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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. On 2023-11-24 at 6:02 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    figured as much. DE would probably argue something along the lines of "it'd be unfair to those who purchased them" to make them universal.

    guess this also means I can continue to flaunt my Obsidian Drip in front of cross-platform squads, harharhar! (not gonna lie though, Xbox Jade Rhino is nice too)

    They would most likely argue with legal contracts 

    Obsidian Skins are PlayStation exclusive, Sony wouldn’t let DE make it available on other platforms unless they make it so. In the end, Sony has the last say for that. Same goes with the other exclusives. Legal contracts, you can hate em, but they make sense. (At least most)

  2. 17 hours ago, trst said:

    Or let's just not? The requirement of sacking an entire weapon slot just to make an ability usable is bad and shouldn't be used more.

    That said there is a compromise DE could use that'd even make the current frames more interesting: give them a passive like Garuda's. Basically when they have no melee weapon equipped they get their own innate melee weapon then make only mods on that apply to their ability.

    Khora gets the Whip players wanted, Atlas gets to punch more things, etc.

    Be careful what you wish for, they might get terrible bugs and restrictions…

    An example is they don’t count as true melee, even if they’re taking up the melee slot and not benefitting from strength mods. Another example is when they just decide to not equip when loading into a mission. The amount of times I load into Deimos with Garuda and find her claws just missing is… sad.

  3. On 2023-12-26 at 11:07 AM, Numerounius said:

    Ugh, happened to me again.

    Now I have to go through the tedious process of glyphs adjustments since one of my favorite glyphs to use, THEGAMIO, changed their in-game glyph to a self-portrait of themselves.

    Luckily, the forums uses the original version of a glyph (unless I assume it is inappropriate in which case it would probably be wiped from DE databases where it wouldn't be able to pull it) and it tags the glyph for the forums based on when you log in. So by combining these two quirks you can rock two glyphs at once, one of which can be a glyph that has been updated where you can use the original version on the forums and then you can change your in-game glyph to a different one.

    But this requires that the forums remember function works. Since if you get logged out automatically indicated by being flashbanged with light mode and you log in again, it resets your forum glyph thus resetting this quirk. Please fix the remember function on the forums please.

    Speaking of which, how do you change your glyph on forums?

    It’s been a month of this glyph refusing the update. I prefer the newer version of this glyph, which is why I changed it back. Hasn’t updated :’)

  4. “tHeY dID WArN yOu” 

    But of course you probably thought you were prepared with all your powerful gear in check. Then you realize you can’t use said gear. Definitely your fault for not knowing you will use entirely different gear, with an entirely different move set and strategy, completely out of your element. /s 

    • Like 8
  5. 18 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    LR should be locked behind nipple size. Hi, I'm a big nipple OG LR5 Veteran. There is an influx of small nipple players being boosted. 


    Man, if that was the case I would never get past MR1

    Oh you meant figuratively? Nvm

    I’ll just… pray no one gets what I was putting down…


    • Like 3
  6. 4 hours ago, SDGDen said:

    the odds arent actually that bad unless you specifically want tauforged, which even then isn't that bad.


    i did a fair bit of digging into it, simulating a thousand weeks worth of drops (split over 20 "users", so 50 weeks per user or 1 year ish), ran said simulation 20 times (for 4K users in total) and the worst RNG i managed to get was 69 shards in a year, 20% of which was tauforged.

    best RNG i managed to get was 105 shards, again with around 20% of them being tauforged.


    so the average long-term is 1 to 2 shards per week (statistical average of 3.6 normal and 1 tauforged shard every 3 weeks)


    if you want to complain about netracell odds, melee duplicate is right there to complain about. the fastest my simulations could get a full set of 21 was 84 weeks, averaging 1 every 4 weeks. 


    Oh, was only looking at the drop tables for the post. Tauforged Shards we’re the only thing I saw. Guess I’ll reevaluate my opinion if you can get normal shards regularly. 
    Barely do the new game mode because the new shard types don’t benefit Garuda at all. 

