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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. Even with Helios at my side, it's just an irritation to have to stay my blade so he can scan something. Whether I do it or whether he does it, scanning is slow and cumbersome and of little benefit to anyone.


    Why would players want to fill up the Codex? What draw is there? By the time they finish filling it up, they'll likely have everything anyway. The Eximus types are the most glaring example of this--I think I can guess what three items drop from every single Eximus; that loot table wouldn't exactly be shrouded in mystery after the third or fourth discovery of "oh! It drops Oberon parts!"


    If we must have scans, they should come from kills. It's an activity players will be engaging in regardless, rather than a side task that must be performed solo--both because nobody else wants to wait around for you to see if that's one of the Eximus types you need, and because you might have to run on Solo for Helios to work reliably anyway.

  2. Adding T4 keys only delays the inevitable.

    "Going wide" on Void mission types like Glen suggested on the livestream also only delays it, but presumably by a bit more.

    What we really need is a load of the older stuff moved out of the Void and into somewhere else, like the Starmap itself.


    Little reason for players to go back to a particular level? Stick a single Void part in that level as a low-chance reward, and suddenly all the development time, resources and money used to create that tileset and its enemies don't feel as wasted.

  3. I'd like to see the sequence of events being worked into the starmap. For example, the Grineer Informer content--or at least a "destroy 100" challenge--could be something for Mercury and used as the reason Vor found our cryopod in the first place (Granted, this won't work once Vor's Prize comes out...).


    Then on Venus, we're there partially to take down the new Fusion MOAs the Corpus are rolling out.


    I tried working it all out one day--certain events needed to get shifted ahead of other ones, like the Cicero Crisis, for it to work without us doubling back on ourselves, but it could work. It even helps to seed in the Void stuff--Vor does have a Void Key, after all...

  4. Looks like T4 keys are almost certain.

    That's unfortunate, as that's only going to delay the inevitable.


    Edit: I did some basic maths. There's 239 nodes on the Starmap according to the in-game stats, and how many of those nodes have any specific incentive to be replayed?


    Hardly any. Sure there's favourites like Mimas, Kappa and Sechura and the Rescue levels give out Specter blueprints, but my idea helps put other players back into those other unloved nodes.

  5. Except he said "older" prime parts. So, for example, Latron, Boar, Fang, Orthos, Braton...


    This would be nice...but I think I would rather them be in the Orokin lab in the Dojo. Maybe have to upgrade the Orokin lab or something to be able to start researching.


    Thing is, doing that would flood the Orokin Lab with God only knows how many items.

    Some of the parts might find their way into there, though.


    Also, Warframe parts don't all need to come from a boss--each of the four pieces needed for a frame could come from a different level too.

  6. If trading for exclusives ever happens, I have plans to offer a formaing and relevelling service for them.

    All I need to do is find someone willing to trust me with one of their precious items, build up a reputation for being trustworthy...


    ...oh, and get enough stuff considered good enough to use as collateral.

  7. Two problems, one solution: move many of the older items from the Void and Derelict to the starmap.


    This helps repopulate the starmap as people head out in search of Prime parts, and helps fix drop table bloat as there aren't as many items cluttering up existing content.


    This way there's no need for T4 keys (which in turn would also clutter up loot tables), and T3 Void-level content can be retuned to be more difficult so as to better appease the players who want to challenge themselves.


    And as the starmap increases in size, so too does the range of levels the developers have access to for spreading out the Prime parts. This *also* helps break up some of the monotony encountered in running the same missions with the same tilesets again and again.

  8. Not as happy with this one as I was about the other one; the lines didn't really give me as much leeway this time around.


    Also, though I think the timing should be at least passable, it's half past one in the morning so I can't justify having music on for the next twenty minutes or so. :P


    Tenno No. 5


    Ladies and gentlemen

    This is Tenno No. 5!


    One, two, three, four, five

    Everybody in the ship, so come on let's ride

    To the mission hub around the corner

    The boys say they want some nerfs and buffs

    But I really don't wanna

    Freak out, like I did last week

    I must stay deep, 'cause Bless was cheap

    I like Trinity, Saryn, Zephyr and Nova

    And as I levelled up I'd even used the Prova

    So what can I do? I really beg you, Darvo

    To me formaing is the way to go

    Potatoes too, they're all good let me buy some

    But please just discount them


    A little bit of Trinity's Blessing spam

    A little bit of Valkyr's Warcry can

    Increase all the damage that Mag does

    And keep Zephyr flying high above

    A little bit of Nova Priming rooms

    A little bit of Banshee's silent doom

    A little bit of Saryn and Ember too

    A little bit of Nyx controlling you


    Tenno No. 5!


    Super Jump up now, and slide it all around

    Banshee got a Quake of Sound

    Heavy Impact on the ground

    Wallrun to the left, and then to the right

    Sword in my hand and guns at my side

    Desecrate once, and Desecrate twice

    And if you get a second Brakk part you're doing it right


    A little bit of Trinity's Blessing spam

    A little bit of Valkyr's Warcry can

    Increase all the damage that Mag does

    And keep Zephyr flying high above

    A little bit of Nova Priming rooms

    A little bit of Banshee's silent doom

    A little bit of Saryn and Ember too

    A little bit of Nyx controlling you



    The discount!

    Tenno No. 5!

    (ha ha ha)


    A little bit of Trinity's Blessing spam

    A little bit of Valkyr's Warcry can

    Increase all the damage that Mag does

    And keep Zephyr flying high above

    A little bit of Nova Priming rooms

    A little bit of Banshee's silent doom

    A little bit of Saryn and Ember too

    A little bit of Nyx controlling you


    I do all I do

    To find the next OP frame, it's true

    You can't run and you can't fight

    Dread and Stug gonna ruin your night


    Tenno No. 5!

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