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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. They are not fine.

    1 - Most of then can't really hit 100% crit chance that easyly and have average crit multipliers. For a single target weapon it's bad, especially since bows get much higher crits and can hit red crit territory with a good riven. Even with a riven ,it's hard to break 100% crit chance.

    2 - Most of the snipers are slow to fire and slow to reload. Compare to bows which you don't have to reload and that get a 2X speed buff on speed mods... And it feels unfair.

    3 - They are not silenced, meaning unless you waste a mod slot to silence it, it will alert enemies and make future headshots harder... Once again, bows are silent, hence you're not wasting a mod slot for this.

    4 - They aren't that good at status either ,since they have meh base status and their low rate of fire make them bad at proccing multiple statuses.

    5 - Their combo counter is mostly too short to be really useful in most combat situations, some of them making harkonan scope mandatory to even use combos since the reload on these is too long.

    6 - Most of the snipers have terrible scoped sway when fully zoomed, making it even harder to hit a target far away (which is arguably the only real niche a sniper has since it's outclassed by bows at medium to somewhat long range anyway). And too much zoom when up close, making them essentially bad for both close and long range. Add the fact many snipers have bad looking / hard to read scopes, and you get precise aiming that's not precise and hard headshots to pull off.

    7 - Their base damage is not even all that great. It's not bad, but for a precision weapon supposed to oneshot, there are tons of other weapon types that deal more damage per shot, making all these drawbacks seem unfair.

  2. I do get the people that want the story of these events to be brought back to light, but you have to keep in mind the story of these quests is usually a couple inbox messages, maybe two or three short transmissions by the lotus or other NPCs during missions, and often these missions are stuff that's already in the starchart. The events with exotic gameplay usually end up being implemented in the game down the road, so are the rewards these events bring (asides from primed chamber, I guess).

  3. Sorry, but no.

    Most of the rewards from these events are avialable to new players nowadays... And heck, technically, most of the events do end up making it into the game eventually anyway. We do have stalker acolytes, razorback armadas , fomorian fleets, they even brought back the operation defective defectors back as a new game mode recently...

    I can understand why new players might feel like them missed out on some events, but guess what, they did ! They weren't arround at that time, and they miss something that happened in the universe.They can still google them on the wiki, watch videos, but the past is the past.

    Imho, bringing back event trivialises them. It would make events "uneventful" and kinda pointless. Plus most of these events were pretty grindy and tedious to do in the  first place... So yeah, don't bring them back.

    We do need more new events though. Old warframes had events pretty much with every update, nowadays we get only a couple a year

  4. 28 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    There's never been an incentive to play past the 2nd C rotation to my knowledge.

    The incentive was the fact that you used a single key per team, and you would milk the hell out of that key. If you used a key and left after five minutes , you had just "wasted" that key, in a sense, since you could have gotten 2 hours worth of rewards with the same key.

    As for the topic at hand, I do feel it's annoying that pretty much all of the new bosses are now essentially immortal for most of the fight and have small windows of opportunity to deal damage on them.

    - Vor spends most of the fight undamageable because he's in his energy bubble.

    - Tyl Regor Keeps vanishing away and switching phases.

    - Vay Hek keeps putting his invincibility mask on and flying away.

    - Kela keeps leaving the combat arena.

    - Sargas Ruk only takes damage when his hatches are open.

    - Razorback can only be shot after he's tackled by the burzas.

    - Lech Krill seems to only be damageable when he does his overhead ice smash attack which exposes his pipes.

    - Mutualist Alad V only takes damage when he's posessing other players.

    - Juggernaut only takes decent damage as he exposes his chest weak point.

    - Lephantis only takes damage when he opens his mouths for a couple miliseconds.

    Then again, when I see old style bosses like the Sergent, Phorid, The Jakals and even Ambulas after his rework... I do prefer the immortal phase approach to me oneshotting them with my tigris.



