type when the akbolto already can that. 


    That would be nice if they change the weapon requirements at akbolto or just make the other weapons too make difficult too.

  5. I can say a subscription based paying method would be nice for this game if they solve that problem the most of playerbase are freely and doesn't want to pay for better performance. As wow/wildstar/guildwars2 and champions online player I can say the sub based paying not a bad idea because the online games mostly needs huge servers and hundreds of peoples working on them to constantly improve the performance. 10-15 or 20 dollar in a month is not a big deal you can buy a daily meal with this price but you can play how much you can. The most problem here is the current model and the founder program which is almost similar a life time subscriber whom got extras for their money and have a lot of peoples whom not pay any cent for this game. 


    An optional subscription fee system which have in some online games could be nice but still there is a lot of trouble how to implement into this game now the TESO also changed but they wasn't idiots and they kept the subscription fees for those whom want to help the game. 

    Almost all ideas bad whom say the sub fee system bad because of just. Those who say there is no have enough time to play and cry to spend a relatively little sum for an online distribution simply just pfff.


    Personally I would like some implementation here for those whom want much better performance and not lag fests all the day and I am willingly to pay for it. The free to play idea also not bad in a context it's free and let you choose to pay and play without spending money. This free to play system which we have is just enough only for the current laggy performance and crashy-buggy experience and often need alt+x the game to not lose my progress during play. Once I had a very bad day when I cannot join to any mission and often crashed when I succesfully joined into a game. 


    My pc and net connection is pretty awesome but this game ruin it.


    My opinion is again an optional sub fee system not bad idea but then the freely dudes will cry the game turned into pay to win.

  6. I hate them by my heart like other enemies so I feel the power to kill those bastards. Those and infested moas makes the game a bit more challenging but sometimes happen crap spawnings and you die before doing anything.


    A little tweak or buff on frames can solve some problem but I am not really agree with nerf them or put off them. Just better spawns need then you can prepare.

  7. These mods are core mods and long times serve us. Many of us spent a lot of time and material to improve them and max the possibilities so the removal could make more chaos. They cannot compensate us because this take a long long time process to max them. They need to search other ways to balance the mods and instead of removing actual mods should buff and combine mods which are unused or useless. 


    Same with primed mods instead make them they can balance the actual mods and turn down the power creep.


    If they will remove the raw damage mods they should give us 10 legendary cores / mod and they should give damage improve ability to the utility mods with better stats.

  8. I find these new units sometimes fun and challenging but sometimes the rng tricky with you and often spawn more than you can handle normal. Now this is not a simple slaughtering like before now you need to be more tactical and more lot more because they spawn those goos and bees into your face. Against them the most effective the mag and volt and maybe ember. 


    About bombards I can just say that homing missile concept without chance to avoid is just bad as was in the first times. Luckily they not implemented still there the napalm.

  9. I have a nice mk1 braton build but I suggest you to do it only if you have at least 4 free forma to put in. 


    moderate puncture, impact damage fairly good slash damage so against infesteds could be better. Speed build possible because there is not so much difference after buffs in the speed rate. 8.8 normal, 7.5 mk1. More magazine almost similar crit and status but the mk1 more accurate so you can use as automatic "sniper" with a good build.


    PS: The prime ofc much better but if you like the challenges then doesn't listen to these pagans!

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