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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Platinum is generated when peoples buying from market so yes still need to buy something if want to sustain the market.


    Ps: I got 4 75% and 7 50% and 3 20% discounts in the past but long times ago not smile at me the fortune.

  2. The feeling is almost the same like baldur's gate and icewinddale games. A little bit better graphics but almost everything works the same and the story is not bad. I can suggest you to buy and play because it is a good game and can give some extra hour adventure.

  3. Not bad idea because have life strike mod and energy vampire which works different but space magic. A vampire frame not sounds worser than a necromancer frame like "nekros" so I vote up this idea and hope you will add some concept art for this frame.

  4. Literally it can said : trashcan or trash bin but it sounds cooler if they call it vault.


    Normally there is no reason to put things into the trashcan because in the current and the older starchart had enough space to put rewards but separate everything into zones or places. Like venera in venus could give for example : boar prime parts or fossa could give mag etc.

    There will be enough option to make the maps more rewardous like now they demolish everything and rebuild the entire system.


    I don't know their logic and work metholds but I am sure they doesn't use really the potential ways to solve problems and what I saw in the past almost 2 year is just wasting materials and making bandaid solutions which not solve problems but makes open doors for the newer content problems.


    A frost prime and almost any primed stuff not a garbage but they maybe realised they did something wrong and they try to solve the unpopulated zone problems. As I said before this is a bandaid solution because without normal rewards and motivation to do a mission just forcing peoples to do if they want stuffs for low chance and it's not fun neither for devs and players.


    They could have reach more point and implementations if they build their game more racional instead making 2.0 versions for everything.

  5. Indeed more bows would be nice, i feel an infested style long bow with base toxin and mid to high status chance would be good, maybe base it off the Scoliac whip design . . . just a thought.


    Yep. They could use the mire sword as a template and make a bow version.

  6. The auction house won't solve some problems and this is not true who does not want auction houses are want to keep the prices high.


    See the pros and cons what can give an AH then try to balance it.


    The current trade system is bad as hell, because have some scrubs who selling their wares for incredibly high prices others ask much less and that also crap because they are exploited. There is somewhere a price list for goods but there is no calculation how hard to get a mod because all is just luck.


    For this reason an AH just makes the things worser because there will be cheaters again, whom put prices so high and others will just slightly lower the prices and vice verse and others won't be able put their wares to the AH and after all almost noone will use AH because the abnormal prices.


    Have a lot more pros for auction houses but the risk is higher to exploit than the current because you can decide will buy or sell things. On auction house if you put your wares for a fix price then you maybe won but you can also lose some of goods and a lot of platinum hunter will specialize theirself for auction.


    The credit trading would be a good idea if DE not selling credit for plat which ruining their business policy. also 500 cred = 1 plat and the current plat prices are just bad. Their profit comes from mainly the cosmetics and the unpatient peoples whom want everything so fast and not want to grind for goods.


    So this can clean the trade chat and it can speed up the trading process but also make higher risk to trade. 


    PS : I was the one who it's time disagree any trade in game because clearly seen it could ruin the game but the majority voted up.

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