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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. My opinion is this game was done when they released the closed/open beta stage and this game constantly could improve because this is an mmo title so it should be constant grow to keep it's playerbase.


    If the devs can fix some old issue, includes bugs, bad mechanics if they could lower the grind factor, then this game could live long at last long like wow. A game always can live enough if their devs and playerbase care enough to keeping the game alive like runescape, that game is a good example how long can a game grow and live and not seems any harm to happen in other ways.


    This game could be turn a mobalike/pokemon/collecting game which includes fun in traces to killing mobs. I don't want to be negative but not seems this game want to jump too high and change some old bad mechanic which ruin the gameplay. They need also generate money somehow so they cannot just jump into a big project and redo all what they already done and their business mans also don't want change their policy until the game prosper enough.    

  2. Dear Devs!


    I have some questions but the peoples collected a lot before me so just few.


    Q: When you guys will check the AI section instead of buffing enemy hp/armor/damage and overall when you will revisit the scaling?


    Q: Do you have any plans to making a "warframe" workshop like segment for concept arts and 3d artists whom wish to show their creations?


    Q: Any tile making options for players in the farest future?


    Q: When the core mechanic issues will be fixed? In this point I mean some ragdoll, dies in dojo, stucks, enemy "miraclous" detection, real stealth play, mission bugs.


    Q: When you guys will revisit the old content weapons and racionalize their stats? Like daggers, shotties, snipers, some primary and secondary which outclassed by newest creations?


    Q: Do you have guys any plan to making the unused mods to be useful by merge them into one or buff their stats and give some minor extra to them? For example the specific damage mods could be buffed back to 60% and the racial damage mods could be given extra status or something to be used. Warm coat and the followers of the nights should be exist in a different form because those mods makes me sad. Pls (At least need some suggestion how to remake these mods)


    Q: When you guys will give us more slots or back the 10 mods on warframes? Primaries and secondaries should be given the same and auras on because these stuffs not less specific than melee.


    Q: Any consideration to change the broken in game systems and not not making new until these not fixed somehow?


    Q: When the sentinels will given their new skins, weapons, and when there will be new ones? These little guys outdated by kubrows and now the catbrows when they are coming. The sentinel users would like to choose from a good amount of sentinel arsenal.


    Q: When some low armored frame will given better armor stats and when you consider to implement the unused resistance mods into the armor?

    (This could be some extra stat and damage reduction table)


    Q: When the dojo's given new rooms to use and when we given option to fill the "ghost" dojos with npc's like in relay?


    Q: Any news about the proxy wars, quests, Community made quests and the liset extension?


    I think now that's all thanks for reading.

  3. I want trin to look like a complete lobster not just lobster tail


    I would like to see too but I would like mostly a complete (full) costumization option if you want to keep a part you can if not you can change the "extras".


    Also I can imagine a really nice mantis shrimp armor on trin. 

  4. All 15 armored frames should given more armor at least 50. Those minor survivability addition not ruin anything and just saying the oberon (YES ME) and ember got her armor and stat buffs and they are fine now. Also nyx could have be 65 armor because she is  counterpair of excall and they are the same design. There is no reason also that volt have just only 15 armor when he looks more armored than mag for an example. 


    This not mean this will improve the popularity but improve the survivability and that's need any time.

  5. That's not the peoples fault they could use their frames abilities. A delay or anything could help a little to prevent spamming issues but overall the game is still broken in any way.


    It could be very frustrating if you see nukers, runners, looters, afkers and all kind of players but this game made for short funs and still not same enjoying for everyone. I had some round where I just loot stuffs and killed the last remaining mobs while others clearing rooms beyond me.


    On higher levels almost all abilities useless because the mobs insanely high stats. The way to motivate players to play their game is if they could add more delay/challange and situation where you should choose wisely when do you will use your abilities and how.

  6. Oberon is by far balanced and his armor is okay. After buffs I don't think why peoples complain about his armor.


    Whom needs armor is the nyx up to excal level and banshee/trinity/volt those frames have really low armor for no reason. 


    Ember got her armor buff and stat buffs so she is now enough good. 


    *cough* Vauban the next prime *cough*

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