  5. Not true as long as you're willing to reroll them over and over, I got a nikana prime riven with 108% Melee Damage, 65% Status Chance and - Finisher DMG, plus a Lesion Riven with Dual Elements (Giving me Radiation) and Range... Giviing it great crowd control and even more dmg through Condition Overload.

    That said, I'm in the process of reroliling a Dragon Nikana riven. Kinda regret getting rid of my initial roll of crit chance + status, but I almost had a godly riven on my hands, with like 160% Increased DMG, 120% ish Slash Dmg, 120% chance of getting a crit while sliding and ... The dealbreaker -crit multiplier, which turns the crit multiplier to .2

  6. Yeah, the way riven are awarded sucks.

    The % of chance to get a riven is somewhat low, meaning you keep getting endo , statues, lenses and other stuff you don't need over and over.

    And when you do get a riven, now that there's rivens for Primary/Secondary/Shotguns/Melee, you get one chance out of like 300+ to get the riven you want for the weapon you want...

    It's rng on top of rng on top of rng on top of rng.

    RNG to get a riven and not another worthless prise.

    RNG that said riven is for a weapon type you care about (Like I really want melee rivens, yet I never get any)

    RNG dictates what annoying task you have to do to unveil said riven.

    RNG select one weapon out of hundred of weapons, and most of the time it's a weapon that sucks/that you don't care about/a sentinel riven/ a duplicate riven.

    Even if you do get a riven for a weapon you care about , RNG usually gives it absolutely terrible initial rolls, forcing you to reroll it 10-30 times to get the rolls you wanted.

    They need to separate Primary/Secondary/Melee/Shotgun and give them as rewards for different tasks, or to allow players to choose at least the category of riven they want when they roll a riven. They should do the same for lens to"... Like "Choose which type of lens you want :Madurai/Zenurik/etc". Plus they need tu increase the %chance of getting rivens while possibly lowering the reroll cost or making kuva less tedious to farm.


  7. Why is rotation c still a thing ? Especially since 95 percent of the a b c drops are insulting garbage that makes the player angry. I was already kinda burned out of that gamemode after operation defective detector... Now I just hate it with a passion.


  8. This is going to be fun. Work all week... Usually downloads do not auto start from rest mode on my ps4 for some reason... So it means I'll get off work Monday and have to redownload 19 gigs on my bad 6mbps ISP... Should be done like Wednesday .... Well at least I can Play destiny this weekend (eww tho).

  9. Sound Quake banshees are pretty much only seen in defense XP farms, and they usually can't keep their ult up for more than a round before requring an energy refill. While I'll admit it kinda sucks not seeing anything spawn and then having the "wave cleared" message appear, I don't feel it's a huge issue unless it's sustained by let's say a trinity. Maybe DE could make sure that the interaction with energy restoring frames is lessened, and maybe ensure that max range sound quake does not lock down enemies out of sight/range. as I do feel that the range might be the biggest issue, as it can lockdown whole maps and make sure enemies don't even move out from their spawn points. That said, it's still a pretty niche build an I don't see it used enough to find it really annoying.

    Limbo is pretty annoying if you get a max range asshat that basically locks down a whole room and makes all your firearms useless. I had a couple of Akkad games where I was leveling a single gun and had no melee weapons on... So I was pretty much borked. The visuals are kinda terrible, plus his whole banish mechanic always irked me , and still does. There's someting utterly frustrating when you see a whole team actually unable to kill enemies because some limbo decided to be funny. Old limbo was annoying , but nobody was using him... But new limbo is annoying and you see alot of people using him because he's new and he's a better frame than before.

    Ember is also pretty annoying with her world on fire. Yes, it doesn't scale well in very lategame, but it's still extremely OP and broken, killing enemies with zero effort while on the move. People used to complain about Ash's bladestorm, but it was limited to 18 enemies, took a long time to kill said enemies and forced ash to stand static for like 15 seconds each cast.... Meanwhile Ember is free to basically run the whole map watching every enemies dying around her and vacuuming neatly packed energy balls and mods while everyone else attempts to shoot enemies before they spontaneously burst in fire.