  7. Hate how most of the logic for the quest is “Eternalism,” and “Time Travel” which boils down to the void. That simply doesn’t explain anything though. It’s one of those “multiverse” concepts that’s been popular lately that’s only used for lazy writing. 

    • Like 5
  8. 42 minutes ago, Agall said:

    Depending on the build and content, the skill differentiation can be massive. Force me to use my Steam Deck (with its integrated controls) versus my desktop with mouse+keyboard.

    Won't see me slash dash+slam+roll+bullet jump+slide+stance combo across the map faster than a Wukong or Titania with joysticks, no matter how good I get with them.


    Most 'meta' builds though, yes, you just need to know a simple rotation with a proper build and you can trivialize most content. That's boring though.

    That makes sense, true. I’m actually the complete opposite. Can’t do poop on keyboard and mouse, but controller is a whole different story. 
    Agree with the meta viewpoint. Sometimes the “best” option isn’t the most optimal. 

  9. On 2023-12-28 at 7:07 AM, TennoPain said:

    Also they lack in skill so much its impossible that MRs 12+ are better than LR 3 players (be honest)

    I guess I’m proof that this is wrong 

    For context, I was MR12 for the longest time (no reason to rank up) and my friend (or aquantince) reached L1 by buying everything. He hates grinding for frames, and has no clue how to mod. He never does steel path because it’s too hard, but somehow thinks he knows more. 

    What is “better” in Warframe anyway? Only skill I can see in Warframe is knowledge. That’s why I love the game, knowledge is skill. 
    Only difference in Mastery Rank (MR16 and above) is how much gear you get and level up. You would think after 6 (or is it 7 now?) years I would be at least MR20+, but I got no reason to level up gear I would never use. 

    • Like 4
  10. 46 minutes ago, L3512 said:


    How is this not obvious? A player recommended running a heat Ignis W instead of viral munitions, I responded that unless they had an armour strip that that was not a great idea for SP.

    To which someone said "grendel has 2 armor strips"

    Problem is that the OP is not using Grendel.

    "My warframe is good, i have great survivability (and the mods for that aren't maxed ye either! :D yay Inarus!) "

    I point this out "OP is not running Grendel so they can't make use of the two armour strips."

    Only to get this

    "1st paragraph mentions Grendel."


    So the Issue here is that the OP is not using Grendel so no one cares about the armour strip it has. that's like randomly taking about how Trinity has multiple forms of heals when a player is using Ivara for invisibility.

    Think it’s also the fact that OP has Grendel, and can thus use Grendel for armor strip. If you say you need armor strip, and someone brings up how OP mentioned having a Warframe with armor strip, don’t you think that’s beneficial information?

    • Like 2
  11. 17 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

    Oh now that’s neat. Here is my current build. Arcane melee exposure is pretty disgusting. Pair that with this build and I’m getting some crazy numbers. Here is my current build: hE6vAG4.png


    then dex arcanes on primary and secondary. Almost have the tou red I need for crit damage tou violet shards :) not really sold on the 3 umbra on Atlas. Coarse was thinking maybe path of statues instead of the umbra fiber..but yeah idk. 

    While those are great builds, the heck is that fashion? SHOW ME THE FASHION. It looks beautiful, reminds me of doom. Is that the kuvael tennogen?

    • Like 1
  12. I would be surprised if Wukong isn’t 1st ngl. He’s still on his streak, and even with all the doom posting he got the past year, he’s still a better than great pick for everything. 
    Caliban’s usage will finally give DE the excuse to rework him, no way they’d let him go another year with… that kit… right…? 
    I can see a large spike of random weapons thanks to incarnon, and AOE weapons taking a drop, much like with last year. 

    • Like 1
  13. For all of those also having this, wait for DE team to return from their break. This is clearly a bug that will get fixed when they return

    Edit: On a related note, anyone else have cross save?

    I’m wondering if cross save has something to do with this.

  14. Yes, I know you didn't specify this, but its good either way
    If you're coming back this is a reminder you should unequip your Decaying Dragon Key if you have it
    A lot of returning players are confused when their shieldgate isn't working

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