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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. Garuda Prime, infused gloom for CC, nuking etc. + quick thinking because being on 2 health while destroying everything is satisfying

    Nataruk built exclusively for headshots with high fire rate is my go to primary. I love bows, need I say more?

    Laetum for secondary because I like the basic pistol skin firing rockets. 
    Also do a healing Panzer without viral (no space) that can somehow deal good damage in Steel Path… yea no that’s weird

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Speaking as someone who doesn't play Limbo, aside from niche stuff like abusing him in Index. I don't really know what he "needs" to be viable in the modern game environment. However, I feel like at the very least, things immune to being rifted (like Eximus) should at least be hit with a forced slowing effect. From what I've heard mentioned on the forum before, Vauban's Bastille does this, so it wouldn't even be a new concept.

    What he “needs” in order to be viable is actual laws for the rift. Along with, you know, his abilities doing something more than rifting (not counting the augment). 
    Currently the rift has a lot of “laws” that are never followed and too many exceptions that don’t help Limbo, but hurt him. 

    13 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

    No, people should learn how to use and understand him first. 

    Use and understand him, and when you understand him, you realize how his gimmick in the rift is utilized better by the enemies. 

  3. 16 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    Hah! Not like players were building for balance anyways when they jump into Sorties with a Steel Path build; the options may be comparable with each other on their own merit for what they’re designed for, how they’re used and combined and then where they’re taken is a different matter.

    Wouldn’t mind seeing what kind of nerfs other mods might receive though. It’ll probably break some builds but then players’ll whine, then just make new ones to live in

    True, balance is already screwed, what’s a little more. 
    Completely fine with the nerfs too, so long as they actually nerf the things that need to be nerfed… and not that poor already underrated item. (Cough cough ammo nerf affecting battery weapons and bows)

  4. 12 minutes ago, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

    You guys put your crew on turrets?

    I just have a guy on engineering while the rest defend.  Although glassing RJ becomes so trivial I believe they all just drink coffee and talk politics while I'm doing the heavy lifting. 

    Might have to renegotiate some contracts....

    As a fellow railjacker who enjoys railjacking it, I suggest making at least one of them a gunner

    With their aimbot they guarantee no one will ever crash into the railjack, thus no need for defenders. The best defense is a great offense. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    The dilemma with the rift is that DE has to either let enemies fully bypass it, or the mechanic itself is broken. He's a tough Warframe to balance because the entire point of the rift is what makes it broken if it just shut off everything when you had it casted.

    Precisely, balancing the rift shouldn’t be too hard because it only comes from one frame

    The rift is entirely created by Limbo, no other frame can interact with it without Limbo. If they can simply rework the rift and add clear mechanics that don’t automatically bypass any “rift logic” then it could work. 
    Honestly would be fine if the rift had some restrictions, so long as it doesn’t have many “exceptions.” 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

    Which patch note are you referring to? I don't believe the Eximus changes impacted Limbo more than any other CC frame. The solution to dealing with them is still the same as it always has been: kill them before they can even become a threat. Limbo has access to immense damage options via his 3rd ability augment, which allows for ridiculously high damage, even reaching damage cap.

    Don’t know the exact wording, but the gist was “Fixed Arson Eximus blast not hitting Limbo while he’s in the rift”

    And another “Fixed Narmer ball not affecting Linbo while he’s in the rift”

    Hurts seeing them specifically target him man, hurts 

    Yes, that’s the thing killing them before they kill you. Only problem is the blast radius of the Arson Eximus makes it so you have no clue an Eximus is even there, until you’re hit. (It can go through walls) Toxin Eximus are fine though, they run up to you, so you at least know they’re there. 

  7. 56 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

    Nah, just needs to have his kit explained better. Most misconceptions about Limbo like him being worse against eximus when compared to other frames just comes from a general lack of knowledge about the frame.

    You sure about lack of knowledge? The Eximus changes seemed to be made completely targeting Limbo, my belief is solicited with that infamous patch note change confirming it (in my mind). 
    I guess I’m still sour about overguard neglecting his entire kit, but I feel he should have something the Eximus can’t take.

    • Like 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, PR1D3 said:

    Second, another person who didn't watch the stream or read the summary. New mode gives shards. We don't know the rates yet but it sufficiently nulifies your 'complaint'.

    Yet again did they ever specify Tauforged? Because they said Kahl gives shards too, but it’s never tauforged

    They also stated they’re reducing the cost for bile, and making more types of bile to balance it out. 
    It won’t be 50% of bile per shard, hooray!


    • Like 1
  9. Honestly, he needs a rework 

    I too use Limbo, second most used frame, but the fact that 3 out of 4 abilities are for bringing things into the rift sucks. Not to mention the rift is so restrictive, it feels like it’s a liability rather than his “thing.” 
    One of the changes he needs is his passive. No I’m not talking about into the rift, I’m talking about the portal he sharts after. There’s no reason to have that portal appear, it’s just further awareness when going into the rift. 
    Edit: Forgot to mention the cataclysm shrinking, causing some weird obstructions. If anything it should grow, fits becoming unstable and popping when too big. 

    • Like 4
  10. 26 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    Still concerning they thought of it to begin with. They really shouldn't have needed feedback to see the obvious. Plus, most solid feedback was actually disregarded. Removing the MR lock is a step, but most players were pointing out the massive issue with Starmap and gear acquisition in the early game. It's only been forever that players point out the steep hill to climb and lack of proper tutorials.

    That's true, they were thinking of solutions... and this happened

    On the plus side they didn't roll with it

  11. 7 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Instead of being upset see it this way: They're testing it for you that way if someone loses their account progress during cross save it'll be a small sample size and they'll be able to fix it by the time you get access to it.

    You'll get it eventually just wait a bit longer

    That’s… a dark way to put it

    Times like this when I’m glad I’m not a founder

    2 minutes ago, Doomyo89 said:

    HOW long? thats why im confused they dont have timeframe here? weeks? months? they wouldnt get founders if theres a change they would lose theirs accounts so pretty much i have to wait because i wasent chipping in begining 


    Primed Soon, obviously

    Let them cook so they can deliver

    • Like 3
  12. 33 minutes ago, MagicalGirlMimi said:

    huh, the more you know; I guess it makes sense, I never played around with Umbra after he was able to get buffs and most of the time I stay in transference long enough that it'd wear off anyway; I don't have a problem with the AI personally for Umbra, but yeah, they'd probably have to make a lot of backend changes before introducing it; I never knew this though, ty for pointing it out!

    You’re very welcome, this is the only reason people don’t like Umbra (well the main reason anyway). I personally use him over the base because of his beautiful scarf. 

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