    That said I'm mostly against nerfs in this game... I feel like lately everything I enjoy gets nerfed to hell, so while these three combinations are not something I use, I would rather them not destroy yet another bunch of cool builds.

  10. Definitively pretty scamtastic in it's current form... You are basically forcing vets to spend 20 bucks on a digital ticket out of fear they will miss out on something exclusive and great. It's especially scammy when you realize they actually will stop selling the tickets right before Tennocon, meaning you can't just wait for the tennocon Baro to drop, see he's full of cool items, then spend money to get access to the gear yourself... It's a "pay upfront, hopefully you won't be dissapointed" type of deal, which I hate.

    Honestly, only salt can come out of this...

    If it's a regular baro visit with the usual items, people that paid 20 bucks will be pissed. It's it's a special baro filled with exclusive items, everyone that didn't pay will be pissed (Especially if it's mastery rank stuff like exclusive guns).


    SO YEAH DE, at the very least try fix and give us the following info.


    A - Will baro bring new, exclusive stuff ?

    B - If he brings new stuff, will it eventually be avialable trough regular Baro ? Perhaps early access to a prime mod or something that will come later for everyone ?

    C - If he brings exclusive stuff, what type of excusive item will it be (Prime mod, cosmetics, unique weapon, new frame like Umbra, De_Steve Noggle??).  Doesn't have to say the exact item, but at the very least people should know what to expect (Ex : 1 new time-exclusive prime mod, two new exclusive cosmetic armor pieces and one ship decoration , for example).

    D - Otherwise, just make it so that you can purchase the Digital Access ticket during tennocon. It's a virtual ticket of unlimited quantities, just make it accessible to anyone that decides it's worth it once tennocon starts.





  11. I'm pissed about snipetron too... It's litterally the only weapon I'm missing on my PS4 account (well , if you ignore the beta guns and the founder stuff we never got on said platform).

    The argument that it's not lore friendly is bogus, especially in a game where you can get a "Snipetron Vandal"... In a game where Valkyr gets a prime, where Helios gets a prime, it seems like the lore is only enfoced when DE feels like it. Heck, the could probably just change the bullet sound and vfx so it feels like energy shots and perhaps slightly upgrade the Lanka model so it gets it's own unique look.

    I checked and on PS4. the Snipetron was avialable for less than 3 days since release, if you weren't logged in during these days, you had no chance of getting it... This makes said gun the rarest weapon in warframe by far.

    Machete should be added back to alert rotations, or purchasable for 15k credits in the market or something.


  12. Kinda agree, a prime sword this has been vaulted should at the very least be better than the free broken war given as a quest reward to everyone, or else it doesn't really serve a purpose asides from being a mastery fodder weapon.

    As for the Nikana Prime, well, it's it's own thing ,it's own prime, and it imho makes sense for it to have more damage than Dakra. That said, it kinda sucks that Nikana prime is outclassed by stuff like Galatine imho... And I wish Nikana Prime would get a slight dmg buff to compensate.

    And maybe it's me being a Katana fanboy, but to me the Nikana Should be the best melee weapon in the game, period... Personally I would love it if DE would release a special version of the Nikana that's given only to max MR level players and that deals the highest damage of all swords... Plus they would make so that if you need to be max MR to use it even after unlocking and leveling it to the max. Ideally it should be a special Dual Nikana setup, where pressing the alt fire switches from dual swords to single sword mode.

  13. The oro decoration is sweet, but having to suffer trough PVP to get it is not xd.

    Seriously, i'm a huge fan of the nikana, but this feels like I'm wielding a gimped version with only two ankward attacks and that moves too slow for the movement speed of this game... Granted , maybe i'm just used to my prime fury/berserker/arcane strike builds, but it feels like I'm wielding a club, not a katana. Hikou is better, but alot of the maps are long range maps where hikou is not really well suited for them.

