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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. I think that if those nodes more rewardous than just go and open then left them alone forever (like dojo's) then this starchart reduction wouldn't be real needs.


    This is for me just some time wasting for making a system which wouldn't make any miracle and just make these things more complicated than solving real problems. Tiles and rooms could be made slowly by the time or make possible to make maps for dc or everyone who feel the needs to make different looks maps for every nodes then those looks more unique and also could contain sometimes random loot which makes more worth to run a map.


    Same with the drops and lockers almost noone opening them just he newbies because the reward low but more important than looting and hope there is a real needed stuff. More secret room and more loot could make the simple missions playable if the result worth to try.


    With the random rotating stuff my problem mostly is if in a rotation come a map/game type what I don't like then I skip it and maybe I will skip full days because there is nothing what I wanted.

    Removing a freedom/option is always bad and we should control what we are doing.

  2. Just nonsense. These stuffs with needs a weapon just time stoling things. With this logic the aklato should use lato to making it and almost all weapons need a pre weapon as template to make them. This just takes more material which mean more grind then you should level max those stuff what these weapons need unless you have enough mastery level if not then you need to waste time also to levelling those weapons. 


    If the weapon worth enough and far more advanced than we had before then this procedure not worthless but with this or example like the akjagara then this just a huge waste.


    With this power every weapon need parts like prime weapons to make them.

  3. I think that about this now better to wait what will happen but I hope they doesn't delete the old system permanently if their new not work well. The more rng makes the game more interesting because nobody can calcul what will happening and what stuff you get finaly in the end but the other point whit this if nobody can get what really wanted then dozens will left this ship because of the frustration.


    I am sure DE won't fix things with the new star chart enough to just look around on the mod system or look at the warframe/weapon slots. They doesn't like variation and they always use bandaid on bad systems and they called their fault as a powercreep then they again recreate that power creep with other ways then the work begin again.


    I played their latest games also and Clearly they doesn't learn their faults and recreate always the same problems so maybe they need to freshing up their team with new faces.


    I don't want complain and blaming I just said an opinion and a fact which is true from a 2-3 years ago. There is a lot to do and now they touching a system which not the best but not the worst in this game instead of make those missions more interesting they remove again a variation. With that sentence : "The random will do it better than me"


    Yes the random will do better than them but at least they can say they aren't control the events and they will sit and watch the show.

  4. The problem there is needing to know what is "utility" and what is "other/free"


    I'd assume that the augment parts is the same as what I have suggested, if not, enlighten me


    The reason that I wouldn't touch corrupted mod stats is because it can break some current builds. Though balancing them would be nice, some would see it as a nerf, which leads to rage, which I am preventing


    Yes. The utility and other mods are could be differentiate mods a, which gives boost on your stats like the sprint,stamina,hp,shields etc. b, other mods which still utilities but give indirect boost or different "ability" for example the master thief which gives you chance to open lock.


    Resistance and other "now" useless mods could be integrated into the frame/armor statistic and turn into changeable stats like hp/shield mods. Same with the armor boost mod which just gives a concrete unit boost but not really touch the mechanic of work.


    Yes the augmental is the same what you wrote with only difference I categorized the continuity/strength and the distance/consumption but exactly the same. This not mean you cannot use augments for one ability so for example you can use mag pull ability augments to boost your pulling.


    The third layer is the focusing which still not implemented just in the past few streams the devs said they are working on it.

    For this layer I wish to boost one of those abilities much more than normal boost. Still not finalized what it should be in reality because my first idea was we could use those mods like : streamline,intensify,continuity,strech as focusing mods and these mods could be free from the base build but then you can use only 2 of those and not all of them. This trying to balance the builds and "force" the players to choose wisely what abilities which boosts needs mostly and then peoples could use them.


    But this is just an idea how could be the focus implement there and not a finalized thing.



    About the corrupted mods and normal boost mods the differences are high some of corrupted worse than the normal counterparts others are much better than normals and those mods obsolete the less useful mods. 


    There is still some damage mods for example which could be better like the damage type mods which gives only 30% extra but for example a buzzkill 120%. Different weapon categories but clearly seen these mods aren't competitive and need some change. I am not a fan of nerfs but maybe some needs of the rainbow mods or just boost the normal mods to a level where the players could consider to use them.

    I am also not a fan of the removing the clear damage mods and multishot mods "which mods are a little bit cheats" in my opinion because give dual stats and in the end you can shot much more. The removal will be again a compensating wave and cryloads on forums so better not to touch them but the unused or lowly used mods really deserve much love.


    Same with the resistance mods which clearly useless because there is no frame specific resistance and statistic how we are resilient against a damage type. Same with the armor which not shown to us how we resistant against the 3 physical damage types and not shown how reduce those mods the damage.


    Then have some status giving mods which are jokes because those mods aren't fix status addition mods just boost only in percent the base status. Those mods should be given 100/120% status and still not really populat because a lot of weapons have laughably low status but at least a right direction and not fusing mod.


    Those mods like warm coat, handspring, etc could be useful mods with a direct ability boost or given a different thing than have now. 


    These mods needs a look already because there is a lot of mods right now and almost all newly created mod somehow better than the last mods and this kill the variations just.


    Some peoples suggested the utility mods transform into stat or a skilltree stat bonus. There is a lot of ideas how those stuffs could be used but still not the main focused things.

  5. I can agree with your statement the scythes need more care and need more weapon in this category. There is some other weapons which need also much more love but it seems the devs not often change the old contents unless that not bugged when a new update coming.

  6.        [x]               - aura

    [x][x][x][x][x]     - mods (utility only)

    [x][x][x][x][x]     - mods (other / free)

       I          I

    [x][x]   [x][x]     - (augments) - for 4 abilities one

       I          I

      [x]       [x]      - (focus mods) / abilities - for 2 skill what you focus on


    For this term need some corrupted mod reduced and utility mods buffed and not make power creep only improve the variations of a build.

  7. The mod paid idea not bad but the modders cannot guarante the mod quality or the compatibility issues if a game updated. The idea basicly is not bad because the modders often can do same quality and same long hour works on games and they doesn't given a cent for their work and with this option at least the modders also should have been given some minor fee.


    The donation system also not bad but I can imagine how many peoples will give any fee for mods. The reality is the peoples doesn't want pay for things and want everything freely. This game also a good example for this and a lot of ftp games do this but the bait is the free and you pay more than a monthly fee system but the peoples hate the word : PAY so that's why they choose ftp games.


    As for mmog games the sub fee system and ftp with moderations could work only the buy once is impossible if the developers want support and money for their work. There is no any guarantee for keeping the servers running if there is no a continous money source and the ftp games use this recipes but with the logic you pay for stuffs a relatively high price and that keep the devs alive.


    In WF this pricing is horribly so I think that the slots/cosmetic stuffs the continous money sources because only the impatient peoples buy weapons/frames from the shop whom cannot wait/grind for it.


    This option to grind is halfly good halfly bad option because the grind can overrun the fun factor and in the end you doesn't enjoy your works fruits because there is always another/better stuff for grind.



    PS: back to the donation is a little bit sounds like support the beggars and put 1 cent to the hat. Further thougth there is no way to be useful because really really less peoples will give any donation unless you aren't a millionare who like to helping peoples.


    I am also modder but I am still learning the basics but I think that if a person good enough as a modder for later become a game dev it could be a good jump point if he/she can sell it's works. I still doing for hobby and for make the game better.


    So who like Kohan2?

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