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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Not a bad idea but I have an easier solution. Just give 1/10 xp after you maxed your stuff to the mastery level because when you max a weapon you earn 3000 mr points and that's all. After you reach this literally you can throw out your weapons or build more copies from your beloved stuff and you need to do this boring procedure again and again. 


    After you reach the max 30 level you could given xp for using a weapon with the logic a master never be master because learn until the death so you can still given xp just less than the first 30 level and this is the point : You aren't forced to change too often your weapons if you don't want so slowly you can achieve the same progress like you just change your weapon and rank a new.


    This able to you to play for fun your games without the needs to change your stuff so often which causes in the end a huge grind after you grind everything you will grind more then realise nothing left and rage out.


    With this option the play could be more fun and your weapons and frames not only experience fodders anymore : Feel free Fun.

  2. Casual basicly mean try to be equal for fun with peoples who put more effort than you just to feel you aren't less than that guy who working hard on the progress.


    There is nothing wrong with casual peoples because the reading, playing video games, watch tv is all a thing which different a bit from the real life and you can feel free to waste your times on other duties.


    The illusion you are using your time more useful and feel some happyness and don't feel what you feel often in real life that you should work hard for efforts.


    Peoples often misunderstand the things and often think the game quality drop because the devs made the game more fun orient and workless. Hard try players always looking the possibilities and they are always try different ways to reach the same and have some other category like stat hunters whom want their stats to be maxed because they want achieve that and again others feel gaming is a work. (depend on view) if you are game dev then you see the possibilities and learning in games if you think you are just a player then you looking for the fun.


    Good and bad players have in each game but this is a very subjective thing who is the bad or who is doing different things than you for achieve his/her missions. In early levels if you see a player on survival mission activating the o2 capsules that could be mean they are newbies but equal could be trolls whom had fun on your pain.


    Casual players mostly looking for the fun and they doesn't want more than this so they aren't the guys whom playing arcade/logic/puzzle/adventure/point&click etc games. They like the easy games which not complicate the things and easy to understand.


    Just some thought.

  3. I don't know this because I am not did any syndicate mission today and the regular missions also not gave me any standings but before patches it does.

                    (I played 3 missions today)


    I am not forgot to wear my sigils so I don't know it's a bug or not. 

  4. Like the dual/simple heat swords. Those weapons deal physical damage and on addition some fire procs when jump attack and almost the same with mire but that basicaly can deal toxic damage.


    The other which not strength this rule is the beloved plasma sword. That weapon clearly physical and could deal some small physical amount of damage but only deal electric and with c.rap status proc.


    Other way that weapon is slow so it's literally a garbage that made for levelling but nobody will use it.


    Fang and fang primes should deal more slash damage because those daggers could slash and pierce too (not only just by their shape) if not does any impact then it's right it's not the daggers role.


    Aegis and silva as you said need some phyiscal damage.


    I also forgot the karyst - guys pls give some physical damage and increase sligthly that status.

  5. I am not agree the degradation of weapons because a lot of time to build one and the fact you can pay for it with real life money this makes so absurd the idea because then we have a game which called "War-Z frame what do you doing?" Buy a pack one shot and you lost everything.


    The degradation of weapons could work if we can repair them by the time.


    Also the Kubrows should't be degraded because this game is not a tamagochi and most of us just want to had fun with kubrows instead of keep them alive at any cost.

  6. This game means mostly this there is no need too much skill only use the repetitive tactics because of low variety of mobs and weak AI. If you looking for skill based games maybe not the warframe will be your choice.


    I have other definitions .


    Chat barbarians - they are whom cannot speak or speak their native language only "russians often".


    Tube Assasins - those guys like to camp in tubes and pipes /mostly in earth/ and killing every infested whom ambushing the tubes.


    Runners - whom for fast rewards run through the map and doesn't loot or searching any loot.


    Looters - whom opening every lockers and destroy every chest.


    PVP monkeys - those whom live in conclave and trolling others with their rushing tactics.


    Fast hands - everyone almost whom can push fast the attack button and spam the melee.


    Glitchers - those peoples whom hunting for glitches or testing the tilesets for bugs only for their pleasure.


