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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Every frame wihch have disadvantage but I am sure this will be solved mostly health-armor-shield buffs or adding some minor extra speed. Ember got her reworks and buffs don't know what she need more. Oberon got his buff and he is pretty viable now excall.


    Loki is maybe on the armor side because he is still very useful. Zephyr need only armor buff and maybe her first and second skill forge into one and given anoter. Don't have limbo but maybe some stat addition could help. Frost will be buffed so we see that how he will operate.


    Other mentions : Trinity (armor) improve her abilities, Nyx (armor/shield) psychic bolts rework, Volt, after they released volt prime the volt seems pretty underpowered compared to prime counter part so his skills need to be better to nearly match with prime. Hydroid, don't know him so maybe he need some extra. Banshee (armor-speed) and almost she is okay but maybe her ulti and first skill could be changed. Ash (armor/hp/shield) maybe speed and bladestorm.


    Correct me if I miss something else.

  2. Maybe the first few frames but almost all if they will buff for balance the others because now the excall got a special treatement and other frames now seems pretty low compared to him "excal". Nobody hear the banshee's song.

  3. One of the most annoying thing in this game and a lot people do it.


    The most problematic thing the lack of communication in game on public almost noone talk just go without any communication. Almost like you are doing solo but have 3 other uninvited quests. Sad thing you can only trust your mates but not always happen.

  4. As for damage mods - they already gave a legendary fusion core for players, that fused Steel Charge - now they can remove Serration, and give it's energy in Fusion cores, so players could fuse weapons directly instead. Or just have seperate slots for damage mods and fun ones, that could fix things


    The legendary core gift not solve the problem and not give your effort back.


    This system hardly can be changed because the devs fked up in the beginning now those mods removal makes more trouble and rage.

  5. Resistance mods should be integrated into the armor and the modding could be same like other mods depend on what enemy type against want you build your frame.


    Mods like warm coat and magazine wrap or ammo drum could be buffed to an acceptable level like +60+60% and warm coat could be gives you 75% resistance against cold + give some shield recharge etc. Then that mod could be alternative.


    Almost all mods with single stat should be better on it's job than a corrupted mods because the corrupted mod sacrifice the single stat for multiple. So as split chamber we have a mod which gives you multiple stats "triple" because +damage and status change and increase the chance to shot more in one shot. Then should have exist a mod which gives you simple damage and simple status but that better than split chamber for an example.


    Organ shatter could be better but overall all melee critical could be better for use. 


    magazine wrap could be given +60% magazine or 100% the corrupted counterpair less but gives other ability. This makes more balance and at least you can specialise more your weapon-frames.

  6. Removing core damage addition mods not the smartest way because many peoples use multiple and levelling up cost so much time and materials. Those mods should haven't been exist but if they are then we need other solutions to balance. The current mod system is broken as the before ones because they release really op and really bad mods and not balaning them at all. 


    Many times before suggested some changes like skill tree system but in the earliest time in this game the peoples experienced then said no thanks.


    My opinion is better to buff now the worse mods and keep on the level the op mods other mods could be nerfed others be buffed or add some skill trees. "specialization".


    With the current system of modding the problem is very dependent on slots what we have and dependent on mobs at high level and peoples never will sacrifice survivability for fancy mods like warm coat. This kill the variation and the skill based playing because you depend on your mods and if you mod your frame on the suggested way then you are "pro".

  7. Simply just go out with the premade build with a low ranked frame - skana - lato "if you not sold them" then your conclave rating and gear match with the requirements. I got 5 cronus just yesterday and made 27 runs. 

  8. A theory coming.


    Possibly with the Yin Yang frame's' now we given 2 separate frames if you like the idea now the first/second time we given genderswap option with these frames after the early ideas when this game was planned.


    Partly because after chroma the next frame would be female and secondly there is no in reality two gendered "person".

    Dependance on hormones and genetic what could be the newborn person.


    Other not confirmed fact is we are fleshy creation and clearly humans descendants. If you look at on hostage missions to the tenno "hostages" you can see they are humans just with the difference these guys doesn't wear fancy armors what we are using.


    In logical way there couldn't be possible to two person turn into one "genderless" because then that's kick a big on the lore and I need to think we are robots/androids or other mechas.


    Anima is the female version of the armor Animus the male variant. The third option their combination is "space magic" because there is no "logical" way how to intruduce that combination. Personally I would like to see them as different armors what you could use instead of all in one.


    This way makes more sense and not kicking any lore but ofcourse if they want they can rewrite everything.

  9. Annoying but in game have a lot annoying unit like mutalist moas and ancient combo. The butcher also annoying and the troll footsoldiers with their auto detect and door locking mechanism. The scorpions and prodmans also annoying but thise game made piss you off and make you anger and give a reason to kill those basterds. If they hug you and give you some flower and acting like cute persons then nobody wish to kill them.


    This game have more annoying things than the mobs.

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