    Spent the whole event praying to get top three just so I could get on with this as fast as possible, and I contemplated going afk or perhaps rigging a bogus game with clanmates just to avoid the tedium...

    So yeah, really don't enjoy PVP in this game.

  14. The victory tier numbers were too high overall, with only a handful of clans on all platforms able to reach the milestone. I mean there's probably less than 25 clans per platform that will have gotten the prebuilt ignis reward out of thousands of clans. It's the same problem as with hema, DE looks at clans as "active" when in fact, à huge portion of any clan is mostly inactive and not willing to put the effort. This is especially true for bigger clans , as an individual person has very little control and power to influence the score. In a 100 player clan, it's still possible for a small amount of player to get insanely good scores and clear half of the points needed by themselves, leaving an attainable milestone for the rest of the clan.. But good luck getting the same situation in a bigger clan.

    In this event, getting the gold trohpy was way too easy, making it essentially meaningless. Getting the blueprint was extremely easy, making it so that most people didn't care about the prebuilt ignis cause they are getting one anyway,  it's basically tons of effort for a catalyst and weapon slot. Getting the reaserch was imho easy for a half dedicated clan, since most clans are filled with inactives and it's easy to reach top 10% in the current landscape of inactive clans in warframe.

    That said, I disagree with the fact that Console players are less dedicated and should have lower numbers that pc. Dedication is not measured by platform ownership, and it's important to clan leaders to do a cleanup and kick inactives every now and then, recruiting active players to fil in the gaps. A strong clan needs strong, focused players, regardless of platform.

    I have both a PC and PS4 account. My PC clan is much bigger, yet we never got hema and we didn't even push to get the prebuilt ignis. Bare minimum effort was put , and we still got most of the milestones.

    On the other hand , my PS4 account had hema done the day it was released, we got our prebuilt ignis yesterday and we've been in the top 15 clans of our tier for the whole operation... And I don't feel like our clan is the most active there is. Our clan chat is often deserted, I never seem much people in dojos or playing together normally, but when an event comes, we all band together , with the vets helping newer players getting high score and such.


  15. My team had a similar bug just now...

    We were playing, then I got a random "host migration", only to load into the same map but with no teammates. Meanwhile my teammates continued to play and finished the operation, and only a handful of the clanmate's scores were registered. Thankfully it didn't happen at like 500 rescue targets, but still , annoying.

    Not sure if the host migration caused the issue, or something else, but still, sucks.



  16. Just get her in game for free. Had her "cooking" in my foundry the day she was released, it's not that hard to grab the relics and farm her yourself. In the worse case scenario, buy a couple of missing set pieces for good plat deals on trade chat... It'll be much cheaper than buying prime access.

  17. I'm on the fence on rivens.

    Good - They do increase the amount of weapons you can use in endgame content, while also allowing you to custom tailor your favorite weapons to your liking. That said, actually balancing weapons so that no crap tier weapons existed would have been a better solution to this problem imho. The fact we need randomised "band aid" mods to fix most weapons and make them usable is a little sad.

    Bad - Completing sorties to get them is tedious , getting endo and lenses every day for weeks. When you do get a riven, chances are it will be for a terrible weapon you hate, meaning you'll need to buy overpriced rivens for inflated plat costs from trade chat (want a tigris prime riven, enjoy paying like 1000p for it) . Once you get your shiny new riven ,you have to do alot of tedious kuva farming, then alot of re-leveling the same weapon over and over to fit in all the expensive mods...

    Speaking of expenses, Rivens are a huge plat sink... They cost alot to purchase from trade chat, many people buy boosters to make kuva farming less tedious, then you have to buy riven slots, you'll probably need to have more weapon inventory slots too , since you'll be keeping weapons that were previously considered mastery fodder.