    Now this all I think.

  7. Are you talking of a Rainbow Six-like command system (that's my reference for NPC control) ?


    For syndicate missions, this would be a bit tricky, since 4 players would control 2 NPCs.

    For spectres, there is but one problem : if you summon, let's say, a lancer and a warframe spectre. How would you control them separately ?


    Like in E.Y.E divine cibermancy where you can use a summoning function then your mirrored summonings could be separately command and only you just need to turn onto the target npc. That system worked well on E.Y.E but the ai was garbage and often shotted back by your mates.

  8. Or just add a passive/neutral/agressive behavior function. The passive just follow you and stay behind u and doesn't attack the enemy. The neutral also same but the bots can assist you and the agressive could be the (go my sons go die) function. 


    Other option is the summoning option if i want them on a mission then i can choose to summon them or not.


    A simple stay and follow not solve the problems but for beginning not bad.

  9. With mastery level could come some plus extra slot by rank +1/+2 and also weapon slots but mostly would be nice if the weapons what they released actualy categorized and the prime weapons nor be rank 0 to wear. That's why prime a prime stuff that need more practice and more effort to obtain and use it. Sometimes the weapon rankings made me smile because it seems they clearly not know what they doing just do something.

  10. This game not really use the potential. The rewarding system itself not a good point because the game without a reward is a dead horse. Pvp need in this game to keep peoples play because that is an ultimate fun if you can competite with others who have "brainz" instead shoting stupid mobs whom not smarter by the time only their hp increase and aims.


    The most problem with this game "personal opinion" is the devs doesn't know any direction to go then they do everything with more-less success. The mod system itself just give you the possibilities to mod your stuff and weapons but in the begin they made more stronger and more useless mods so the choice of choosing is dead almost at open beta. They dozered the skill tree because they felt that not give enough sense to keep it cuz peoples not roleplaying here.


    The mastery rank is just give you more trade choice and extractor and after a needed level nothing. Prime gears just shiny looks and give less more advantage than normal counterparts except the newest volt prime which is unfair to volt because everything better on it than the normal volt so you can trash if you need a slot.


    Weapons and mods not balanced well neither pvp neither pve after a level. No random events and happens and almost all mission is the same boredom with different loot and rewards in the end. The lore is just only what the forum title say and almost nothing. No have direction for an end game but it's acceptable in the point it is a mmo game and constantly improving "given more content" so they cannot finish the line with a end story tale.


    Performance issues almost from the beginning and they doesn't will to change their ideas about performance and they are always bandaid the actual content instead they revise from the roots them so the contents instabilty is guaranted.


    Drop tables not problems in this game really because the rng is their stuff for motivate peoples to buy content if you have strong will and patience you can farm everything but there is no fix loots or rarely.


    For me most annoying when cannot save my progress and crash the game at a 2 hour long survival and you can say bye bye to those stuffs what you worked hard.


    Overall this game is a mediocre shooter with cool design but not more than this.

  11. 1. Less grind

    2. Meanings why we grind why we need better and better weapon instead grind. aka (lore) and direction.

    3. Better AI

    4. Better engine

    5. Devs whom willing to listen sometimes and accept peoples feedback and constructive ideas.


    Edit: This isn't but at least real.


    Part2_ : The game not difficult just sometimes the rng make annoying situations which piss you off.

  12. Nope because this game is playable only online and there is always have changes sometimes good sometimes bad and always will be peoples whom will complain about stuffs what they doesn't like. This is the feedback process and if peoples not complain of write feedbacks then a lot of bugs stay in game and peoples will complain about bugs.


    I am complaining mostly on the mod system, gender swaps idea, fan concepts, performance and grinding. 

  13. I don't like the current way of trading and the trading chat is bugged often (at least for me), but an auction house would mean in game the mod trading forced to be platinum only and peoples whom just have mods will be kicked out from the trading process until they sell mods for plat.


    But as I saw the entire game developement I am afraid they will ruin it totally.


    Every game where I played and had auction houses always were doomed by horrific pricing and dealers. Too many exploitation there so I am disagree but I won't stop peoples whom agree with it.

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