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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. My opinion to add a workshop like feature and a 3d viewer program for the community to try to make contents and test their creativity is basicaly a good idea. I am not affraid for this doable or not because the last words on any content is the DE rights and before could the community vote up then the DC vote the most useful ideas. 


    If there is a fixed content category and restrictions what not be tolerated then peoples won't make 3 headed 5 boobed frames and naked pinguins.


    All is just the able/not able thingy others just the creative parts.


    In the workshop could be the following : Warframes (draws,concepts,3dmodels) , weapons (same) , sentinels/companions, map designs, abilities. 


    After these criterias just the right and well talented peoples could make enough good content which can fit into the game universe. The less talented peoples or whom just want do one part can cooperate with others and polishing future contents.


    Pros - creativity can really material, less work for the devs (they can spend more time to other contents/fixes), peoples can share their ideas.


    Cons - everything restricted in a way with option to regret.


    That's all feel free to continue.

  2. DNA stabilizers and degradation is just a stupid design idea. Btw the 30k credit farming is not so hard on dark sector, but that is an extra time wasting for relatively nothing. If the degradation is removed and the feeding progress just give more boost to them then it's okay to farm for luxury but if necessary to farm then I won't give a .... for them.


    PS: My playtime and fun more important.

  3. My suggestion is a simple thing maybe possible to implement it. Instead of using pre generated forum avatars we could use our avatars what have in game. The thing is could be simple in game need a portrait photo addon which focusing your face then you can capture some image with face poses.


    The system could work as like the clan emblem but you can save those images or disband them if you feel that's not the best photo and after 5 image you could pay 10 plat for those captured packs. 



    Pros - makes the forum avatars more living because make more personality and variations. "unlsess we can upload images from other sources"


    Cons - actually not a focused research and don't know this could be easily implemented.



    That's all feel free to discuss.

  4. Yesterday mine was broken but again okay and long before I saw this things again.


    Also I would like to suggest using in game self portraits instead of using the profile avatars. The in game avatars also could cost for a small fee 5-10 platinum each photo if you want to save and upload. This maybe can solve some issue and make the profile more personal.

  5. Nami solo is a machete though an in terms of just EB Jaw sword equals prisma skana, you also forgot the plasma sword (although it sucks due its 0.667 base attack speed.


    The nami solo should be a sword not a machete but the plasma sword directly forgotten because low in every measure. Slow attack speed, low crit/status and low "only" electricity damage without dealing any other. At moment that sword is a mastery fodder instead of main favorite.

  6. I just not checked the tact alert because almost all the same with pity rewards. The hard work not rewarded well and still waiting for the new reward system which hopefully make more sense to do anything. I am just hanging on my liset or relays not really motivated to grind for nothing.

  7. With the excall rework the rework wave's begun. There is almost the all frames on the list because they are all almost weaker on very high levels because of the scaling and they need some tweaks for be more useful on higher levels.

    My opinion is with this reworks and "balances" until they not change their philosophy of balances and instead making more higher hp/armor/shield each the tennos each the enemies they could make viable more build to change the mod system slightly turn the useless mods into useful and make a better more tactical AI. This game contains a lot rng but it's mostly the drops and stupid spawns inside you and the fun is only pure slaughtering atm without much meaning. They could change the environment and makes more random in game events like lights off, biohazard, time trials, some fixed reward and more traps.

    Before these things I feel any balance just makes a circles and sometimes the "balanced" frames/weapons turn into useless again. Simple they just not need to make much more op weapons and frames which turns the first generations useless. Maybe this affect their profit making because many peoples buying weapons and if those stuffs not so strong then they will flame everywhere.

    Hard to balance a game which basicaly made to unbalanced.

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