    The fact you require numerous formas will means most players quickly deplete their forma stock in a couple of months (I currently have 24 rivens, most of them requiring 2-3 formas to reach peak efficiency), and once the formas are depleted, chances are players start buying 3 forma packs, especially since they have a 24 hour built time. Also, you're putting way more catalysts on trash tier weapons due to riven, which in turns means buying more of these since the game doesn't give you enough catalysts in the first place trough alerts and invasions. All of these expenses add up to a huge plat sink overall. In the past, operating expenses were minimal, you would stock up on formas, catalysts and reactors, would delete alot of crap weapons to free their slots and would simply not invest any consumables on mastery fodder items.

    Finally, I think they widen the gap between new players and veterans, and also widens the gap between your favorite weapons and other mastery fodder. Cause when you have a riven for your favorite weapon and you deal absolutely insane damage, you'll be even less tempted to use crappy mastery weapons, especially if you don't own a riven for said weapon.

  18. I don't think the gameplay is well suited to an open world. This is a "short mission" type of game where you go from insertion to extraction as fast as possible using ninja mobility skills. The fact the game basically cobbles together maps by connecting pre-built rooms into a succession of parkour-enabled tilesets also works on it's advantage, since it preserves the illusion of playing new maps even though you keep seeing the same prebuilt rooms.

    Open world are basically the opposite, huge spaces you traverse somewhat slow and can take your time to explore. Open world tend to have static, non randomised structures. Open world tend to have landmarks with alot of filler space in between landmarks. Lastly, open world are usually open by nature (you need to be able to see from afar and plan the route to getting where you need to go) , leaving you little room for parkour, side paths and other similar things. Unless DE can create an open world that's filled with parkour opportunity, it'll be just be a bunch of tennos bullet jumping all over big spaces trying to get to the landmarks where they can do some actual mission stuff / do some real parkour.

    Also, honestly, quite a few of the maps currenty in warframe are kinda filled with map holes , stuck spots and other similar bugs the minute you drift off the main path... So i can only imagine the phenomenal amount of bugs that a fully open world game with parkour would have.... It's one thing making an open world where a guy walks slowly on the ground, but an open world with the mobility afforded by warframe..

  19. DE, you guys really need to take a hard look at your endgame, the absolutely terrible scaling that's currently in place in it , and realize that what we players use to handle such content, we use for a reason... Because it gets results and it works. In an endgame where enemies become ridiculous bullet sponge with so much armor to negate all damage and where you get oneshotted by everything, players navigate and find ways, techniques, loopholes to make builds works, to make these experiences viables, to actually be able to solo and survive hard content.

    So when I see you go all "we didn't know about something that was in the game for years", let's nerf it because a few people complained... I'm speechless... Especially when you propose nerfing every single elemental interaction with stealth multiplier... Who cares if it wasn't intended, it's been in the game for years, the whole endgame was structured around these mechanics, and now you want to take them out, even though they have been an integral part of so many frames, so many builds over the years... All this without fixing the underlying problems.

    We need proper endgame scaling for all factions. We need damage types with clear advantages and not a system where everyone uses the same elements... And you need to respect player builds and player niches. Changing this now without fixing the scaling, fixing all these problems and imbalances everyone's been complaining about for years, that's really a bad solution, period.

    You didn't even know about the issue, yet it's been the cornerstone of countless builds for like four years... And now, with no hindsight and reflection, you just want to "fix it " like that, not realizing the ripple effect.... It'll kill numerous builds, will render numerous elements absolutely useless, will make it dramatically harder to survive in endgame content, will basically kill most of the status based weapons, will render most status mods somewhat useless. All this because a few streamers showed that you can kill simulacrum enemies fast with a couple of specific, niche builds.

  20. After the hema situation, it's been pretty clear that DE was going in with clan stuff this year. It's been hinted at for months. You had more than ample time to get from an inactive clan to an active clan.

    As for the "I want to be in a clan with my friends"... Well, there's nothing keeping your AND your friends from leaving the current clan and joining the same new clan together. Staying on a sinking ship and whining about being wet makes no sense to me.

    Also, with the way the even is setup, even if your clan fails to acquire the ignis wraith, you're guaranteed in the future that the top tier of clans will have the reaserch unlocked in their dojo, meaning if you're unsatisfied by the inactivity after the event, just go to recruit chat and wait for a clan that got Ignis Wraith to invite you into their clan... Problem solved, you get your gun and you're guarateed a somewhat active clanbase in the process.

  21. Yeah, the fact rivens get random polarities really makes formas annoying, especially if you decide to sell said riven later down the road.. I mean for V rivens it's not usually a big deal, as most of they key mods have V polarities, and in the worse case scenario you can put in a dual stat elemental mod in place of your riven or something...

    With - riven mods you can sometimes make it work due to elemental mods , but D Rivens... Ugh... Especially on a weapon with already innate D or where you put a D to make Viral / Magnetic / Cold Corrosive.

  22. I see sentinels more as utility than damage dealers, although one can argue they can be modded to be a decent companion damage-wise (like my helios that oneshotted zanuka hunter while I was afk the other day).

    As for being forced to level up duplicate mods for sentinels , I'll admit it's tedious, and a huge credit and endo sink for newer players.... But arguably ,they can have all the "utility" features of sentinels by modding only the sentinel mods and leaving the weapon pretty much blank. In the worse case scenario,  just throw duplicate, almost non leveled elemental mods on your sentinel and it'll deal meh damage, but give you the impression it's actually helping ... Personally i often used stuff like my puncture / slash / impact mods I never use in my builds and other duplicate elemental and low level versions of serration/and so on. Also, when prime versions of mods are released, I often equip the non-prime on the sentinel...

  23. I totally agree it's extremely tedious to relevel the same weapon six times in a row because of the high mod costs of individual mod cards. Way more weapons should have innate polarities (although de can't really add polarities on existing weapons as they would break existing builds, but newer weapons should at least have 1 "decent" polarity by default (no D please, especially when you insist on putting it on the first slot , which breaks elemental combo variety).

    I think formas should allow you to reroll all existing polarities as you see fit and also add a new polarity. It kinda sucks that you have to reforma multiple times since they game evolves and new mods were introduced that change your builds.

    Rivens only made forma dependancy worse in that regards, as it requires quite a few formas to be able to accomodate a 18 mod energy riven + all the expensive, must own mods like Serration / Split Chamber and so on. The fact it takes 24 hours to build a forma, yet you can put like six formas per day if you're a dedicated player, the math doesn't add up, and you'll deplete your stock of formas sooner than later.

    That said, I don't think it'll be fixed anytime soon ,as putting formas on weapons probably accounts for huge portion of the time vets play the game... I mean, the big time sinks in warframe nowadays are leveling stuff for mastery, then releving already mastered stuff for formas, then farming kuva for riven rerolls...

    But honestly, I think it all comes down to monetisation. The operating costs in plat of playing warframe has expended tremendously in the next year or so.

    I mean, rivens are expensive to buy (especially well rolled rivens for popular weapons), then you have to factor in the costs associated with buying the riven slots, the inventory slots to hold said weapons, the catalysts which are pretty much mandatory, the 5-ish formas often required to fit in a riven and all key mods... Then alot of people buy affinity and drop quantity boosters to make putting formas / farming kuva faster... All in all , DE is making big money off the current iteration of the system. It's a system that makes them money and keeps bored vets with nothing to do occupied, as they log in daily for their sorties in hopes of getting the riven they want, they get endo, then they buy it off trade chat and spend hours and countless formas to use said riven

  24. Items just need a proper plat to time remaining ratio for rushing that gets updated hourly. Like let's say you have a 72 hours item that costs 60p to rush when you start building it, the price gets adjusted based on a simple "base rush price / number of minutes remaining" calculation...

    In a sense, every 72 minutes, the plat price for rushing said item would drop by one.,, With the same equation applied to every other item asides from maybe items taking mere minutes.

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